Manual do usuário Hasselblad 503 Series 10026

Manual para o dispositivo Hasselblad 503 Series 10026

Dispositivo: Hasselblad 503 Series 10026
Categoria: Câmera vídeo
Fabricante: Hasselblad
Tamanho: 3.09 MB
Data de adição: 4/23/2013
Número de páginas: 93
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Resumos do conteúdo
Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 1

Service Manual
Östra vägen 46
430 91 HÖNÖ
tel/fax 031-96 84 64
October 1996
Victor Hasselblad AB
Göteborg Sweden
Copyright © 1998 by Victor Hasselblad AB. All rights reserved. No parts of this material may be reproduced, stored
in retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or
otherwise, without the prior written per

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 2

Contents list Camera body 503CW 1. General 2. Tools 3. Disassembly 4. Reassembly 5. Adjustment, final assembly and calibration of the flash meter 6. Sub-assembly: Front bayonet plate and auxiliary shutter with mirror 7. Exploded view: Shell 8. Exploded view: Gear housing 9. Exploded view: Mechanism plate 10. Exploded view: Auxiliary shutter and mirror assembly 11. Exploded view: Front bayonet plate 12. Exploded view: Right hand wall 13. Exploded view: Left hand wall and electronics 14. Exploded

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 3

Related Service Infos 503CW - 501C - 503CX/CXi - 500C/M - 501CM 1. 17/93 Fitted with wrong spacers - 503C/M and 503CX 20/93 Flash metering circuit redesigned - 503CX 04/94 New camera - 501C 05/94 Exploded views and spare part specifications - 501C and 503CXi 06/94 Spare part No. changed - 500C/M and 503CX 12/94 Pin fitted in bayonet plate - 501C 04/95 Tripod foot modified - 501C and 503CXi 09/95 New tool - 503CXi 10/95 Updated pages - 503CXi 02/96 Signal arm shortened - 501C and 503CXi 12/96 Tri

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 4

Related Service Infos 503CW - 501C - 503CX/CXi - 500C/M - 501CM 2. 04/01 New CD-ROM - Version 2.0 Revision 4 January 2001

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 5

1:1 General description Camera body 503CW Camera type: Single lens reflex camera with 6 x 6 (2 1/4 x 2 1/4 in) max. film size. Interchangeable lenses, film magazines, viewfinders and focusing screens. Design: Mechanical, with an aluminium alloy camera body shell cast in one piece. Viewfinders: Folding focusing hood interchangeable with reflex viewfinder, prism viewfinders with or without built-in exposure meter or magnifying hoods. Film advance: Manual advance or motor driven with Winder CW. Si

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 6

1:2 COPYRIGHT © 1996 ANDERS ENGSTRÖM 503DGRM1 Camera release sequence Camera body 503CW ANDERS ENGSTRÖM, ILLUSTRATÖR 961018 Östra vägen 46 430 91 HÖNÖ tel/fax 031-96 84 64 Release sequence 360° 340 320 0 300 20 280 40 260 60 Key 240 80 position 220 100 200 120 180 140 160 160 140 180 Pre- Variable 120 200 released timing 100 220 position interval 80 240 60 260 40 280 20 300 0 319° Mirror Auxiliary shutter Lens shutter 1/500 sec April 1998 Aperture f 2.8 f 22

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 7

2:1 Tools Camera body 503CW Tool No. Description Used for V-2200 Bender Signal arm adjustment V-2201 Bender Mirror arm adjustment V-2202 Bender S-arm adjustment V-2203 Bender Release arm adjustment (aux. shutter) V-2205 Bender Supporting tool when using V-2201 V-2206 Winding knob Substitutes regular winding crank during repair work V-2211 Pin driver Fitting the locating pin in the front plate and the front gear bracket V-2224 Bender Release arm adjustment V-2229 Focal length gauge Adjustment of

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 8

2:2 Tools Camera body 503CW Tool No. Description Used for V-5423 Riveting jig Replacement of aux. shutter flaps V-5942 Exp. gauge Release mechanism adjustment 902474 Test box ELX/CX Calibration of the TTL flash meter 902658 Key angle gauge Adjustment of the front key angle (V-2075) 904644 Bayonet plate Stop lever adjustment 970600 Service Test System Calibration of the TTL flash meter 905020 Screwdriver Screws in the mirror box Revision 0 October 1996

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 9

3:1 Disassembly Camera body 503CW Camera shell Remove the lens, film magazine, view finder, focusing screen and winding knob. Remove the screw (830060), coupling (22767) and washer (22799). Remove the leather (13374), shim (22473), screw (822701) and ISO selector knob (22495). Do not damage the sliding contacts. Remove the cap (22470) from the chassis connector and peel back the leather covering two screws (823335). Remove these screws and firmly push the chassis connector into the body of the c

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 10

3:2 Disassembly Camera body 503CW Circuit board (22575) *22882 CAUTION! When handling the circuit board a grounded bench mat and a wrist strap must be used to prevent ESD damage. Lift the chassis connector out of the hole in which it is seated in the left hand wall. Remove the two screws (820325) that secure the photodiode. Gently ease the photodiode through the hole in the left wall. Remove the two screws (820011) and the grounding attachment (22453). Remove the screw (820011) and the cable ho

