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Resumos do conteúdo
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1
Genie Application Style Guide (For Openwave™, Nokia™ Model 7110™, Model 6210/6250™, and Mitsubishi™ Trium™ WAP™ browsers) Openwave Systems Inc. 800 Chesapeake Drive Redwood City, CA 94063 Release 1.0, February 2001
Contents 1: Style Guide Overview 1 Organisation of this Guide 1 Why Specialise? 2 Testing on SDKs 2 2: Usability Design Philosophies 5 Creating Usable Applications 6 Testing the Design 7 3: Navigation Guidelines 15 4: Menu Navigation 25 5: Making Phone Calls from the Browser 33 6: Using Multiple Selection Lists 37 7: Backward Navigation 39 8: Displaying Text 45 9: Data Entry Queries 51 10: Formatted Entry Fields 55 11: Forms 59 12: Icons and Images 65 13: Cache 67 14: Cookies and Subscriber ID 6
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 4
Contents 15: Labels and Links 71 A: Identifying the Browser 73 B: Differences between Browser Types in Same Class 77 iv Genie Application Style Guide February 2001
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 5
Chapter 1 Style Guide Overview 1 This document gives developers comprehensive guidelines for developing highly usable applications that run on Genie supported WAP browsers: the Openwave browser, the Mitsubishi Trium browser, and the Nokia Models 7110, 6210, and 6250 (Nokia 7110, 6210, and 6250) browser. This guide considers various situations and possibilities, offers the most usable solution, and provides sample code. Usability tests have shown that it is not possible to write a sin
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 6
Style Guide Overview 1 Why Specialise? Mitsubishi Trium Usability. These guidelines explain how to create the most usable application for the Mitsubishi Trium browser. Again, use the Mitsubishi guidelines in conjunction with the shared feature set guidelines. Appendix A provides information on how to distinguish between various browsers. The information in this document derives from usability tests, knowledge of the capability of the WML, and testing applications on a variety of phone m
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Style Guide Overview Testing on SDKs 1 Mitsubishi Trium. There is little developer documentation on the Mitsubishi Trium WAP browser, and no known full simulator or SDK product available at this time. The device has not been through interoperability tests. The guidance for this browser is therefore based on observation of the behaviour of phones containing the Mitsubishi browser (version 1.1.a) based on how the device renders the content of a sample set of applications. Indeed two differe
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Style Guide Overview 1 Testing on SDKs 4 Genie Application Style Guide February 2001
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Chapter 2 Usability Design Philosophies 2 Keep in mind a few design philosophies when building an application for a WAP browser phone. The user’s experience with an application may determine whether or how often the user revisits the application. Usability is critical. Device constraints limit both navigation and the amount of content that a handheld device can display; further, data entry may be difficult. Take extra care to make the application usable in this constrained environment, o
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Usability Design Philosophies 2 Creating Usable Applications Creating Usable Applications When developing applications, these are the most important factors to consider: who the user is, what problems the user is trying to solve, and how to solve them most efficiently. Here are some key principles for creating usable applications: Specialise your application for the specific browsers. To create a more usable application, determine the type of browser in the code. With that information, dev
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Usability Design Philosophies Testing the Design 2 Personalise the service according to the user. Allow an application to retain user information to autofill personal fields. For example, store the login and/or password, billing address, or other information in a cookie or on a server where the application resides. The user can be determined by the subscriber ID. Anticipate situations in which users are likely to make errors. Make sure the application does not allow the user to continue
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 12
Usability Design Philosophies 2 Testing the Design Nokia 7110 Browser Template --------Stocks -------- Options items: Quotes do type labels OK News Done Top 10 most active stocks Options Back Recent activity My portfolios The Nokia 7110 browser has two softkeys with fixed labels: Options and Back. The application labels are listed under and accessed from the Options softkey. In these and labels appear to examples, the the right of the screen under
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 13
Usability Design Philosophies Testing the Design 2 The Trium handset has two softkeys and a four-way scroll key (supporting the up and down functionality, as well as moving forward and backwards). The Back functionality is available from a press on the left scroll key. The left softkey is a programmable key and will display a element if only one is defined for the card (which is not a prev). When more than one element is defined, the softkey displays the label Card and will display a m
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 14
Usability Design Philosophies 2 Testing the Design NOTE There is some variability among Openwave browser phones; however, this should not affect the user experience. Table 2-1. Summary of browser phone properties Property Openwave Nokia 7110 Mitsubishi Trium Number of characters 15 characters 18 characters Variable-width per line (mostly variable- (variable- width fonts. User can width fonts) fonts) change font size. Lines of display 2 to 8 lines 4 lines 5 lines (depends on font size) Image/
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 15
Usability Design Philosophies Testing the Design 2 Table 2-1. Summary of browser phone properties (continued) Property Openwave Nokia 7110 Mitsubishi Trium Back key for navigation Dedicated Back Programmable Dedicated back key available Back key is key on left scroll except in entry displayed on right key. queries softkey except in Programmable entry queries Back key is displayed on right softkey Clear/Back key in entry Shared. User Shared. User does Shared. User does queries must delete
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 16
Usability Design Philosophies 2 Testing the Design Nokia Browser Properties Nokia 7110 only: The roller key can be pressed to activate the selected item. The selected item (action, anchor,
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Usability Design Philosophies Testing the Design 2 The right softkey label supports the element and for some phones may be context sensitive. The right softkey supports the following function depending if an item is selected or what type of element is defined: If there is no item selected, the softkey returns the user to the previous card in the history. For some phones, when a element is defined with a label, the phone will display the defined label. When no label is d
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Usability Design Philosophies 2 Testing the Design 14 Genie Application Style Guide February 2001
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 19
Chapter 3 Navigation Guidelines 3 To navigate Wireless Mark-up Language (WML) content, the user must move through and between cards in one or more decks. The cards can contain many different types of elements, including selection lists (items in a list), displayed information (such as an email message), input fields, and multiple selection lists. To make applications run on multiple browsers, follow a number of general rules. Shared Feature Set: Navigation Guidelines Do not assign more tha
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 20
Navigation Guidelines 3 Never define a prev as having no action. Do not bind an action of type to a task of . This forces the user to return to the home deck, which is not always intuitive and may make users follow a long path to return to the application. Instead, bind the prev task to an intuitive place within the application, a starting point within the application or to the home deck when that makes sense. Provide a confirmation card (delete shield) to prevent