Manual do usuário Sears 52261

Manual para o dispositivo Sears 52261

Dispositivo: Sears 52261
Categoria: Carregador de carro
Fabricante: Sears
Tamanho: 2.36 MB
Data de adição: 5/3/2014
Número de páginas: 16
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Sears 52261 Manual de instruções - Online PDF
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Abaixo você encontrará previews do conteúdo contido nas páginas subseqüentes do manual para Sears 52261. Se você deseja visualizar rapidamente o conteúdo das páginas subseqüentes, você pode usá-los.

Resumos do conteúdo
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 12

Care and Cleaning Outside To help prevent odors, leave an open box of baking soda in the rear of the refrigerator, on the top shelf The water and ice dispenser spill shelf should be Change the box every three months In addition, put an wiped dry immediately to prevent spotting Water open box of baking soda in |he freezer to absorb stale left on the shelf may leave deposits that you can freezer odors. remove by soaking in undiluted vinegar You can also use a paste of nomprecipitating water soften

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 13

7. If tape holds bottom drawer cover to drawer supports, Behind Refrigerator remove the tape Pull drawer partway out, Reach in, push Take care moving your refrigerator away from the wall, the rear of the glass up and, at the same time, back, until All types of floor coverings can be damaged, particularly it clears front-corner retainers cushioned coverings and those with embossed surfaces 8oTilt and remove the cover, Pull the refrigerator straight out and return it to position by 9. Tilt and rem

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1

- Safety Instructions ................................................................
- Grounding Requirements .......................................... 2, 3
- Starting the ReFrigerator ................................................ 3
• Adjusting lhe Controls ........................................................ ,4
- Energy-Saving Tips ......................................................4
. Food Storage Suggestions ..................................... 5-7
. Features ..........

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 14

Before You Call for Service Vibration or rattling Savetimeand money Checkthislistof causesof minoroperating problemsyou can correct yourself • If refrigeratorvibrates,morethan likely it is not restingsolidly on the floor, Thefrontrollerscrewsneedadjusting, or floorisweak or Refrigerator does not operate uneven,Referto StartingYourRefrigeratorsection • May be indefrost cyclewhen motordoes not operate for about • If dishesvibrate on shelves,trymovingthem Slightvibration is 30 minutes. normal • Tem

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 15

Cube dispenser does not work Refrigerator has odor • No ice cubes Removestoragecontainer If cubesare frozento • Foodwith strongodors shouldbe tighf[ycovered wire arm,removecubes • Check for spoiled Food, • No ice cubes [cemaker or water supplylurnedoff • Interiorneedscleaning Referto Care and Cleaning section • Irregular ice clumpsinstoragecontainer Break upas manyas • Defrostwater systemneedscleaning you canwith fingertip pressureand discardthe remainingclumps . Keepopenbox of baking soda in re

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 16

FULL ONE YEAR WARRANTY ON REFRIGERATOR FULLFIVE,YEAR WARRAN TY ON SEALED REFRIGERATION SYSTEM For five years from date of purchase, when this refrigerator is operated and maintained according to owner's ;nstructions attached to or furnished with the product, iSearswill repairthesealed system (consisting of refrigerant, connecting tubing and compress0r motor), free of charge, if defective in material or workmanship. The above warranty coverage applies only to refrigerators which are used for stor

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2

IMPORTANT SAFETYINSTRUCTIONS • Don't refreeze frozen foods which have thawed Read all instructions before using completely. The United States Department of Agriculture this appliance. in Home and Garden Bulletin Nor 69 says: WARNING-When using thisappliance, always "t .Youmay safely refreeze frozen foods that have exercise basic safety precautions, including the thawed if they still contain ice crystals or if they are still following: cold-below 40 ° E " Use this appliance only for its intended

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3

Starting the Refrigerator Location Use of adapter plug • Install the refrigerator on a floor strong enough to Because of potential safety hazards under certain support it when it is fully loaded. conditions, we strongly recommend against use of an adapter plug.. However, if you still elect to use an • Do not install it where the temperature will go adapter, where local codes permit, a TEMPORARY below 60°F. because it will not run often enough to CONNECTION may be made to a properly grounded main

