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A-BRepeat Torepeatspecifiedsectionofthecurrenttrack, Whenthemusic isbeingplayed,shortly presstheMENUbuttontodisplay submenus. Select “Replay” and then press the MENU button to enter A-B repeat mode. At the sametime,thestartpointofthesectionisselected. Atyour desiredendpoint,presstheNext buttontoconfirmendpointoftherepeat.The sectionbetween thestartpointand theendpointbeginstobeplayedrepeatedly. TostopA-Brepeat, pressthe MENUbutton. SetPlayMode Youcanswitchbetweenthefollowingpla
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SetEQmode Youcanplaythetracksindifferentsoundeffect.Thedeviceprovides7presetEQmodes:Natural, Rock,Pop,Classic,Soft,Jazz,andBass. TosettheEQmode: Whenthemusicisbeingplayed,shortlypresstheMENUbuttontodisplaysubmenu. Select"Equalizer"andthenpresstheMENUkeytoshowtheprovidedoptions. PressthePreviousbuttonorNextbuttontoselectthedesiredmode,andpresstheMENU keytoconfirmorpressthe keytocancelandreturn. SetSRSandWOW soundeffect ThedeviceprovidesthevividsoundeffectSRSandWOWtoenhanceyourmusice
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6.VOICERECORDING Record Pressandholdthe MENUbuttontodisplay themain menu. Select“REC” menuandthenpressthe MENUbuttontoenter voicerecordingmode. Pressthe buttontostartrecording. Duringrecording,youcanpressthe buttontopauseor resumerecording. Pressandholdthe MENUbuttontostopandsavetherecording. CAUTION:DONOTREMOVETHEBATTERYDURINGRECORDING. THATWILLCAUSE CURRENTRECORDINGUNSAVEDANDLOST. Playrecordings (1) Onthemainmenu,selectthe“RPL” itemtoenter the voiceplayingmode. (2) Selectthefilet
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7.FMRADIO On the main menu, select“FM” and press theMENU key to turn on the FMradio. Itsearches for stationsautomatically onceyouturnontheFMradio. Auto-SearchBroadcastingStation (1) Shortlypressthe MENUkey toshowthesubmenus. (2) Select“Auto Search” and then press the MENU key to continue. The radio automatically searches for stations with the frequency band. The received stations will be saved as presetstationsautomatically. Note: Pleaseplugintheearphoneto theplayer beforescanningradiostation.
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Deletebroadcastingstation (1) Tune tothepresetstationthatyouwanttodelete. (2) Pressthe MENUkey shortly toshowthesubmenus. (3) Select“Delete” (or select“Delete All” to delete all presetstations) and press the MENU key tocontinue. (4) Press the “ ”or“ ” button to select “YES” and then press the MENU button to confirm. Setthefrequencyband This device provides two frequency bands for your choice: 87.5~108mHz (default) and 79~90mHz.Youcanselecttheband whichisapplicablefor your localregion. Shortl
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8.BROWSEALLFILES To browse all folders and tracks, on the main menu, select “BRO” and then press the MENU buttontoenter theexplorer mode.For detailinformationabouthowtousethefilebrowser,seethe “Folder navigation” section. 9.SYSTEMSETTINGS Tocustomize theplayer settings: (1) Onthemainmenu,selectthe“SYS” itemandpressthe MENUkeytoenterthesystemsetting mode. (2)PressthePrevious button or Next button to select setting itemand press the MENUkey to confirmor pressthe key tocancel/return. 13
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Item Description Backlight Setthedurationofthebacklightafter youpressany key. Language Selectthelanguagein whichtheon-screentextisdisplayed. PowerSet Off time –Set the length of time after which the player is turnedoffautomatically whenthereisnoactivity Sleep time - Set the continuous playback time before the player isturnedoffautomatically. Contrast Set contrast between background and foreground of the screen. KeyHoldTime Set an idle time after which the buttons are locked automatically. About
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10.DOWNLOADAUDIOFILES ConnecttothePCanddownloadaudiofiles Thisplayer isplug&play forWIN2000/XP/ME/VistaOS.Youdon’tneedtoinstallthedriver. Butfor Windows98/SE, you arerequired to installa driver beforeconnection. To connectit withPCfortransferringfiles: (1) Plug theattachedUSBcableto thePC,andconnecttheother endtotheplayer. (2) When the “ ” icon appear at the right bottom of the PC screen, it means the connectionissuccessful. (3) When you open “My Computer”, you willsee a removable disk w
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11.INSTALLTHEBATTERY (1) On thebackofthedevice,pressandslide thebattery cover. (2) Remove the battery cover and insert one AAA-size battery into the battery compartment. (3) Replacethebatterycover. 12.TROUBLESHOOTING Problem PossibleCause Solution The LCD displays nothing Nobatteryorbatteryistoolow. Installorreplacethebattery. when the device is poweredon. No soundwhenplaying 1. Thevolumeistoolow. 1. Adjustthevolume. musicorvoicefile. 2. There are problems with the 2. Delete the file or play oth
