Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1
EN Recipe book for FI Jäätelökoner esepti 35
Ice Cream Maker 3 NO Iskrem reseptbok 51
DA Opskriftsbogtil ismaskine 19 SV Receptbok till glassmaskin 67
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3
7.0.29 Cherry ice cream mousse 15 6 Children’s party 8 7.0.30 Montanara 1 5 Table of contents 7.0.31 Icecream ba varois 15 7 Recipes 8 7.0.32 CoupeHelene 1 5 7.0.1 Basicice cream 8 7.0.33 Pear andapr icotice cream 16 1 Introduction 4 7.0.2 Coupe DameBlanche 8 7.0.34 Children’sCar nival 16 1.0.1 Ingredientsand utensils 4 7.0.3 Strawberryice cream 8 7.0.35 Pineapple ice cream pudding 16 7.0.4 Co
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for a similar recipe inthis booklet and use the E Tip: 1 Introduction quantitiesin that recipe. Somer ecipes onlyr equireegg y olks. The remainingegg whites can forinstance beused Icecream, sorbets, ice creammousse and tomak ea Siberian omelette or meringues. icecream pudding: ice cream comes inman y Mostcook ery bookssuggest suitable r ecipes. forms and flavours. There is an ice cream for 2 Ingredients every tasteand occ
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2.0.4 Sugar juicebef orey ou pureethem. If y ouwant to add and keep it in a tightlysealed bottle in the Use castersugar , asit dissolv esmore easily.You piecesof fr uitto the icecream mixture, sprinkle refrigerator. canalso use icing sugar, bro wnsugar or honey. themwith some sugar to prev ent icecr ystals grindcoar segr anulated sugar in ab lenderor from forminginside the fr uitpieces duringthe 2.0.8 Prep
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Therefore,defrost sorbet inthe refr igerator for • Sometypes of ice cream, such as plain ice 3 Storing ice cream notmore than 15-20min utes. cream, coffee ice creamand chocolate ice cream, areless dense than other types. Take 3.0.1 In the ice cream maker 3.0.3 Storage time these types of ice cream outof the ice cream When theice cream is ready, youcan leaveit Icecream made of uncook ed ingredients: maker and chi
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• Ice cream can also be decorated with, f or accompaniment to theice cream, or pourit o ver 5.0.4 Cold fruit sauce example, chocolatelea ves, gr ated chocolate, theice cream just before serving. This recipeis for fresh fruit, b ut you canalso use nougat, bonbons, shredded cocon utor frozen fruitor fruit froma tin orjar . chopped nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, slivered 5.0.2 Cherry sauce If youuse freshfr uit, add sugar at a r atioo
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 8
• 250ml (8.3fl.oz) whole milk • Use an ice cream scoop tocreate ice cream 6 Children’s party • 200ml (6.6fl.oz) whipping cream ballsand put2 or 3 balls ineach coupe . Pour • Beat theegg y olks, sugar and vanilla sugar until equal quantitiesof the hot chocolate sauce Usebr ight, cheerful coloursto decor ate frothy. Add themilk while stirringconstantl y. over theice cream. Ser veimmediatel y. children’s ice cream. Choose flavours that •
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E Tip: 7.0.5 Banana ice cream • 8stoned dates Insteadof stra wberries, y oucan alsouse 200g • 250g (9oz)r ipebananas • 125ml (4.2fl.oz) partially whipped cream, to be (7oz)fr eshblueber ries, bilber ries, raspber ries • 100g (4oz) castersugar served separately or blackberries. • 1.5tbsp lemon juice • Put allingredients inthe coupes according to • 75ml (2.5fl.oz) whipping cream youro wn imagination. 7.0.4 Coupe Ambrosia • 250ml (8.3fl.oz) whole milk
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• 125ml (4.2fl.oz) whipped cream Preparationtime: 35-45 minutes. 7.0.11 Vanilla ice cream • fizzy lemonade (serves 4-5per sons) • Put the fruit pureein the glasses and put the E Tip: • 2 eggy olks ice cream on top. Pour the lemonade over Insteadof mang os, you canalso use 300g • 1 egg theice cream. garnishwith lemon or or ange (10.7oz) peeledand stoned a pricotsor • 125g (4.5oz) caster sugar slices. Put the whipped cream on top and peaches
