Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2
CONTENTS Transmitter Tuning TS-820 SPECIFICATIONS ........... SSB Operation ........... SECTION 1 FEATURES CW Operation .... SECTION 2 INSTALLATION Operation with a Linear Amplifier 2.1 Unpacking Fixed Frequency Operation 2.2 Operation Location Internal Cross Channel Operation 2.3 Power Connections Mobile Operation 2.4 Antenna DX Operation (Use of Processor) 2.5 Microphone RTTY Operation 2.6 Key SSTV (Slow Scan TV) Operation 2.7 External Speaker and Headphone 4.21 Operation w
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3
TS-820 SPECIFICATION t.... ............. ..................... . ............. ................................................. < ............................................. ......%..............S FREQUENCY RANGE .................. .. ....... 160 meter band - 1.80 to 2.00 MHz 80 meter band - 3.50 to 4.00 MHz 40 meter band - 7.00 to 7.30 MHz 20 meter band - 14.00 to 14.35 MHz 15 meter band - 21 .OO to 21.45 MHz 10 meter band - 28.00 to 28.50 MHz (A) ". .. 10 meter band - 28.50 to 29.
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 4
~""'.""""""~.~,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,>.#,,,,,.#,,,,. .,,,,, ..* 888, ,.# ,888 ,.#,,,,,.,,,,,.., ,,,, ,., ,,,, ,.# ,,,, ,., ,,,, 5 ..,,,,,. < ,,,, , .,,,,, 5 .................................................. ,,,, , .,,,,,,. # ,,,, ,.,,,,,,.#,,,,.., ,,,, t.,,"$a.#,,,,8.,,,,,,.,,, ,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,., s,,,,.,",,,., ,,,, , ..,,,, , .,,,,, ,.,,,,,,, SECTION 1. FEATURES z .,1111.111111.111,1,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,.# ,888 ..,,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,w.,,,,,,., ,,,, ,.#,,,,,.,,,,,,., ,,,, , .,,,,, ,., ,,,, ,., ,,,
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 5
SECTION 2. INSTALLATION 2.1 UNPACKING ve. and between 15 and 200 ohms wfll take ~ower from the transceiver with little difficulty. If openwire or balanced type Remove the TS-820 from its shipping box and packing transmission line is used with the antenna. a suitable an- material and examine it for visible damage. If the equipment tenna tuner is recommended between the transceiver and has been damaged in shipment. save the boxes and packing the feed llne Methods of construction and operat
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 6
For antenna adjustments. the transceiver may be loaded The standard microphone sensitivity is within the range of lightly, using the TUN position instead of operating at full 50 dB to -60 dB. If a microphone having a higher sensi- power output. This will limit tube dissipation during adjust- tivity is used. the ALC circuit will not function properly. In ments. and will also help to reduce interference on the fre- this case, insert an attenuator as shown in the illustration at : quency. In
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 7
VFO-820 ANT @ ~~~SEo LOOP MICROPHONE HEADPHONE EXTERNAL - - SPEAKER Fig. 1 (a) Connection IMPORTANT-When wlrlng a new power plug. conllrm lhat the pn numberng an ,he new plug s 8dentcal to rhe pn numberng on \he POWER conneotor. The !ransoelver oan be damaged by moorreot p~n wiring. 1201220 VAC 3 Dz 01 05 04 1201220 VAC 0 01 I AC OPERATION seen frorn the cord. - Fig. l(bl Power Plug Wiring 1 Fig. 2. Microphone Connection Wiring 7
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(a) Unsunlable for PTT aperailan. I I Mcroplions switch (b) Unsuitable for PTT operation Swllch (c) Suitable lor PTT operation. k- Fig. 3 A Suitable PTT Microphone Fig. 4 Back Panel Jurnpered EXT VFO Connection
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Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 10
3.1 FRONT PANEL CONTROLS @ VFO INDICATOR The VFO indicator is a light emitting diode which illuminates @ METER whenever the TS-820's internal VFO is controlling the trans- The meter monitors six different functions. depending on ceiver's operation. The indicator is not lighted during fixed the position of the METER switch. In receive the meter is channel. or remote VFO. operation. automatically an S-meter. The S-meter shows received si- gnal strength on a scale of 0 to 40 db over S9. In
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 11
VOX SWITCH TUN: Used for adjustment of transmit conditions. The input power to the final stage is low as compared This two-position lever switch seiects one of the following with that for CW so that the final stage tube,s can functions. be protected against damage due lo overloading during adjustment. Since the KEY circuit is ino- MAN: With the switch in this position. the transceiver is perative in the TUN mode. the transceaver cannot switched into transmit or receive by the stand-by
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 12