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The displayed time is The bit rate of the MP3 file is Try to use fixed bit rate to changingconstantly. changingduringplayback. compresstheMP3file. The PC has error when Theplayerisdisconnectedfromthe Do not disconnect the player youplugandunplugthe PCabruptlywhiletransferring files. fromthe PC when transferring player. files. Totalmemorydisplayedon Part of memory is used to store the player is not in programsanddisplaycharacters. accordance with the markedamount. Some of MP3 files cannot The MP3
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13.SPECIFICATIONS Item Parameter Music format MP3, WMA Bitrate 8kbps~320kbps Frequency range 20HZ~20kHz Signal/noiseratio >=86dB Channelseparation >=40dB Frequency response <=3dB(20HZ~20kHz) Outputpower toearphones L4mW,R4mW EQmodes Natural, Rock, Pop, Classic, Soft,Jazz, Bass Display 132X32pixel(blackand whitecolor) Typeofports 2.0-compatible with USB1.1 Memory media FLASH Memory capacity 128MB~4GB Outputcurrent <=80mA Power offcurrent <=500uA Remark: Specificationsandappearancearesubjecttochan
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14.LISTENINGCAUTIONS Do not play your earphones or headphones at a high volume. Hearing experts advise againstcontinuousextendedplay. Ifyouexperiencearinginginyour ears,reducevolumeor discontinueuse. Donotusewhileoperatingamotorized vehicle.Itmay createatraffichazardandisillegalin many areas. You should use extreme caution or temporarily discontinue use in potentially hazardous situations. Even if your headphones or earphones are the open-air type designed to let you hear outsidesounds
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TABLEOFCONTENT 1. FEATURESUMMARY..........................................................................................................................................................................3 2. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................................................................4 3. GETTING TOKNOW THEPLAYER..........................................................................
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TABLEDESMATIÉRES! 1.SOMMAIREDES CARACTÉRISTIQUES...........................................................................................................................................23 2. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………24 3. SE FAMILIARISERAVECLE LECTEUR. .………………………………………………………………………………………………….24 Apparenceet contrôles …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..24 Affichagedel’écranACL………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….25 4. FONCTIONS DEBASE…………
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THANKYOU Thankyoufor purchasingour digitalMP3player.Thisuniquely designeddevicecombinesan MP3player,voicerecorder andremovableflash memory driveallinoneunit.Youcantransfer filesbetween thisplayer andyourcomputer,andenjoy your MP3music collectionanytime andanywhere. 1.FEATURESUMMARY High-speed USB2.0interface Multipleaudioformatsupport:MP1,MP2,MP3,WMA,WAV Folder navigationfunction Driverlessremovabledrivefunctionality VoiceRecording 7presetequalizer settings:Normal,Rock,Pop,Classic,So
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2.INTRODUCTION Thankyoufor purchasingour MP3player.Beforeusingtheunit,pleasereadthismanualcarefully, toobtainthebestpossibleperformancefromyour player.Keepthismanualfor futurereference. 3.GETTINGTOKNOWTHEPLAYER AppearanceandControls A. Volumedown B. Volumeup C. Previous D. Next E. LCDdisplay F. Play/Pausebutton G. Earphonejack H. MENUbutton I. USBconnector 4
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LCDIndication 4.BASICFUNCTIONS Usingthemenu Pressandholdthe MENUkey toenter the main menu. Press thePreviousbuttonor Next button to select menu item and press the MENU key toconfirmtheselecteditem. Pressthe keytoreturn.Or,donotpressany key anditwillreturnautomatically in afewseconds. Entervariousworkmode From the main menu, you can enter different work modes including MUSIC, VOICE, VOICE PLAYER,FMRADIO,FILEBROWSE,SYSTEMSETTINGS. -Music -Record - VoicePlayer - FMRadio - FileBrowse - S
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BasicOperations Function Operation Power On/Off Pressandholdthe key untilyouseepromptonthedisplay. Play/Pause Pressthe key toplay or pause. AdjustVolume PresstheVolumeuporVolumedownbuttontoincreaseor decrease volume. Previous/Next PressthePrevious buttonorNext button to play the previous or next track. FastForward PressandholdtheNext key tofastforwards. Rewind PressandholdPreviousbutton tofastbackwards. Lock/unlock (1)Onthemainmenu,select“SYS”andthenpresstheMENUbuttonto buttons confirm. (2)Pre
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5.MUSICMODE Playing music Onthemainmenu,select“MSC” menuandpresstheMENUbuttontoenter themusic mode. Briefly pressthePlaykey tostartplaying. PressthePreviousbuttonorNext buttontoselectthepreviousor nexttrack. PresstheVolumeuporVolumedownbutton toadjustthe volume. Foldernavigation Whenthemusic isbeingplayed,shortly pressthe key topausemusic. Shortly pressthe Menukey todisplay submenu. Select“Folder” andthenpress the MENUbuttontoconfirm. In the folder mode, press the Previous