Manual do usuário Schumacher XC12

Manual para o dispositivo Schumacher XC12

Dispositivo: Schumacher XC12
Categoria: Carregador
Fabricante: Schumacher
Tamanho: 1.08 MB
Data de adição: 3/8/2014
Número de páginas: 26
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Schumacher XC12 Manual de instruções - Online PDF
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Resumos do conteúdo
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1

Models / Modelos: XC6, XC10, XC12 & XCS15
Automatic Battery Charger / Cargador de batería automático
XC6 XC10
XC12 XCS15
Call Customer Service for Assistance: 800-621-5485
Llame a Servicios al Cliente para Asistencia: 800-621-5485

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2

IMPORTANT: READ AND SAVE THIS SAFETY AND INSTRUCTION MANUAL. SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS – This manual will show you how to use your charger safely and effectively. Please read, understand and follow these instructions and precautions carefully, as this manual contains important safety and operating instructions. The safety messages used throughout this manual contain a signal word, a message and an icon. The signal word indicates the level of the hazard in a situation. Indicates an imminently h

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3

1.10 To reduce the risk of a battery explosion, follow these instructions and those published by the battery manufacturer and the manufacturer of any equipment you intend to use in the vicinity of the battery. Review the cautionary markings on these products and on the engine. 1.11 This charger employs parts, such as switches and circuit breakers, that tend to produce arcs and sparks. If used in a garage, locate this charger 18 inches or more above floor level. 2. PERSONAL PRECAUTIONS RISK OF

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 4

4. CHARGER LOCATION RISK OF EXPLOSION AND CONTACT WITH BATTERY ACID. 4.1 Locate the charger as far away from the battery as the DC cables permit. 4.2 Never place the charger directly above the battery being charged; gases from the battery will corrode and damage the charger. 4.3 Do not set the battery on top of the charger. 4.4 Never allow battery acid to drip onto the charger when reading the electrolyte specific gravity or filling the battery. 4.5 Do not operate the charger in a closed-in

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 5

7.3 Connect the POSITIVE (RED) charger clip to the POSITIVE (POS, P, +) post of the battery. 7.4 Position yourself and the free end of the cable you previously attached to the NEGATIVE (NEG, N, -) battery post as far away from the battery as possible – then connect the NEGATIVE (BLACK) charger clip to the free end of the cable. 7.5 Do not face the battery when making the final connection. 7.6 Connect charger AC supply cord to electrical outlet. 7.7 When disconnecting the charger, always do so

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 6

Digital Display (models XC12 and XCS15) The display will show the battery VOLTAGE when the charger is not charging a battery. When it goes into charging mode, the display will automatically change to ON (to show charging has started) and then show the percent-of-charge of the battery being charged and either 6 or 12 (the voltage the charger determined the battery is). If you manually stop the charging process (by pressing the CHARGE RATE button) before the battery is fully charged the disp

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 7

Aborted Charge Models XC6 and XC10: If charging cannot be completed normally, charging will abort. When charging aborts, the charger’s output is shut off and the CHARGING LED will flash. In that state, the charger ignores all buttons. To reset after an aborted charge, unplug the charger from the AC outlet, wait a few moments and plug it back in. Aborted Charge Models XC12 and XCS15: If charging cannot be completed normally, charging will abort. When charging aborts, the charger’s output i

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 8

Power-Up Idle Time Limit: If no button is pressed within 10 minutes after the battery charger is first powered up, the charger will automatically switch from tester to charger if a battery is connected. In that case, the charger will be set to charge at the maintain mode and gel cell battery type. Testing After Charging: After the unit has been changed from tester to charger (by selecting a charge rate), it remains a charger. To change the battery charger back to a tester, press the CHARGE

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 9

Model XC12 CHARGE RATE/CHARGING TIME BATTERY SIZE/RATING 2 AMP 8 AMP 12 AMP Motorcycle, 6 – 12 Ah 2 - 3 ¾ hrs NR NR SMALL Garden BATTERIES 12 – 32 Ah 3 ¾ - 10 hrs NR NR Tractor, etc. 200-315 CCA 40 – 60 RC NR 2 ¾ - 4 ¾ hrs 2 - 2 ½ hrs CARS/ 315-550 CCA 60 – 85 RC NR 3 ½ - 4 ½ hrs 2 ½ - 3 hrs TRUCKS 550-1000 CCA 85 – 190 RC NR 4 ½ - 8¾ hrs 3 – 5 ¾ hrs 80 RC NR 4 ½ hrs 3 hrs 140 RC NR 6 ¾ hrs 4 ½ hrs MARINE/ DEEP-CYCLE 160 RC NR 7 ½ hrs 5 hrs 180 RC NR 8 ¼ hrs 5 ½ hrs Model XCS15 CHARGE RATE

