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IBM Parallel Environment for AIX IBM
Version 2 Release 4
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IBM Parallel Environment for AIX IBM Messages Version 2 Release 4 GC28-1982-02
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Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under “Notices” on page v. | Third Edition (October 1998) | This edition applies to Version 2, Release 4, Modification 0 of IBM Parallel Environment for AIX, program number 5765-543, and to | all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions or technical newsletters. Order publications through your IBM representative or the IBM branch office serving you
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Contents Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii About This Book .................................... ix Who Should Use This Book ............................... ix How to Use This Book .................................. ix Overview of Contents ................................. ix Typographic Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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iv IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages
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Notices References in this publication to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM operates. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only IBM's product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any of IBM's intellectual property rights may be used instead of the IBM product, program, or se
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vi IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages
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Trademarks The following terms are trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation in the United States and/or other countries: | AIX | ESCON | IBM | LoadLeveler | Micro Channel | RISC System/6000 | RS/6000 | SP | Adobe, Acrobat, Acrobat Reader, and PostScript are trademarks of Adobe | Systems, Incorporated. | Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks of | Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. | Motif is a trademark of O
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viii IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages
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About This Book | This book is designed to help any user of IBM Parallel Environment for AIX (PE) | who needs to know what a message means and what should be done in response | to that message. This book lists all of the error messages generated by the PE | software and components and describes a likely solution. This book assumes that AIX and the X-Windows system are already installed, if required. For information on installing AIX and X-Windows, consult IBM AIX for RS/6000 Installation Gu
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Type Style Used For bold Bold words or characters represent system elements that you must use literally, such as command names, program names, file names, and flag names. Bold words also indicate the first use of a term included in the glossary. italic Italic words or characters represent variable values that you must supply. Italics are also used for book titles and for general emphasis in text. Constant width Examples and information that the system displays appear in constant width typef
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Short Name Full Name STDIN standard input STDOUT standard output US User Space VT Visualization Tool Related Publications Parallel Environment (PE) Publications As an alternative to ordering the individual books, you can use SBOF-8588 to order the entire PE library. IBM Parallel Environment for AIX: Hitchhiker's Guide, GC23-3895 IBM Parallel Environment for AIX: Installation, GC28-1981 IBM Parallel Environment for AIX: Licensed Program Specifications, GC23-3896 IBM Parallel Enviro
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IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Installation and Migration Guide, GA22-7347 IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Diagnosis Guide, GA22-7350 IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference, SA22-7351 IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Messages Guide, GA22-7352 As an alternative to ordering the individual books, you can use GBOF-8587 to order the entire IBM RS/6000 SP software library. National Language Support For Nation
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| Online Information Resources | If you have a question about the SP, PSSP, or a related product, the following | online information resources make it easy to find the information: | Access the new SP Resource Center by issuing the command: | /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/resource_center | Note that the ssp.resctr fileset must be installed before you can do this. | If you have the Resource Center on CD-ROM, see the readme.txt file for | information on how to run it. | Access the RS/6000 Web Site at:
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| Enhanced Job Management Function | In earlier releases of PE, POE relied on the SP Resource Manager for performing | job management functions. These functions included keeping track of which nodes | were available or allocated and loading the switch tables for programs performing | User Space communications. LoadLeveler, which had only been used for batch job | submissions in the past, is now replacing the Resource Manager as the job | management system for PE. One notable effect of this
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Chapter 1. Understanding the Diagnostic Message Format The message identifiers for the PE messages in this manual are structured as follows: 0029-nnnn pdbx (the line-oriented debugger) 0030-nnnn pedb Motif/X-Windows Style Parallel Debugger 0031-nnn Parallel Operating Environment 0031-A4nn Program Marker Array 0032-nnn Message Passing Interface 0033-1nnn Visualization Tool - Performance Monitor 0033-2nnn Visualization Tool - Trace Visualization 0033-3nnn Visualization Tool - Trace Collection
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2 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages
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0029-0101 0029-1002 Chapter 2. pdbx Messages 0029-0101 Your program has been loaded. Explanation: This message is issued when your program has been loaded into the tasks in the partition. This message indicates all the functions available in pdbx are available for you to use. User Response: When this message is displayed, you can start debugging the tasks in the partition. 0029-0104 The remote debugger on task: number has exited with the following error: number Explanation: The debugger
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0029-1003 0029-2001 0029-1003 Missing or invalid argument following the -d flag. For information on the correct syntax to use when invoking pdbx, type: pdbx -h Explanation: The -d flag requires an integer argument that specifies the nesting depth limit of program blocks. User Response: Specify an integer. Note that this overrides the default nesting depth limit of 25 program blocks. 0029-1005 Unable to read command file specified by the -c flag. Explanation: You must specify a command file