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P/N: M22003-01A6
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ProDUct IntroDUctIon 6 About this MANuAl 6 THANK YOU REcoRd YouR sERiAl NuMbER 6 MANuAl disclAiMERs 6 The team at Escient would like to take this opportunity to thank you WARNiNGs ANd PREcAutioNs 7 for purchasing an Escient FireBall product. Escient is committed to providing our customers the most technologically advanced, yet easier- tRAdEMARks & sER vicE MARks 8 than-ever to use products that converge the power of the Internet with WARRANtY iNfoRMA tioN 9 home entertainment. Es
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aDDItIonal connectIon anD hooKUP lIStenIng to MUSIc 40 bRoWsiNG YouR Music libRARY 40 InForMatIon 27 shoW ANd hidE tRAcks 40 diGit Al Audio iNPuts 27 PlAYiNG thE cuRRENt titlE 41 Audio outPuts 27 sElEctiNG A diffERENt soNG 41 vidEo outPuts 28 chANGiNG thE GuidE viEW 42 Rs-232 coNNEctioNs 29 View By artist 42 iNtERNAl ModEM coNNEctioNs 29 View By cover 42 iR coNNEctioNs 29 chANGiNG thE cuRRENt PlAY ModE 43 EthERNEt coNNEctioNs 30 viEWiNG bY GENRE 44 ExtERNAl
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Selecting an existing cover 60 external control 85 EditiNG RAdio iNfoRMA tioN 61 suRRouNd ModE sEttiNGs 85 EditiNG PlAYlists 62 iNst AlliNG thE EtP t ouch P ANEl 86 EditiNG GRouPs 63 calibrating the t ouch Panel 87 dElEtiNG Music 64 changing the t ouch Panel Button overlay 88 dElEtiNG PlAYlists 65 Using Your t ouch Panel 88 dElEtiNG GRouPs 66 iR REMotE coNtRol 89 diREct AccEss codEs 90 PlAYlist hot kEYs 93 SettIng USer PreFerenceS 67 sERiAl coM PoRts 94
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networking 103 Server Selection 103 eScIent technIcal SUPPort 104 troUBleShootIng 105 NEtWoRk PRoblEMs 105 softWARE uPdA tE PRoblEMs 105 REcoRdiNG PRoblEMs 105 aDDItIonal InForMatIon 106 sPEcificA tioNs 106 Video Specifications 106 audio Specifications 106 Physical Specifications 106 3rd Party certifcations 106 Fcc Part 15, Subpart B 106 gracenote® enD-USer lIcenSe agreeMent 107 PAGE 5 FireBall™ DVDM-100 User’s Manual
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ProDUct IntroDUctIon Thank you for purchasing a FireBall Media Management system from Escient (a division of D&M Holdings). About this MANuAl This FireBall User’s Manual is intended to provide the reader with an overview of the main features and benefits of the Escient FireBall Media Management Systems. For more information, please refer to the Escient web site ( or contact your Escient dealer. REcoRd YouR sERiAl NuMbER The serial number for this unit is located at the rear of t
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WARNiNGs ANd PREcAutioNs • Do not use this apparatus near water . • Clean only with a dry cloth. • Do not block any ventilation openings. • Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat. • T o reduce the risk of electric shock, do not remove the cover . No user serviceable parts are inside. Refer servicing to qualified service personnel. • T o prevent electric shock, do not use a 3 wire to 2 wi
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tRAdEMARks & sER vicE MARks Escient®, the Escient logo, and fireball® are trademarks of Digital Networks North America. fireball and Physital are trademarks of Escient®. Other product names mentioned herein are used for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective companies. Music recognition technology and related data are provided by Gracenote®. Gracenote is the industry standard in music recognition technology and related content delivery. For more information v
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WARRANtY iNfoRMA tioN Terms of Coverage - Each Escient branded media management system sold comes with a standard one (1) year warranty. This warranty provides no-charge coverage under normal product usage, for a period of one year from the date of registration and/or purchase (whichever is earlier). This warranty program provides the following key features and benefits: • T welve (12) months service, parts and labor . • Five (5) day turn around time on all standard in-warranty repairs. No c
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• Additionally , Escient does not cover the following items under the terms or its warranty programs: • Installation or removal char ges. • Cost of initial technical adjustments (setup costs). • Battery replacement. Escient’s sole liability for any defective product is limited to the repair or replacement of the product at our discretion. Escient shall not be liable for damages to other property caused by defects in this product, damages based upon inconvenience, loss of use of the product,