[he RIT circuit is ON. By turning the RIT knob, the receive f~xed channel crystals are installed in the transcei- frequency of VFO can be changed by -1-3 kHz and the fre- ver). quency of fixed channel by -1- 150 Hz without changing the transmit frequency. @! H. SW (HEATER) SWITCH This switch turns the heater circuits of the three transmitting @ BAND SWITCH tubes on and off. The heaters would normally be turned to This 1 1-position switch selects all the necessary circuits to OFF to reduce
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 13
the transceiver. Fixed frequency operation is convenient for LOAD KNOB operation on often used frequencies. The fixed channel os- The LOAD control adjusts the loading of the pi-circuit bet- cillator replaces the VFO when the FUNCTION switch is pla- ween the final section and the antenna. The control is adjust ced in the FIX position. as described in Section 4 for impedance matching. @ DRIVE KNOB DH (DISPLAY HOLD) SWITCH The DRIVE tuning control tunes the plate tank circuit of the (WHE
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 14
3.2 REAR PAN EL CONTROLS Wnen the position of the AC Voltage Selector Sw~tch is changed. it is also necessary to change the power fuse. For a RFVOLl 120 volt operation a 6 ampere fuse. for 220 volt operation a 4 ampere fuse prov~ded with the TS-820 should be used. Use the RF VOLT control to adjust the sensitivity of the RF output function of the meter Adjust it for a 2/3 scale rea- @ AC VOLTAGE SELECT SWITCH ding during CW transmission. This sldde switch switches the primary of the powe
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 15
EXTERNAL VFO CONNECTOR PIN FUNCTION PIN FUNCTION This 9-pin connector provides a means of interconnecting N~rrnally open 1 Ground the KENWOOD VFO-820. another external VFO, or an ex- ternal receiver. The interconnecting cable is provided with No connec~ion ALC feedback 2 G the VFO-820. The 9-pin jurnpered VPO plug provided with Normally closed Occupred 8s lermlrlal 7 the TS-820 must be inserted in this socket for normal trans- relay contact ceiver operation. External speaker 4
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 16
SECTION 4. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS . . 4.1 PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE Push the POWER switch on The meter. d~al scale. and VFO ind~cator w~ll light. ~ndicating that the transceiver is opera^ Set the MIC and CAR controls to zero and the MODE switch tlng The receiver section is fully solid-state allowing recep- to LSB. USE. or CW to prevent acc~dental transmlt con- tlon with the H SW switch turned to OFF. Advance the AF d~tions before tunlng The TS-820 must be operated Into a GAlN control clockw
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 17
scale and the digital dial (option), the correct frequency is on direction (for LSB). Stop turning the knob at the zero beai the digital dial. In this case. the analog dial should be cali~ point and rotate the dial calibrate knob alone while holdlng brated with the calibrate knob. the main tuning knob until the dial pclnter indicates 0. 25. 50 or 75 on the dial. NOTE: When the digital display is used, the dig~ts for The dial cal~brate knob is forced against the main tunlng 10 MHz order cha
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 18
4.6 RF ATT 4.10 AGC (AUTOMATIC GAIN CONTROL) If the transceiver is operated in a short-distance (within Scl tlre AGC swirch to the position appropriate for the several ihundred meters) and strong signals of nearby fre- rece~ved s~gnal. Generally for SSB reception set,the AGC quencies are received. the wanted signals are blocked. Also. swtch to SLOW, for CW reception set the AGC switch to if the wanted signals are very strong. the S meter is scaled FAST, and for reception of a very weak sig
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 19
Table 2. Initial Switch Settings for Transmission (The controls not described should be set as described in Table 1) FRONT PANEL CONTROLS ~~a~d~~y~~~~~h~ BAND Switch Desired band H. SW Switch MODE Switch USB or LSB depending on selected band VOX Switch MONl Switch MIC Control Fully counter-clockwise CAR Control Centered METER Switch PLATE Control Mlddle of the range for the band DRIVE Control Centered FUNCTION Swltch VFO RIT Switch REAR PANEL CONTROLS SG Switch UP (ON) EXT VFO Con
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 20
VOX OPERATION PLATE AND LOAD TUNING Adlilsl tho transceiver as described in the previous para- CAUTION: When the MODE switch is in the CW positlon graph. Flip the VOX switch onand close-talk into the micro- tile final tubes draw full plate current in transm#t. Final tube phone, increasing the VOX GAlN control until the VOX relay life is directly related to the length of tune-up periods. Do just operates. For VOX operation it is desirable to close-talk not transmit with the tubes out of