Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1
Safety Light Curtain
Category2 SafetyDesign
Suitable forDetecting Human Presence
in HazardousAreas
H Type 2 Safety Light Curtain operates
independently or as part of existing safety
systems. Meets category 2, 1 or B. (As
defined by European standard EN954--1)
H Compliance with IEC 61496--2 (1997) (Type 2
AOPD), EN 61496--1 (06/98) (Type 2 ESPE)
standards and EMC Directive: No.
98/336/EEC, No. 98/37/EC
H Pursuing safety with high level of safety design
and FMEA
H Series of two in a configur
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2
F3S-B OrderingInformation—continued Description Partnumber Protectiveheight Weight(without Optical Beam No.of Stand-Alone MasterUnit SlaveUnit accessories) resolution pitch beams 300mm 0.9kg 80 80 75 5mm 4 F3S-B047P F3S-BM047Pjj F3S-BS047 450mm 1.2kg 6 F3S-B067P F3S-BM067Pjj F3S-BS067 600mm 1.5kg 8 F3S-B087P F3S-BM087Pjj F3S-BS087 750mm 1.8kg 10 F3S-B107P F3S-BM107Pjj F3S-BS107 900mm 2.1kg 12 F3S-B127P F3S-BM127Pjj — 1,050mm 2.5kg 14 F3S-B147P F3S-BM147Pjj — 1,200mm 2.8kg 16 F3S-B167P F3S-BM167P
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3
F3S-B J STAND-ALONETYPE J SERIESCONNECTIONTYPES Thisisthemostcommonconfiguration,anditisusedto Whenyourapplicationrequiresanadditional protectivezone, protectahazardouspartofamachinewhenapproached forexample,topreventsomeonefromstayingbehindaprimary fromonedirectiononly. detectionzone,theF3S-B maybeconnectedinseries.The systemconsistsofaMasterUnit,aSlaveUnit,andaseries Receiver connectioncable,typeF39-JB1B. Theseriesconnectionallowsupto96axesand2.4mof protectiveheightintotal. Emitter Seriesconne
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 4
F3S-B Specifications Table -- continuedfrompreviouspage Type F3S-BjjjP(SeeNote1) F3S-BjjjPjj (SeeNote1) F3S-Bjjj (SeeNote1) Stand-Alone MasterUnitforseriesconnection MasterUnitforseriesconnection Protectiveheight 300/450/600/750/900/1,050/1,200/1,350/1,500/1,650mm 300/450/600/750mm Detectiondistance 0.3to5.0m Responsetime ON to OFF:See tableResponseTime OFFtoON (Seenote2):Default100ms(selectablewithF39--U1E,80to400ms) Startupwaitingtime 2smax. Supplyvoltage:Vs 24VDC ±20%(including5Vp-pripple) Cu
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 5
F3S-B J INDICATORS ReceiverIndicators EmitterIndicators Beam line mark (Optical-axis line mark) IR-power indicator ON-state indicator (Orange) (Green) POWER ON INTER-- Interlock indicator OFF-state indicator OFF LOCK (Yellow) (Red) EXT.TEST UNSTAB BLANKI External test/ Instability indicator blanking indicator (Orange) (Green) Emitter IR-powerindicator: Litwhenemitting. Interlockindicator: Litduring start/restartinterlockorstartinterlock. External test/blankingindicator: Litduringexternal test./F
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 6
F3S-B J SERIESCONNECTIONTYPES Thefollowingchartsshowtheresponsetimeofcombinationsofa MasterUnitandaSlaveUnit,andthentheyshow combinations ofaSlaveUnitconnectedinseries.Forexample,theresponse timeofthecombinationofF3S-BM122P30andF3S-BS302is 30ms. Masterunit ResponseTimeperSlaveUnitF3S- BS122 BS182 BS242 BS302 F3S-BM122Pjj 20ms 23ms 27ms 30ms F3S-BM182Pjj 23ms 27ms 30ms 34ms F3S-BM242Pjj 27ms 30ms 34ms 37ms F3S-BM302Pjj 30ms 34ms 37ms 41ms F3S-BM362Pjj 34ms 37ms 41ms 45ms F3S-BM422Pjj 37ms 41ms 45
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 7
