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MB9B500 Series
For more information for the FM3 microcontroller, visit the web site at:
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TM ARM and Cortex-M3 are the trademarks of ARM Limited in the EU and other countries. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED The contents of this document are subject to change without notice. Customers are advised to consult with sales representatives before ordering. The information, such as descriptions of function and application circuit examples, in this document are presented solely for the purpose of reference to show examples of operations and uses of FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR device; FUJITSU SE
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Revision History Date Version 2011-04-21 V1.0 3
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Table of Contents REVISION HISTORY ................................................................................................. 3 1 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................... 5 1.1 Product Overview......................................................................................................... 5 1.2 MB9B506 Series MCU ........................................................................................
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1 Introduction 1.1 Product Overview FSS MB9BF506R EV-Board (PN: FSSDC-9B506-EVB) provides an economical and simple means for study usage for MB9B506 series MCU. The board compatible with both 3.3 and 5V system contains abundant external resources (LCD, buttons, UART, Nand Flash, CAN…) to demonstrate MCU periphery function. It also provides standard 20 pin JTAG interface, which is both compatible with IAR and Keil debug tool. In addition, it allows On-board programming with both USB
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The size of on-chip memory can be configured according to different part number and the package is available in LQFP and BGA, shown in following table. Product Flash SRAM Package N: LQFP-100 MB9BF500N/R 256kB 32kB R: LQFP-120 N: LQFP-100/BGA-112 MB9BF504N/R 256kB 32kB R: LQFP-120 N: LQFP-100/BGA-112 MB9BF505N/R 384kB 48kB R: LQFP-120 N: LQFP-100/BGA-112 MB9BF506N/R 512kB 64kB R: LQFP-120 Table 1-1: Product List 1.3 Board Features FSS MB9BF506R EV-Board includes following
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2 Hardware Setting 2.1 Main Features DB9 Connector DB9 Connector LED External Power UART channel 0 UART channel 2 LED2-LED4 (P1B-P19) 15V JTAG LCD Connector Potentiome ter AD channel 7 CAN TX0_2, RX0_2 USB Device USB Host Nand Flash RTC Key RTC Battery Key 2 attached on external bus attached on I C channel 7 “Reset” ”2 pin header” “Left” (P40), “Right” (P43), CS7 area “Up” (P41), “Down” (P42) 7
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2.2 Jumpers Overview Jumper Name Function Setting Short J101: select external power *1 J101-J103 Power selection Short J102: select JTAG power Short J103: select USB power Short 1,2: 5V *2 J104 Voltage selection Short 2,3: 3.3V J-USB- USB Host/Function Short 1,2: USB Function J-USB+ selection Short 2,3: USB Host Short: Programming mode J105 Mode setting Open: Normal mode Short 1,2: when 4M oscillator is used J106 Oscillator Selection Short 2,3: when 48M oscillator is used
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2.5 Setting for Debug Tool Use IAR J-Link Part Number Function Setting 20PIN-JTAG JTAG connctor Connect with J-Link Short J101: select external power J101-J103 Power selection Short J102: select JTAG power Short J103: select USB power Short 1,2: 5V J104 Voltage selection Short 2,3: 3.3V J105 Mode setting Open Table 2-4: Setting for J-Link Use Keil U-Link ME Part Number Function Setting 20PIN-JTAG JTAG connctor Connect with U-Link ME Short J101: select external po
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3 Flash On-Board Programming There are two ways to program the on-chip Flash of MB9BF506 series MCU: UART On- Board Programming and USB On-Board Programming. 3.1 On-Board Programming via UART First check the hardware setting as introduced by section 2.3. Install the UART programmer: PCWFM3_V01L01. (It can be downloaded on the web) Open it, set the parameter as shown in following figure, and select Hex file. Figure 3-1: UART Programmer Overview Click Full Operation. Figure 3-2
