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Communications Infrastructure ComputerOperation
©Copyright2000 Hewlett-Packard Company
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AboutThisManual TheHP9000familyofproductsembracestheDClassEnterpriseServer line whichincludes Series 800t,a NEBS-compatible version.This documentexplains how to install the seismicrackandDC power supply which provide NEBS compatibility forthe system. 4
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Contents 1. AddendumtoDClassEnterpriseServersSystemInstallation Guide Contents....................................................8 PurposeofthisAddendum .....................................9 ToolsNeeded...............................................9 SeismicRackKit............................................10 SiteHazardConsiderations..................................12 Installation.................................................13 DCPowerSupply............................................21 C
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Contents 6
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1 AddendumtoDClass EnterpriseServersSystem InstallationGuide 7
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Addendum to D Class Enterprise Servers System Installation Guide Contents Contents • Purpose of this Addendum •SeismicRackKit • Installation • DCPower Supply 8 Chapter 1
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Addendum to D Class Enterprise Servers System Installation Guide Purpose of this Addendum PurposeofthisAddendum Thisaddendumprovidesinformationandproceduresforinstallationofa Hewlett-Packard 9000Series 800tD ClassServer in a CentralOffice.It providesinformationaboutdifferencesbetweenthis computer and the Hewlett-PackardDClass EnterpriseServer, andcontains thefollowing procedures not found inthe DClassEnterpriseServersSystem InstallationGuide: • Earthquake mounting of an HP9000Series 800t DClassS
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Addendum to D Class Enterprise Servers System Installation Guide Seismic Rack Kit SeismicRackKit TheHP9000Series800tDClassServercanbefittedwithaseismicrack mount kit for installation in a 19-inch open relay rack.This earthquake rack fulfills Bellcore requirements for Telecommunication equipment installed in aNEBS-compatible central office. Table 1-1 showstheparts included forthis installation,and identificationnumbers foreach component as it appearsonFigure1-1 throughFigure 1-6. Table1-1 Earthqu
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Addendum to D Class Enterprise Servers System Installation Guide Seismic Rack Kit Table1-1 EarthquakeRack-MountComponents Description Quantity Item Part Number Number Split Lock Washer, #12 10 17 2190-0631 Flat Washer, #12 10 18 3050-0103 Screw 10-32 x, 38” Torx Pan 28 19 2680-0281 Flat Washer, #10 8 20 3050-0226 Nut w/lock, 10-32 8 21 2740-0003 Screw, 6-32 thread-forming 3 22 0624-0727 Screw, 6-32 X .38” Pozi flat 4 23 2360-0196 Screw, 12-24 X .38” Pozi flat 6 24 2940-0297 Screw, 6-32 X. 38’ To
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Addendum to D Class Enterprise Servers System Installation Guide Seismic Rack Kit SiteHazardConsiderations HewlettPackard recommends the following environmental and mechanicalfactors forreview and compliancepriortoinstallation of equipment. 85°FT - Manufacturer’s maximumrecommended ambienttemp. mra 1. ElevatedOperatingAmbientTemp.- If installed ina multi-unit rack assembly,consider air conditioning or ventilation toavoid exceeding 85°F. 2. ReducedAirFlow - Installation of equipment in a rack sho
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Addendum to D Class Enterprise Servers System Installation Guide Installation Installation Installthe seismic rackkitand the HP 9000Series 800tD ClassServer into anopenrelay rackusing the following steps.References toitem numbersin these steps pertain to the item numbers listed in Table 1-1 on page 10. 1. Unpack the rack-mount kit and check the hardware,usingtheparts listin Table1-1and theillustrations inthisproceduretoensurethat all the requiredparts are present. 2. Remove the standard front be
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Addendum to D Class Enterprise Servers System Installation Guide Installation Figure1-1 SeismicRackInstallation DClassServer 5. Attachtherightandleftmainbracketpanels(items2,3inFigure1-2 on page 15) to the vertical mounting rails of the relay rack,using hardwareitem24,Table 1-1onpage 10.Thebracketpanelisoriented top to bottom as showninFigure 1-2.Aligntheuppercounter-sunk holeonthepanelwiththeholeintheverticalchannelthatwasnoted in the previous step. 6. Attachtherearbrackets(Figure1-2,item9,2pla
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Addendum to D Class Enterprise Servers System Installation Guide Installation 7. Assemble base pan (Figure1-2,item 7) to lower row ofholes on main brackets,but donottighten the hardwareyet.With pan positioned between themain bracket panelsfrom the rear, raise itto align the holesasneeded.Useitem19hardwareinfourplacesoneachbracket. Usetheitem16,17,18hardwaretofasteneachsideofthepantothe verticalchannel(2pls). Figure1-2 SeismicRackInstallation Chapter 1 15
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Addendum to D Class Enterprise Servers System Installation Guide Installation 8. Usingitem16screws(only)attachthebezelmountbrackets(items5, 6inFigure 1-3) totheverticalrails as shown. Attachthe two clip-on receptacles (item30)atthebottomofthebrackets as shown. 9. For full GR-63-CORENEBS compliance, attach only the two bezel clips atthe top of the brackets usingitem29 screws.(Optionally attach two clips at the bottom as well.) 10.Attach the bezel support (item 8) to lower areaof vertical rails us
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Addendum to D Class Enterprise Servers System Installation Guide Installation 12.Attach cable retractor (item 26, Figure 1-3) to right main bracketas shown. 13.Attach theslideassembliestothemain brackets using the toprow of holes(abovethebasepan).Donottightenthehardware(items20,21) yet. NOTE Thesetwoassembliesaremirrorimage;ensurethattheyareorientedas shown. 14.Position the base pan,installed in step 6,to support the slides by exerting forcefulupwardpressure onthe basepan; thensecure all fastene
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Addendum to D Class Enterprise Servers System Installation Guide Installation Figure1-4 SeismicRackInstallation WARNING TheHP9000DClassEnterpriseServerweighsabout49.5kg (110lbs).UseTwopeopletolifttheDClassservercabinet. 16.Withtrayextended hoist computer into position, aligning base with locatorpins in tray. Slide tray and computer into rackand secure at threeplaceswiththread-formingscrews(hardwareitem22)atrearof tray. 17.Withthe computerpositioned into the rack,fastenknurled screws in latchpane
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Addendum to D Class Enterprise Servers System Installation Guide Installation 18.Attach the latch panel(item 4)to frontof mounting tray using five screws. 19.With the computer securely engaged within the rack assembly,check alignmentof top cover (refer to Step 10) and tighten all fasteners. Figure1-5 SeismicRackInstallation DClass Server 20.Install the emblem insert and door removed from the standardbezel (refer to Step 3) ontothewide bezel(Figure 1-6,item 14). 21.Remove handlesfromthe wide beze
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Addendum to D Class Enterprise Servers System Installation Guide Installation 23.Securethebezeltothebezelmountswiththecoverplates(item10,2 places) shown in Figure 1-6. Figure1-6 SeismicRackInstallation 24.Route all cables to allow unrestricted movementof the assembly when sliding in andout. Attach wires to cable retractor (Figure 1-3, item 26) using cable ties (Figure 1-3, item 27). 20 Chapter 1