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EsciENt PRiv AcY PolicY Escient is committed to providing you with a product that you enjoy and are confident in using, and are committed to providing services in a private and secure environment. We recognize and respect each individual user’s privacy and have created this Privacy Policy to demonstrate our commitment to your privacy. We want you to be fully informed about the information that we collect, why we collect it, and with whom we share it. It is our hope that, after reading this n
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tERMs ANd dEfiNitioNs Following are terms used throughout this manual: • button - refers to a graphic item on the display screen. • Group - a collection of similar music titles. Standard genre groups are provided and custom groups can be created by the user. • highlight - highlighting is used to indicate the user’s selection on screen. When the selection moves up, down, left, or right, the highlight moves to the next nearest item. No action is taken (except that more information may be displa
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SetUP This manual assumes that you followed the printed “Quick Setup Guide” that came with your FireBall. If you have not properly connected your FireBall to your audio/video system, please go back and follow the “Quick Setup Guide” guide before continuing with this User Manual. PoWER st AtEs After the FireBall unit is plugged in, the Standby LED located next to the power button will flash red until the startup process is complete. Please wait. this may take several minutes. When the Standby LE
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fRoNt P ANEl ovER viEW 1 1 - PoWER PAGE 14 FireBall™ DVDM-100 User’s Manual
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REAR PANEl ovER viEW 3 5 12 4 6 2 1 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 1 - PoWER 2 - 5.1 ANAloG Audio iN 3 - 5.1 ANAloG Audio out 4 - iR iN ANd s-liNk/iR out 5 - diGit Al Audio coAx out 6 - diGit Al Audio oPticAl out 7 - diGit Al Audio oPticAl iN 8 - diGit Al Audio coAx iN 9 - ANAloG Audio out 10 - vidEo out 11 - vidEo iN 12 - coMMuNicA tioN PoRts 13 - EthERNEt 14 - PhoNE PAGE 15 FireBall™ DVDM-100 User’s Manual
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REMotE ovER viEW PAGE 16 FireBall™ DVDM-100 User’s Manual
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ENtERiNG tExt With thE REMotE coNtRol The remote control can be used to enter text in all text fields. This text entry capability is provided to allow you to fill out short text fields – such as those that occur in the setup and edit screens. FireBall’s wireless keyboard should be used when extended typing is required. entering numeric entry Mode In fields where FireBall expects only numeric characters to be entered (such as phone number fields), an indicator will appear on the screen that d
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display a “C”. The fourth key press displays a lower case “a”, the fifth key press displays a lower case “b”, and the sixth key press displays a lower case “c”. Lastly, pressing the “2” key a seventh time displays the number “2”. When entering the second character in a text field or the second character following a space, FireBall assumes that lower case is preferred and the character entry cycles in the following pattern – lowercase, uppercase, and numeric. the following text entry table
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connectIng external DISc changerS Supported external changers The following changers are currently supported. This list may change from time to time as new changers are released by third party manufacturers. Please check the Escient web site for a list of any new supported changers. • Sony DVP-CX777ES CD/DVD changer • Kenwood DV -5900M and DV -5050M CD/DVD Changers • Sony CD Changers (CDP-CX 200, 300, 400 series with S-Link support) Note: FireBall will support up to three connected changers.
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connecting Sony DVP-cx777eS cD/DVD changers FireBall requires that you connect each changer to the back panel using audio and control cables. follow these steps to connect your sony cd/dvd changers to your fireball: 1. An Rs-232 serial null modem cable with female db-9 connectors on each end is required for connecting a sony cd/dvd changer. 2. connect one end of the Rs-232 serial cable into communication Port number 1, on the back of your fireball. 3. connect the other end of the Rs-232 serial