Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1
GENERALINFORMATION ..................................... 11A-0-3
SERVICESPECIFICATIONS ............................ 11A-1-1
REWORKDIMENSIONS ................................. 11A-1-3
TORQUESPECIFICATIONS ............................. 11A-1-4
SEALANT ................................................. 11A-1-7
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2
11A-0-2 NOTES EMitsubishiMotorsCorporation Dec.1996 PWEE9609
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3
11A-0-3 4D68 ENGINE (E-W) - General Information GENERAL INFORMATION SECTIONAL VIEW OF ENGINE MitsubishiMotorsCorporation Dec.1996 PWEE9609 E
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 4
11A-0-4 4D68 ENGINE (E-W) - General Information SECTIONAL VIEW OF ENGINE MitsubishiMotorsCorporation Dec.1996 PWEE9609 E
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 5
11A-0-5 4D68 ENGINE (E-W) - General Information GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Descriptions Specifications Type Diesel engine Number of cylinders 4 in-line Combustion chamber Swirl chamber 3 Total displacement dm 1.998 Cylinder bore mm 82.7 Piston stroke mm 93 Compression ratio 22.4 Valve timing Intake valve Opens (BTDC) 20° Closes (ABDC) 48° Exhaust valve Opens (BBDC) 54° Closes (ATDC) 22° Lubrication system Pressure feed, full-flow filtration Oil pump type External gear type Cooling system Water-coole
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11A-1-1 4D68 ENGINE (E-W) - Specifications 1. SPECIFICATIONS SERVICE SPECIFICATIONS Item Standard value Limit Drivebeltandglowplug Glow plug resistanceW 0.5 - Timingbelt Timing belt deflection mm 4.0-5.0 - Timing belt B deflection mm 5.0-7.0 - Rockerarms,rockershaftand camshaft Camshaft cam height mm Intake 41.90 41.40 Exhaust 41.96 41.46 Valve clearance (on cold engine) mm Intake 0.25 - Exhaust 0.35 - Camshaft journal O.D. mm 30.0 - Cylinderhead,valvesandvalvesprings Cylinder head gasket surf
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11A-1-2 4D68 ENGINE (E-W) - Specifications Item Standard value Limit Oil cooler by-pass valve dimension (L) [by-pass hole closing temperature 40.0 - (97-103°C or more)] mm Oil pump side clearance Drive gear 0.08-0.14 - Driven gear 0.06-0.12 - Pistonsandconnectingrods Piston O.D. mm 82.7 - Piston ring to piston ring groove clearance mm No. 1 0.05-0.07 0.15 No. 2 0.05-0.07 0.15 Piston ring end gap mm No. 1 0.20-0.32 0.8 No. 2 0.35-0.50 0.8 Oil ring 0.10-0.30 0.8 Piston pin O.D. mm 25.0 - Crankshaf
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11A-1-3 4D68 ENGINE (E-W) - Specifications REWORK DIMENSIONS Item Standard value Limit Cylinderhead,valvesandvalvesprings Cylinder head oversize valve guide hole 0.05 O.S. 13.050-13.068 - (both intake and exhaust) mm 0.25 O.S. 13.250-13.268 - 0.50 O.S. 13.500-13.518 - Cylinder head oversize intake valve seat ring hole mm 0.3 O.S. 38.300-38.325 - 0.6 O.S. 38.600-38.625 - Cylinder head oversize exhaust valve seatring holemm 0.3 O.S. 34.300-34.325 - 0.6 O.S. 34.600-34.625 - NOTE O.D.: Outer diamete
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11A-1-4 4D68 ENGINE (E-W) - Specifications TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS Items Nm Drivebeltandglowplug Oil level gauge guide bolt 13 Pulley bolt (for power steering pump drive) 9 Alternator brace bolt 23 Lock bolt 23 Adjusting bolt 10 Alternator pivot nut 44 Crankshaft pulley bolt 25 Glow plug 18 Glow plug nut 1.8 Timingbelt Timing belt cover Flange bolt 11 Washer bolt 9 Crankshaft position sensor bolt 9 Timing belt tensioner bolt 48 Tensioner spring bolt 13 Timing belt idler pulley bolt 48 Camshaft spr
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11A-1-5 4D68 ENGINE (E-W) - Specifications Items Nm Injection nozzle 54 Fuel injection pump bracket nut 23 Intakeandexhaustmanifold Air temperature sensor 14 Air intake fitting bolt 17 EGR valve bolt 24 EGR pipe bolt and nut 17 Turbocharger heat protector bolt M8 13 M6 11 Exhaust fitting heat protector bolt 13 Water pipe A and B eye bolt 30 Water pipe A and B bolt 10 Oil pipe eye bolt 16 Exhaust fitting bolt and nut 59 Oil return pipe bolt 9 Heat protector front and rear bolt 13 Turbocha
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11A-1-6 4D68 ENGINE (E-W) - Specifications Items Nm Adjusting nut 15 Camshaft bearing cap bolt M8¢ 25,M8¢ 40 20 M8¢ 55 29 Cylinderhead,valvesandvalvesprings Cylinder head bolt 90 ¯ Fully loosen ¯ 40 + 90°+90° Frontcase,counterbalanceshaftsandoil pan Drain plug 39 Oil level sensor bolt 9 Oil pan bolt 7 Oil screen bolt 19 Oil cooler by-pass valve 54 Oil pressure switch 10 Relief plug 44 Oil filter bracket bolt 18 Plug 23 Flange bolt 36 Front case bolt 24 Oil pump cover Bolt 16 Screw 10 Pistonsandc