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7.0.12 Monta Rosa Makesure that all ingredientsare thoroughl y • Put allingredients on theplates according to (serves4-6 per sons) mixed. your ownimagination. • Vanillaice cream • Switchon the ice cream makerand pour the • hot cherrysauce (see chapter ‘Sauces’) mixture into the cooling bowl. 7.0.15 Coffee ice cream • 4-6 coupes Preparation time: 35-45 min utes. • 3egg y olks • Pour thehot cherry sauceo verthe ice cream • 100g(4oz
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7.0.16 Don Paulo • 200ml (6.6fl.oz) whipping cream • Put the ice cream inthe coupes. Addthe (serves 4-5 persons) • 3egg yolks other ingredients accordingto y our own • Coffee icecream • 1 tsp corn flour imagination. • 4-5 puff pastrycases • Put the egg yolks, sugar and the corn flour in • 4-10 chestnuts, soakedin cognac andcut into a bowl. Beat with amix eruntil the egg yolks slices are almost white. gentlyheat the milk.Then • 4-5macaroons add
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7.0.20 Coupe Moon Fever • Stirlemon and or ange juice intothe syr upand 7.0.23 Tropical sorbet (serves4-6 per sons) mixthoroughl y. Beat the egg white until almost • 200g(7oz) fresh peeled kiwi fr uit • Creamcheese icecream stiffand stir in themixture . Make sure that • 100g(4oz) freshpeeled and stoned mango • 4-6coupes all ingredients are thoroughly mixed. • 150g(5.3oz) fresh peeled pineapple • 2-3 pureed kiwi fruits
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• 2-4 tbsps green orange liqueur or kiwiliqueur • 1sliced starfr uit thenpour in the cream. Mak esure thatall • 2 sliced kiwi fruits • 2 tbsps soaked raisins ingredients are thoroughly mixed. • 1 slicedlemon • 2 tbsps grated chocolate • Switch on the icecream makerand pour the • 12 red cocktail cherries • 125ml (4.2fl.oz) whipped cream mixtureinto thecooling bowl. • Somemint leaves • Somefresh mint leaves Preparationtime: 45-55 min utes. • 125m
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7.0.29 Cherry ice cream mousse • 6 cold crêpes • Switchon the ice cream makerand pour • 550g(19.6oz) stoned cherries • Fruit salad, e .g.: kiwi fruit, white gr apes, the mixtureinto the coolingbo wl. Addthe • 300ml (10fl.oz) syrup (see chapter strawberries, raspberries, pears candied fruitshalfwa y throughthe prepar ation ‘Ingredients’) • Some freshmint leaves time. • juiceof ½ lemon • Someicing sugar Preparation time: 45-55 minutes. •
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 16
7.0.33 Pear and apricot ice cream • 6mar shmallowsor wine gums • 125ml (4.2 fl.oz) whipped cream • 150g(5.3oz) apr icots(stoned and peeled) • Putthe ice creamon the plates. Arrange the • liqueur, if desired • 150g(5.3oz) peeled pears other ingredients on the plates according to • line thebase of the spr ingform tinwith a • 90g(3.2oz) caster sugar your ownimagination. round pieceof greaseproofpaper and the • 200ml (6.6fl.oz) whole milk sid
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7.0.37 Sugar-free strawberry ice cream • Switchon the ice cream makerand pour the (for about 8 portionsof 75g(3oz)) mixture into the cooling bowl. • 2 sheets ofclear gelatine Preparation time: 30-40 min utes. • 375g(13.4oz) fresh str awberries 1 portionof ice cream of 75g(3oz) contains • 1.5tbsp lemon juice 85Kcal/355KJ, 2g (0.08oz) carbohydrate, 3g • 90g (3.2oz) Sionon artificial sweetener (0.12oz)protein and 5g (0.2oz)fat. • 150ml (5fl.oz
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Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 19
7.0.29 Kirsebærismousse 30 6 Børnefester 2 3 7.0.30 Montanara 30 Indholdsfortegnelse 7.0.31 Bavarois-is 3 0 7 Opskrifter 24 7.0.32 Coupe Helene 31 7.0.1 Flødeis 2 4 7.0.33 Pære- og abrikosis 31 1 Introduktion 20 7.0.2 CoupeDame Blanche 24 7.0.34 Farverig isdessert til børn 31 1.0.1 Ingredienser ogkøkk enredskaber 2 0 7.0.3 Jordbæris 24 7.0.35 Isdessert medananas 316 7.0.4 Coupe Ambrosia 24 7.0.36 Caprice-iskage
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2.0.2 Mælk/y o ghur t/flødeost 1 Introduktion 2 Ingredienser Dukan br uge både pasteuriseret ogster iliseret mælk.Det er ligegyldigt, om du br uger sødmælk Flødeis,sorbet, ismousse og isdesser ter: Is 2.0.1 Æg eller letmælk. Isenb liver dog mere cremet, hvis findes i mange forskellige smagsvarianter og Opskrifterne er baseret på æg, der vejer 55-60 du bruger mælkmed et højere f edtindhold. typer. Der findes is til enhver smag og lejlighed. gram(str