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 10

15. TROUBLESHOOTING Failure Codes ERROR DESCRIPTION REASON/SOLUTION CODE The battery voltage is still Could be caused by trying to charge a 6 under 10V (for a 12V battery) volt battery on the 12 volt setting, or the F01 or 5V (for a 6V battery) after 2 battery could be bad, have it checked or hours of charging. replaced. The charger cannot desulfate The battery could not be desulfated, have it F02 the battery. checked or replaced. Could be caused by trying to charge a large battery or ban

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 11

PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION Indicator lights are lit in A button may have been Make sure nothing is an erratic manner, not pressed while the charger touching the control panel, explained in the Operating was being plugged in. then unplug the unit and Instructions. plug it in again. The measured current is The charger reached the No problem; this is a normal much lower than what was maximum voltage and is condition. selected. reducing the current. Charger will not turn on AC outlet is dea

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 12

of merchantability or implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. Further, Manufacturer shall not be liable for any incidental, special or consequential damage claims incurred by purchasers, users or others associated with this product, including, but not limited to, lost profits, revenues, anticipated sales, business opportunities, goodwill, business interruption and any other injury or damage. Any and all such warranties, other than the limited warranty included herein, are here

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 13

5 YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY PROGRAM REGISTRATION MODEL:___________________ DESCRIPTION:___________________________ This is the only express limited warranty, and the manufacturer neither assumes nor authorizes anyone to assume or make any other obligation. There is no other warranty, other than what is described in the product owner’s manual. The warranty card should be submitted within 30 days of purchase. The customer must keep the ORIGINAL receipt because it will be required for any war

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 14

• 13 •

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 15

IMPORTANTE: LEA Y GUARDE ESTE MANUAL DE INSTRUCCIONES Y SEGURIDAD. GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES: Este manual le mostrará cómo utilizar su cargador en forma segura y efectiva. Por favor, lea, comprenda y siga estas instrucciones y precauciones cuidadosamente, ya que este manual contiene instrucciones operativas y de seguridad de importancia. Los mensajes de seguridad representados en este manual contienen palabras guía, un mensaje y una figura. La palabra guía indica el nivel de peligro en dete

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 16

RIESGO DE GASES EXPLOSIVOS. 1.10 RESULTA PELIGROSO TRABAjAR EN FORMA CERCANA A UNA BATERÍA DE PLOMO. LAS BATERÍAS GENERAN GASES EXPLOSIVOS DURANTE SU NORMAL FUNCIONAMIENTO. POR ESTE MOTIVO, RESULTA DE SUMA IMPORTANCIA qUE SIGA LAS INSTRUCCIONES CADA VEZ qUE UTILIZA EL CARGADOR. 1.11 Para reducir el riesgo de explosión de una batería, siga estas instrucciones y aquellas publicadas por el fabricante de la batería y por el fabricante de cualquier equipo que intente utilizar en la proximidad d

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 17

bicarbonato de sodio y agua para neutralizar el ácido de la batería y ayudar a eliminar la corrosión producida por aire. No toque sus ojos, nariz o boca. 3.4 Agregue agua destilada a cada pila hasta que el ácido de la batería alcance el nivel especificado por el fabricante de la batería. No provoque derrames. En lo que concierne a baterías que no cuentan con tapas extraíbles para pilas, tales como baterías de plomo-ácido reguladas por válvulas (VRLA, por sus siglas en inglés), siga cuidados

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 18

6.6 En un vehículo con descarga a tierra por borne positivo, conecte el gancho NEGATIVO (NEGRO) del cargador de batería al borne NEGATIVO (NEG, N, -) sin descarga a tierra de la batería. Conecte el gancho POSITIVO (ROJO) al chasis del vehículo o al bloque motor alejado de la batería. No conecte al carburador, líneas de combustible o cuerpos metálicos. Conecte a una pieza metálica de calibre grueso del marco o del bloque motor. 6.7 Conecte el condón de alimentación del cargador de CA al tomac

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 19

8.3 Tamaño AWG mínimo recomendado para alargadore: Consumo nominal de Tamaño del cable en AWG, Longitud del cable, en C.A., Amperes* pies (metros) Al Pero 25 50 100 150 menos menor a (7.6) (15.2) (30.5) (45.6) 0 2 18 18 18 16 2 3 18 18 16 14 3 4 18 18 16 14 *Si el consumo nominal del cargador se expresa en vatios en lugar de amperes, el consumo en amperes correspondiente se determinará dividiendo el consumo en vatios por el consumo en tensión, por ejemplo: 1200 watts/120 volts = 10 ampere

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 20

NOTA: Un vez que el cargador ha comenzado a cargar la batería, si presiona el botón de Proporción de Carga (Charge Rate) una vez, la corriente de salida se apaga. Si vuelve a presionar el mismo botón otra vez, la corriente regresará al mismo punto en donde estuvo apagada. Por ejemplo: El cargador está cargando una batería a carga rápida. Si usted presiona el botón de Proporción de Carga, la salida se apaga. Si presiona el mismo botón nuevamente, la salida de corriente volverá a la carga ráp

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