F3S-B EngineeringData J OPERATINGRANGE F3S-B122P PerpendiculartoCenterLineofLenses ParalleltoCenterLineofLenses 300 300 200 200 100 100 Y Y 0 0 X X --100 --100 --200 --200 --300 --300 02 4 6 8 02 4 6 8 Distance X (m) Distance X (m) F3S-B662P PerpendiculartoCenterLineofLenses ParalleltoCenterLineofLenses 300 300 200 200 100 100 Y Y 0 0 X X --100 --100 --200 --200 --300 --300 02 4 6 8 02 4 6 8 Distance X (m) Distance X (m) 8 DistanceY(mm) DistanceY(mm) DistanceY(mm) DistanceY(mm)
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 8
F3S-B Operation J I/OCIRCUITDIAGRAM IR--light Interlock Ext. test/blanking indicator indicator indicator Brown 2 +24 V Green 3 External test input Grey 5 White Main emitter 1 circuit Pink Relay monitoring 6 input Yellow Interlock selection 4 input Blue 7 0V ON--state OFF--state Instability indicator indicator indicator Brown 2 Green 3 Pink 6 Control output 1 Load Main receiver circuit White Grey 1 5 Control output 2 Load Yellow 4 Instability Load output Blue 7 9 RS--485(A) RS--485(B)
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 9
F3S-B Dimensions Unit: mm J F3S-BSAFETYLIGHTCURTAIN Partnumber A(Protective height) B (Full length) F3S-B122 300 343 F3S-B182 450 493 M12 F3S-B242 600 643 connector 3 F3S-B302 750 793 9.5 F3S-B362 900 943 F3S-B422 1050 1093 F3S-B482 1200 1243 F3S-B542 1350 1393 Master Unit F3S-B602 1500 1543 F3S-B662 1650 1693 A B 34 3 10.5 40.3 M12 connector 30 10
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 10
F3S-B J MOUNTINGBRACKET(TOPANDBOTTOM) 5.5 . 12 R2.75 16 22 20 20 ° R1.75 ∅ 25.5 35 ° 3.5 46 30 2 R4.5 36 J MOUNTINGPLATE Onlysuppliedwithtypeswhichhaveaprotectiveheightof1,050mmorlonger(includingintermediatebrackets).Onlyneededforrear mounting. 42.74 7 36.5 3 5 6.25 20 22.5 28.74 4 5.5 R2.75 12 J INTERMEDIATEMOUNTINGBRACKET Mounting screw for sensor (M6x8) Flat intermediate bracket Rubber Note: AnIntermediateMounting 24 Bracketisonlyneededfor typeswhichhaveaprotective 16 heightof1,050mmormore. 1
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 11
F3S-B Options (Order Separately) Unit:mm J EXTENSIONCABLE(SETOF2: EMITTER=GRAY, RECEIVER=BLACK) F39-JB1A(L=3m) F39-JB2A(L=7m) F39-JB3A(L=10m) 42 L ∅ 15 M12 Round vinyl--insulated cord 5.7 mmdia. (32 @ 0.1 mmdia. each) 8 cores J F39-EU1EOPTIONALFUNCTIONKIT Thissetincludesthefollowingitems: ! WARNING D F39-U1E Optional FunctionSoftware Aftersettingtheblankingfunction,checkthattheF3S-B D F39-E1 Interface Unit detectsatestrodatanypositionintheF3S-Bdetectionzone throughwhichapersonreachesthehazardous
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 12
F3S-B J CONNECTOR(MAINUNITEND) Frontview Pinno. Signal name Wirecolor ofExtensionCable Receiver Emitter 1 Control output2 Relaymonitoringinput White 7 2 24VDC 24VDC Brown 6 6 1 1 3 Control output1 External testinput Green 8 8 5 5 2 2 4 4 Instabilityoutput Interlockselectioninput Yellow 4 3 3 5 RS-485(A) RS-485(A) Grey 6 RS-485(B) RS-485(B) Pink 7 0V 0V Blue 8 N.C./reserved N.C./reserved Red Note: N.C./reserved:donotconnect Emitter Receiver E1: 24 VDC Power supply S1: External test switch K1, K2:
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 13
F3S-B WhenUsingSTART/RESTARTFUNCTION WhenUsingOptionalRELAYMONITORINGFUNCTION Emitter Emitter Receiver RS--485(A) (Grey 5) RS--485(B) (Pink 6) k1 S2 k2 S1 E1 E1 K3 k1,k2:Auxiliarycontacttomoni- S2: Restart interlock reset switch tortheconditionofthefinalrelay J DETAILSOFF39-EU1EOPTIONALFUNCTIONKIT Preparation ! Caution Performtheinstallationcheckandtheperiodical inspectiondescribedintheF3S-B manual. Donotdisassemble,repairormodifytheF39-E1. DonotusetheF39-E1inflammableorexplosiveenvironments. To