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 11

3:3 Disassembly Camera body 503CW Focusing screen frame (22812) Remove the two remaining screws (820015) holding the focusing screen frame to the right hand wall and lift the frame off. Right hand wall (21095-1) Remove (or cut) the foam plastic pad (22582) to get access to the three screws (820014). Remove the right hand wall. Mechanism plate (21125-1) 821631 22287 814827 Remove the damping ring (22287) by first removing screw (822605) and washer (810836). Put the screw (822605) back, to keep th

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 12

3:4 Disassembly Camera body 503CW Remove the lower (13101) and the upper (13100) connecting rods and dismantle the remaining parts on the mechanism in the following order. Fig. 8. 4 1. Screws (820016) 2 pcs 5 2. Bearing bracket (13171) and nut (13116) 3. Gear wheel (13167) 4. Screw (822605) 6 1 2 5. Lid (14280) 3 6. Gear (22699) Note! Fig. 8 When removing the gear (22699) care should be taken to ensure that the spring (30384) does not become displaced. 12 13 10 Reverse side. Fig. 9. 10. Gear (13

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 13

4:1 Reassembly Camera body 503CW The lubricants mentioned in the text are: Grease = Isoflex Topas L32 Oil = Isoflex PDP 48 Gear housing (30324) Lubricate carefully the washer (810840) with oil. Lubricate with grease and fit (incl. the above mentioned washer) the ratchet wheel (20924) into the front section of the gear housing (30304). 821033 Lubricate with grease and fit the gear wheel (13169). 13157 Note. The correct relationship between the two gears 22355 13509 before inserting the locking pi

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 14

4:2 Reassembly Camera body 503CW Mount the gear housing (30324) to the mechanism 20912 816802 810404 plate. 817112 On the reverse side of the mechanism plate lubricate the hub with grease and fit the shutter stop bar (20912) spring (816802), washer (810404) and clip (817112). Fig. 13. Note! The gear housing must be rotated when fitting 30324 the stop bar (20912). Fig. 13 13182 22699 Lubricate the cam of the gear wheel (13182) with grease and fit to the mechanism plate. Note! The position of the

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 15

4:3 Reassembly Camera body 503CW Fitting the mechanism plate to the right hand wall On the mechanism plate fit the upper and lower connecting rods to the pins on the gear wheels. (13100) for the upper shutter and (13101) for the lower shutter. Lubricate with grease. Position the auxiliary shutter stop 13100 823015 22436 820020 820022 (22436) in place. 13170 Place the mechanism plate in position on the right hand wall. Attach the adjustable pawl assembly (13170) with two screws (820022). Lubricat

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 16

4:4 Reassembly Camera body 503CW Fit the stop lever (13355) and spring (816752) to the 821631 13108 814827 pre-greased hub. Secure with the clip (817119). Lubricate the hub (13108) with grease and place a shim onto it. This shim can be in several thicknesses for adjustment as follows: 0.10; 0.20; 0.30 mm with corresponding part numbers 810826, 810827, 810828. 13355 Attach spring (814827) between the auxiliary shutter stop (22436) and the right hand wall. Fig. 19. Fig. 19 On the reverse side of t

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 17

4:5 Reassembly Camera body 503CW Rear plate (30300) Fitting the rear plate Fig. 23 and 24. Lubricate the shutter driving arm’s shaft hub and the mirror’s moving peg with grease. Connect the arm and the connecting rods and fix the rear plate into the chassis. Ensure that the mirror actuating lever grips the pin on the mirror frame and that the mirror is positioned correctly on the upper side of the mirror support. Connect the driving arm (22781) to the mirror frame and secure with a clip (817115)

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 18

4:6 Reassembly Camera body 503CW Front plate (30777) Fitting the front bayonet plate to the camera body Tension the drive spring by turning the outer gear wheel clockwise four turns. The front key will be positioned at the red index dot. A locking pin can be inserted through the inner cog wheel and the bracket to prevent the spring from unwinding. Install the winding knob V-2206 and tension the gear housing. Note! Make sure the aux-shutter is closed at this time. Fig.25. Fig. 25 Install the fron

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 19

5:1 Adjustment Camera body 503CW The lubricants mentioned in the text are: Grease = Isoflex Topas L32 Oil = Isoflex PDP 48 Install the winding knob V-2206 and tension the 20919 V-2206 auxiliary shutter spring (30384) by releasing the pawl (20919). Turn the knob clockwise and tension the spring two turns at this time. Test the camera’s function. If the spring is too tight the pressure can be reduced by operation of the shutter mechanism and then pressing the signal arm down. Fig. 28. Note! Always

Resumo do conteúdo contido na página número 20

5:2 Adjustment Camera body 503CW Focal length The camera body’s focal length is inspected and adjusted by using tool V-2229. The focal length is 71.40 mm ± 0.03 mm. "B" Zero the dial indicator by placing it on surface ”A”. Mount the front plate ”B” into the front bayonet of the camera. Connect the camera to the focal length gauge. Ensure that the rear plate is flat. In the event of any unevenness "A" loosen the screws which hold the rear plate and push it in the desired direction. Place the rule

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