Manual do usuário Craftsman 139.53920D

Manual para o dispositivo Craftsman 139.53920D

Dispositivo: Craftsman 139.53920D
Categoria: Mecanismo para abrir o portão de garagem
Fabricante: Craftsman
Tamanho: 7.52 MB
Data de adição: 3/10/2014
Número de páginas: 76
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Resumos do conteúdo
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1

Owner's Manual/Manual IDei Propietario
1/2 HP
For Residential Use Only/S61o para uso residenciai
Model/Modelo 139.53920D
Read and follow all safety rules
Leer y seguir todas las reglas de
and operating instructions before seguridad y las instrucciones de
first use of this product. operaci6n antes de usar este
producto por primera vez.
Guardar este manual cerca de la
Fasten the manual near the garage
door after

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 2.7 Adjustment 27.29 Adjust the travel limits ................................................................... 27 Safety symbol and signal word review ..................................... 2 Adjust the force ........................................................................................ 28 Preparing your garage door .............................................................. 3 Tools needed .............................................................

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3

Preparing your garage door Before you begin: To preventpossibleSERIOUS INJURYor DEATH: • Disable locks . ALWAYScall a trained doorsystemstechnicianif • Remove any ropes connected to garage door garagedoor binds,sticks, or is out of balance An unbalancedgaragedoor may not reversewhen . Complete the following test to make sure your required garage door is balanced and is nat sticking or binding: • NEVERtry to loosen moveor adjust garagedoor door springs, cables,pulleys bracketsor their hardware al

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 4

Planning Identify the type and height of your garage door Do you have an access door in addition to the Survey your garage area to see if any of the garage door? If not, Model 53702 Emergency Key conditions below apply to your installation, Additional Release is required See Accessories page. materials may be required,,You may find it helpful to Look at the garage door where it meets the floor, refer back to this page and the accompanying Any gap between the floor and the botlom of the illustrat

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 5

Planning (Continued) ONE-PIECE DOOR INSTALLATIONS Without a propedyworking safetyreversalsystem, persons(particularlysmallchildren) could be o Generally, a one-piece door does not require SERIOUSLY iNJUREDor KILLEDby a closinggarage reinforcement, If your door is lightweight, refer to door the information relating to sectional doors in • Thegap betweenthe bottom of the garagedoor and Installation Step 11, the floor MUSTNOTexceed1/4" (6 ram) OtherMse, o Depending on your door's construction, you

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 6

Carton inventory Your garage door opener is packaged in one carton packing material, Parts may be stuck in the foam which contains the motor unit and all pads illustrated Hardware for assembly and installation is shown on below Accessories witf depend on the model the next page., Save the cation and packing material purchased If anything is missing, carefully check the until instaElationand adjustment is compIete, Trol_ey Door Control B[Jtten SIngle_Function Remote Control with Visor Clip y Chai

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 7

Hardware Bnventory Separate all hardware and group as shown below for the assembly and installation procedures ASSEMBLY HARDWARE © © Lock Nut Lock Washer Nut 1/4"-20 (2) 3/8' (l) 3/8"(I} Belt 1/4_-20xl-314" (2) Master Unk (2) I(iler Bolt (I) T_'otley Threaded Shaft (1) INSTALLATION HARDWARE Handle Cardege Bolt Wing Nut Ring Nut 5/16"-18 (8) 1t4"-20xl/2" (2) t/4"-20 (2) Faslener (3) © Hex Bolt Insolaled Lag Screw 5It 6*-9x t-5/8" (2) 5116"-18x7/8" (4) LockWasher 5/16" (7) Staples, (30) _]ilililiI

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 8

ASSEMBLY STEP t Assemble the Rail & Instaff the Troffey T0 preventINJURYfrom pinching,keephandsand fingers awayfrom the joints while assemblingthe rail To avoid installation difficulties, do not run the garage door opener until instructed to do so. The front rail has a cut out "window"at the door end 3, Place the motor unit on packing material to protect (see illustration), The hole above this window is the cover, and rest the back end of the rail on top For convenience, put a support under the

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 9

ASSEMBLY STEP 2 : CAUTION ] Fasten the Rail to the Motor Unit "To avoid SEniOus aamaOe tog raOe dooi OP n r, use ONLY those boitstfastenersmountedin the top of • Insert a 1/4"-20xl-3/4 bolt into the cover protection the opener. ] bolt hole on the back end of the rail as shown,, Tighten securety with a 1/4"-20 lock nuL Do NOT overtighten, ° Remove the two bolts from the top of the motor unit. ° Place the "U" bracket, flat side down onto the motor unit and align the bracket hole with the bolt hole

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 10

ASSEMBLY STEP 4 Hnstall the Chain/Cable To avoid possibleSERIOUS iNJURYto fingersfrom movinggaragedoor opener: 1 Pull the cable around the idler pulley and toward the o ALWAYS keep handdear of sprocketwhile operating trolley. opener. 2 Connect the cable to the retaining slot on the trolley, • Securelyattach chainspreaderBEFORE operating, as shown (Figure 1): • From below, push pins of master link bar up Dispensing Carton through cable link and trolley slot Leave Chain and Cabte • Push master lin