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 14
F3S-B J COMPONENTNAMESANDFUNCTIONSOFTHEF39-E1INTERFACEUNIT SEND to HS-485 indicator (Red) SEND to HS-232C indicator (Yellow) 9pin D-Sub Connector M8 Connector (RS-485) (HS-232C) Communication indicator (Green) SENDtoRS-485Indicator(Red)LitwhentheF39-E1sendsdatatotheF3S-B viaRS-485. SENDtoRS-232CIndicator(Yellow)LitwhentheF39-E1sendsdatatothePC viaRS-232C. COMMUNICATIONIndicator(Green)FlashingduringcommunicationbetweentheF3S-B andtheF39-E1. J HARDWARECONNECTION ! WARNING Disconnecttheoutputsofthe
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 15
F3S-B AllowedRelayDelayTime J SOFTWAREINSTALLATION Theallowedrelaydelaytimecanbesetbetween20and300 ms.Thisdelaytimehastobesetatleast20millisecondsshorter Copythefile”F39-U1E_ver#.#.exe”andF39-U1E_ver#.#datfrom the3.5--inchfloppydisk(enclosedwiththeproduct)ontothehard thantheOutputsON delaytime. diskofthePC. OutputsONDelay YoucansettheONdelaytimeofcontrol outputsbetween80and J FUNCTIONDESCRIPTION 400ms.Thiscorrespondstothetimewhichthecontrol outputs gotoON-stateafterthedetectionzoneisnotinterrupt
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 16
F3S-B Precautions ! WARNING 1. DonotusetheF3S-B onmachinesthatcannotbestoppedbyelectrical control incaseofanemergency. 2. DonotusetheF3S-B inflammableorexplosiveenvironments. 3. AlwaysmaintainthesafetydistancebetweenF3S-B andahazardouspartofthemachine.Seriousinjurymayresultifthe machinedoesnotstopbeforesomeonereachesthehazardouspart. 4. Install protectivestructuresaroundamachinesothatyoumustpassthroughthedetectionzonetoreachahazardouspartof themachine. 5. InstallF3S-Bsothatsomepartsoftheoperator
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 17
F3S-B ! WARNING WhenusingmultiplesetsoftheF3S-B,install themsothatmutual interferenceisnotincurred. Incorrect Incorrect RS--485 RS--485 Incorrect Emitter 1 Receiver 1 RS--485 Emitter 2 Receiver 2 J ALTERNATEEMITTERSANDRECEIVERS Correctinstallationsareshownbelow topreventmutual interference. Correct Correct RS--485 RS--485 RS--485 Correct Emitter1 Receiver 1 Emitter 2 Receiver 2 Correct RS--485 RS--485 RS--485 18 Emitter 1 Emitter 1 Receiver 1 Receiver 1 Receiver 1 Emitter 1 Emitter 2 Emitter 2 E
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 18
F3S-B ! WARNING 1. TheF3S-B isaTYPE 2electro-sensitiveprotectiveequip- (5.)Thepowersupplymaintainsanoutputholdingtime ment,intendedtobeusedasorwiththesafetyrelatedpart ofatleast20ms. ofcontrol systemtocategory2,1,orB asdefinedinthe (6.)FG(framegroundterminal)mustbeconnectedto EuropeanstandardEN954-1. PE (protectiveearth)whenusingacommercially DonotusetheF3S-B incategory3or4systems. availableswitchingregulator. 2. A qualifiedperson,asdeterminedbylocal regulations, (7.)Thepowersupplymusthaveoutput
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 19
Terms and Conditions of Sale 1. Offer; Acceptance. These terms and conditions (these "Terms") are deemed ITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF THE PRODUCTS. part of all quotes, agreements, purchase orders, acknowledgments, price lists, BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT IT ALONE HAS DETERMINED THAT THE catalogs, manuals, brochures and other documents, whether electronic or in PRODUCTS WILL SUITABLY MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THEIR writing, relating to the sale of products or services (collectively, the
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 20
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