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3.2 On-Board Programming via USB First check the hardware setting as introduced by section 2.4. After connect with PC via USB cable, the EVB can be identified as a USB device. Figure 3-4: USB Device Sign Check the COM port for this USB port in the device manager. Figure 3-5: COM Port in Device Manager Install the USB programmer: USBDW_V01L03. (It can be downloaded on the web) Open it, set the parameter as shown in following figure, and select Hex file. Figure 3-6: USB Pr
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Press reset key on the board. Programming will start. Figure 3-8: Start Programming 12
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4 Sample Code The sample codes for FSSDC-9B596-EV board are listed as following table. Project Name Description ext_bus_nandflash Use external bus to access Nand Flash uart Use UART to communicate with PC Implement CAN communication between 2 can CAN nodes rtc Use IIC to access RTC module Implement the USB mouse to demonstrate usb_function_mose USB function Identify a USB mouse and print the mouse usb_host_catch_mouse position on debug window lcd_ad_key Display ad value and
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4.1 UART Hardware Setting Connect UART-2 with PC via RS232 cable Flowchart Figure 4-1: UART Sample Code Flowchart Usage 1) Open a COM assistant software, make following setting, and open COM port Figure 4-2: COM Assistant Setting 2) Open UART sample code and run it, user can watch a string on the COM assistant window. Then send character to EV-board, the character can be received. 14
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Figure 4-3: Send UART Data From PC Side 15
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4.2 Nand Flash Hardware Setting None Flowchart Start Initial external bus Erase page 11 of Erase page 20 of (Use CS7 area, block 0 block 100 8 bit data width) Write data into Write data into page Read Flash ID page 11 of block 0 20 of block 100 Read data from Read data from page page 11 of block 0 20 of block 100 End Figure 4-4: Nand Flash Sample Code Flowchart Usage 1) Open Nand Flash sample project, and start debug. 2) Use “step over” to debug, and watch local variable “
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Usage 1) Open Nand Flash sample project, and start debug. 2) Use “step over” to debug, and watch local variable “sec”, “min”, “hour”. 4.4 CAN Hardware Setting Connect 2 EV-board with CAN interface, as following figure. CAN 1 CAN 1 EV board 1 EV board 2 (Node B) (Node A) CAN 2 CAN 2 Figure 4-6: CAN Hardware Connection Block Diagram Node A: use buffer 10 (ID = 0x12345678) to transfer and buffer 8 (ID = 0x08765432) to receive Node B: use buffer 7 (ID = 0x12345678) to rec
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4.5 USB Function Hardware Setting Check if 1,2 of J-USB- and J-USB+ short Check J701 (Short: 5V, Open: 3.3V) Connect with PC via USB cable Flowchart The following flowchart illuminates the procedure to implement a USB mouse, it is not a certain flow of a function, but provides a clue to study and understand the sample code. Start Check ButtonInit(), Bus reset Button, USB core, HIDInit() HID initialization Check Configure USB_2_IRQHandler() Endpoint 0-5 Check Check Ext INT
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4.6 USB Host Hardware Setting Check if 2,3 of J-USB- and J-USB+ short Connect with a USB mouse Flowchart The following flowchart illuminates the procedure to implement USB host function, which can catch the position of a USB mouse, it is not a certain flow of a function, but provides a clue to study and understand the sample code. Start USB_Handler ( ) SystemInit ( ) Initialize system Enumeration clock Mouse data main ( ) Initialize timer USBF_Handler ( ) process get_mouse_
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4.7 LCD & AD & Key Hardware Setting None Flowchart Start Initialization (clock, key, lcd, led, dual timer, ad) Y Set LCD update Display key Press key? flag pressed in LCD N AD convert Y Pre_AD_value- Set LCD update Display new AD Cur_AD_calue>threshold value flag value on LCD N Y Count Time = 1s Count time = 0 N N LCD update flag = 1 ? Y Count time++ Clear LCD update Clear window and flag display logo in LCD Figure 4-11: LCD, key, AD Sample Code Flowchart Usage 1) R