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 11

ASSEMBLY STEP 5 Tighten the Chain Figure 1 Tro!ley Outer Lack Threaded • Spin the inner nut and lock washer down the Nut Washer Shatl trolley threaded shaft, away from the trolley.. To_ghlen Outer Nut _ , / - To tighten the chain, turn outer nut in the direction shown (Figure 1). ,, When the chain is approximately 1/4" (6 mm) U _ TOTlghlen above the base of the rail at its midpoint, reqighten the inner nut to secure the adjustment. Figure 2 Sprocket noise can result if chain is too loose When in

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 12

.............................................................. : ._.: J_......... IINSTALLATIOH STEP 1 Determine the Header Bracket Location To preventpossibleSERIOUS INJURYor DEATH: • Headerbracket MUSTbe RIGIDLYfastenedto structuralsupport on headerwall or ceiling, otherwise garagedoor might net reversewhen required=DO NOT install headerbracketover drywall,, - ConcreteanchorsMUSTbeused if mounting header bracketor 2x4 into masonry - NEVERtry to loosen,moveor adjust garagedoor, springs, cables,

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 13

Waft Mount tiHSTALLAT!ION STEP 2 install the Header Bracket You can attach the header bracket either to the wall above the garage door, or to the ceiling. Follow the instructions which will work best for your particular requirements. Do not install the header bracket over drywall. If installing into masonry, use concrete anchors (not provided). Optior_al Moueliog Holes WALL HEADER BRACKET INSTALLATION • Center the bracket on the vertical cenledine with Vertical the bottom edge of the bracket on

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 14

mNSTALLATmON STEP 3 Attach the Ra_! to the Header Bracket NOTE: (Optional) With some existing installations, you may re-use the old header bracket with the two plastic spacers included in the hardware bag, Place the spacers inside the bracket on each side of the rail, as illustrated . Position the opener on the garage floor below the header bracket Use packing material as a protective base NOTE: If the door spring is in the way you'll need help.,Have someone hold the opener securely on a tempora

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 15

nNSTALLATHON STEP 4 , iCAUTi0N i Position the Opener To preventdamageto garagedoor, restgaragedoor t openerrail on 2x4 placed ontop section of door t Follow instructions which apply to your door type as J glustrated SECTIONAL DOOR OR ONE-PIECE DOOR WITH TRACK A 2x4 laid flat is convenient for setting an ideal door-to-rail distance . Remove foam packaging. Ra_I ii . Raise the opener onto a stepladder You will need help at this point if the ladder is not tall enough, - Open the door all the way an

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 16

NSTALLATION STEP 5 Hang the Opener To avoid possibleSERIOUS iNJURYfrom a falling garagedoor opener,fastenit SECURELY to structural Three representative installations are shown.. Yours supports of the garage,ConcreteanchorsMUSTbe used may be different Hanging brackets should be angled if installingany bracketsinto masonry (Figure 1) to provide rigid support. On finished ceilings (Figure 2 and Figure 3), attach a sturdy metal bracket to structural supports before installing the opener. This brack

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 17

INSTALLATllON STEP 6 WARNING Install the Door Control TopreventpossibleSERIOUSINJURYor DEATHfrom electrocution: Locate door control within sight of door, at a • Besure power is not connectedBEFORE installing door minimum height of 5 feet (1.5 m) where small control children cannot reach, away from moving parts of • ConnectONLYto 24VOLTlow vo]tagewires door and door hardware. Toprevent possibleSERIOUSINJURYor DEATHfrom a 1 Strip 1/4" (6 mm) of insulation from one end of bell closinggaragedoor: wi

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 18

IHSTALLATION STEP 7 Hnstall the Light To prevent t0ssibleOVERHEATING of the endpane[or light socket: o Install a 75 watt maximum light bulb in the sockeL - DO NOTuseshort neckor specialtylight bulbs. Light bulb size should be At 9, standard neck only. • DO NOTuse halogenbulbs.UseONLYincandescent The light will turn ON and remain lit for To preventdamageto the opener: approximately 4-1/2 minutes when power is o DO NOTuse bulbs largerthan 75W connected. Then the light wig turn OFF • ONLYuseA19 siz

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 19

NSTALLATmON STEP 9 _ENectrical Requirements To preventpossibleSERIOUS INJURYor DEATHfrom electrocutionor fire: To avoid installation difficulties, do not run the - Besure power is not connectedto the opener,and opener at this time. disconnectpowerto circuit BEFORE removingcoverto To reduce the risk of electric shock, your garage door establishpermanentwiring connection opener has a grounding type ptug with a third • Garagedoor installationandwiring MUSTbein grounding pin This plug will only fit

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 20

UNSTALLAT|OH STEP 10 Install The Protector System _ Besure power is not connectedto the garagedoor openerBEFORE installingthe safetyreversingsensor The safety reversing sensor must be connected To preventSERIOUSINJURYor DEATHfrom a closing and aligned correctly before the garage door garagedoor: opener wilt move in the down direction. , Correctlyconnectandalign the safety reversing IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUTTHE SAFETY sensor This requiredsafetydeviceMUSTNOTbe disabled REVERSING SENSOR • Install

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