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 4

Adjusting the Controls Turning Your Household Thermostat Freezer Temperature Controls F_ _od Below 60°E at Night? I i You may want to move _hefreezer control one step cotder, as from "C" to "D". Cooler temperatures in the house may cause the compressor to operate tess frequently, thus allowing the freezer compartment to warm somewhat To protect your frozen food supply, leave your freezer control at this new, colder setting for the entire winter or for as long as you keep your thermostat turned d

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 5

Food Storage Suggestions Suggested Storage Times Fresh Food Storage Tips To store unfrozen meats, fish and poultry: DAYS MONTHS "Always remove store wrappings, IN IN Eating quality drops REFRIGERATOR FREEZER • Rewrap in foil, film or wax paper and refrigerate after time shown AT AT immediately 35 ° to 40°F. O°F. To store cheese, wrap well with wax paper or aluminum Fresh Meats foil, or put in a plastic bag,, Roasts(Beef & Lamb) ..................... 3 to 5 6 to 12 Roasts(Pork & Veal) ...........

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 6

Food Storage Suggestions Tips on Freezing Foods To Save Money in Energy and Food Costs (continued) • Cover moist foods with tight lids, plastic film or foil. To freeze meat, fish and poultry, wrap well in • Leaf vegetables and fruits placed in drawers will last freezer_weight foil (or other heavy-duty wrapping longer when stored in closed plastic containers or material) forming it carefully to lhe shape of the wrapped in plastic film_ contents This expels air Fold and crimp ends of the • Do not

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 7

Crisper Multi-Position Freezer Compartment Shelves This drawer has been Shelf supports at various levels in the freezer specialIy designed to help preserve the natural compartment let you goodness of fruitsand reposition the shelves from time to time to better vegetables. accommodate your variable inventory of Nice 'N Fresh Drawer frozen foods This sealed drawer To reposition shelves: is designed to keep I. While pressing tabs on unwrapped foods fresh shelf supports on the right by retaining the

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 8

Features ICE ACCESS DOOR ,_iTROLS _UTILITY BIN " Lift it to turn icema keron or off, or Set both €ontrols to ':5.' They may /.:: Dual-usage;bin holds two dozen to level ice Cubes in storage bin need adiusfing later. See 'Adjusting /_': eggs,n their Cartonsl oi_St0resan t IJ _' : from fime:to:fime_ he Controls. ii!i :I:I extra supply of ice cubes inthe freezer for special occasions. ICE STORAGE stored s_aysopen while bin is here until CalJed for in use, provides easy access to dairy products. by

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 9

ice Service PIPE lcemaker Water Line 1/4" TUBETO SHUTOFF VALVE Installation Requirements COMPRESSION SHUTOFF NUT You will need a shutoff valve, two INLET 1/4" OD compression nuts, two compression sleeves and enough VERTICAL t/4" OD copper tubing to connect COLD WATER refrigerator to water source (Your PIPE TUBING Sears Store or Catalog Sales Office CLAMP has a kit available with a saddle- 5. Fasten shutoff valve to cold water REFRIGERATORCONNECTION type shutoff valve and copper pipe with pipe cl

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 10

Automatic icemaker and ice & Water Dispenser An automatic icemaker and a dispenser provide water • Dispense ice before filling glass with soda or and ice cubes through the freezer compartment door_ other beverage mixes. This will prevent splashing which is annoying and which, if the splash reaches Here's how they work: the ice selector switch, could cause it to stick or bind Water flows from household water - Beverages and foods should not be quick- chilled in the ice storage bin. Cans, bottles

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 11

Do not pour water in spill shelf because it is not self- Onceyour icemaker is in operation, throw draining-pour it in the kitchen sink**Clean the spill shelf away the first few batches of ice cubes. Thiswill and itsgrille regularly-see Care and Cleaning section. flush away any impurities in the water line. Do the same thing after vacations or long periods when ice isn't used_ If ice Clumps Form in Storage Bin,,_. Discard the first six glassfuls of water in the IFice is not used often, ice clumps

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