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11A-1-7 4D68 ENGINE (E-W) - Specifications NEW TIGHTENING METHOD - BY USE OF BOLTS TO BE TIGHTENED IN PLASTIC AREA A new type of bolts, to be tightened in plastic area, is currently used some parts of the engine. The tightening method for the bolts is different from the conventional one. Be sure to observe the method described in the text when tightening the bolts. Service limits are provided for the bolts. Make sure that the service limits described in the text are strictly observed. D Areas wh
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 13
11A-1-8 4D68 ENGINE (E-W) - Specifications FORM-IN-PLACE GASKET The engine has several areas where the form-in-place gasket (FIPG) is in use. To ensure that the gasket fully serves its purpose, it is necessary to observe some precautions when applying the gasket. Bead size, continuity and location are of paramount importance. Too thin a bead could cause leaks. Too thick a bead, on the other hand, could be squeezed out of location, causing blocking or narrowing of the fluid feed line. To eliminat
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11A-2-1 4D68 ENGINE (E-W) - Special Tools 2. SPECIAL TOOLS Tool Number Name Use MB990767 End yoke holder Holding camshaft sprocket or fuel injection pump when loosening or tightening bolts. Use with MD998719 MB991603 Bearing installer A guide for removal and installation of stopper counterbalance shaft left rear bearing MD990938 Handle Installation of crankshaft rear oil seal (Use with MD998776) MB991654 Cylinder head bolt Tightening andloosening ofcylinder headbolt wrench MD998115 Valve guide R
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11A-2-2 4D68 ENGINE (E-W) - Special Tools Tool Number Name Use MD998375 Crankshaftfrontoil Installation of crankshaft front oil seal seal installer MD998388 Injection pump Removal of injection pump sprocket sprocket puller MD998702 Connecting-rod Replacement of connecting-rod small-end small-end bushing bushing replacement tool MD998705 Silentshaftbearing Installation of counterbalance shaft bearing installer MD998713 Camshaft oil seal Installation of camshaft oil seal installer MD998719 Pulley
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11A-2-3 4D68 ENGINE (E-W) - Special Tools Tool Number Name Use MD998776 Crankshaft rear oil Installation of crankshaft rear oil seal seal installer (Use with MB990938) MD998778 Crankshaft Removal of crankshaft sprocket sprocket puller MD998781 Flywheel stopper Holding of flywheel and drive plate MD998783 Plug wrench Removalandinstallationoffrontcasecapplug retainer (Use with MD998162) MD998785 Sprocket stopper Holding of counterbalance shaft sprocket MitsubishiMotorsCorporation Dec.1996 PWEE9609
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11A-3-1 4D68 ENGINE (E-W) - Drive Belt and Glow Plug 3. DRIVE BELT AND GLOW PLUG REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION 1 11 2 13 Nm 1.8 Nm 12 18 Nm 3 4 8 10 Nm 44 Nm 7 9 6 23 Nm 9Nm 10 5 25 Nm DEN0885 Removal steps 1. Oil level gauge 7. Water pump pulley 2. O-ring 8. Alternator brace 3. Oil level gauge guide 9. Alternator 4. O-ring 10. Crankshaft pulley 5. Drive belt (V-type) 11. Glow plug plate 6. Pulley (for power steering pump AA""AA 12. Glow plug drive) MitsubishiMotorsCorporation Dec.1996 PWEE9609 E
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11A-3-2 4D68 ENGINE (E-W) - Drive Belt and Glow Plug REMOVAL SERVICE POINTS AA"GLOW PLUG REMOVAL (1) When removing the glow plug, you may loosen using a tool up to the point where one or more threads are leftinengagement.Beyondthispoint,loosenwithfingers. Caution D Do not reuse a glow plug that has been dropped from a height of 10 cm or more. INSTALLATION SERVICE POINTS " A A GLOW PLUG INSTALLATION (1) When installing the glow plug, screw in one thread or more with fingers and then tighten with
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4D68 ENGINE (E-W) - Timing Belt 11A-4-1 4. TIMING BELT REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION 27 11 Nm 26 28 23 48 Nm 5 21 6 11 11 Nm 45 Nm 14 22 25 88 Nm 10 9Nm 49 Nm 9 8 20 83 Nm 7 48 Nm 24 13 13 Nm 18 Nm 17 18 1 12 11 Nm 19 15 16 54 Nm 118 Nm 3 4 2 9Nm 9Nm DEN0886 Removal steps 1. Timing belt front upper cover AE""EA 15. Crankshaft bolt 2. Timing belt front center cover 16. Special washer 3. Timing belt front lower cover AF" 17. Crankshaft sprocket 4. Crankshaft position sensor 18. Crankshaft sensing blade
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11A-4-2 4D68 ENGINE (E-W) - Timing Belt REMOVAL SERVICE POINTS AA"TIMING BELT REMOVAL (1) Usingchalk,etc., markan arrowon the backof thetiming belt to indicate the direction of rotation. This is to ensure correct installation of the belt in case it is reused. DEN0739 (2) Attach a bolt to the front end face of the timing belt tensioner. Fit an offset wrench onto the bolt and turn the wrench downward as shown to tighten the tensioner mounting bolt temporarily. Caution D Use such a short bolt as wo