Instrukcja obsługi Smeg Vitroceramic Cooking Hob SE631C

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Smeg Vitroceramic Cooking Hob SE631C

Urządzenie: Smeg Vitroceramic Cooking Hob SE631C
Kategoria: Kuchenka
Producent: Smeg
Rozmiar: 0.75 MB
Data dodania: 6/25/2013
Liczba stron: 9
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Smeg Vitroceramic Cooking Hob SE631C Instrukcja obsługi - Online PDF
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1


Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

ES Página 3-9 GB Page 10-16 IT Pagina 17-23 FR-BE Page 24-30 DE-BE Seite 31-37 NL-BE Bladzijde 38-44 2

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

GB Introduction Description Model SE 640 (see fig. 1) Model SE 631 (see fig. 2) 1 Heating element of 1.200 W. 1 Heating element of 1.200 W. 2 Heating element of 1.800 W. 2 Heating element of 1.800 W. 3 Heating element of 1.800 W. 3 Halogen heating element of 1.800 W. 4 Heating element of 1.200 W. 4 Heating element of 1.200 W. 5 Residual heat indicators. 5 Residual heat indicators. • Maximum electric power: 6.000 W. • Maximum electric power: 6.000 W. 1 3 3 1 2 5 4 2 5 4 Fig. 1 Fig. 2 10

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

GB Installation vided (ø 4.2 mm). Note If the furniture thickness is 30 mm or less, use the THE INSTALLATION AND FITTING WORK MUST BE M5 self-tapping screws supplied to hold the hob in CARRIED OUT BY AN AUTHORISED INSTALLATION place, inserting them through the holes in the TECHNICIAN ACCORDING TO APPLICABLE REGU- clamps. The screws will form a thread in these LATIONS. holes as they are screwed into them. These thre- ads should be formed before the clamp is atta- Selecting a location ched to the

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

50 GB replaced by the manufacturer since special Technical Data tools are required. Technical data Avoid the mains cable resting against the hob or oven casing oven if installed in the same COMMON CHARACTERISTICS OF ALL piece of furniture. MODELS The supply voltage and frequency are as indica- Note: ted on the rating plate. • The adhesives used in the manufacture of the The protection against risk in case of fire is class furniture or for applying decorative laminas or "Y", so these hobs may be

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

GB Use and Maintenance The operation of one or more heating zones is Using vitroceramic hotplates shown by the on-off indicator. Residual heat indicators Each of the vitroceramic hob's heating ele- When a heating zone reaches a temperature ments is connected to an energy compensator exceeding 60±15°C the corresponding resi- which controls the operating and stopping dual heat indicator illuminates, remaining swit- time for each one (more or less heat). (See ched on until the temperature decreases

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

GB the hotplate outlines marked on the glass. CARE OF THE GLASS SURFACE •Dry the bases of pots before placing them When cleaning the hob the degree of staining on the vitroceramic hob top. must be taken into account, using appropriate • Never leave plastic objects or utensils, or products and utensils in each case. aluminium foil on the vitroceramic hob. •Take care not to scrape the surface of the Light stains hob with pots with sharp edges or corners. • Do not switch on the hob if there is no

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

GB RECOMMENDED CLEANING PRODUCTS Product Can be used for cleaning... ... the glass? ... the frame? Gentle liquid detergents YES YES Powder or aggressive detergents NO NO Special vitroceramic YES YES cleaners Grease removal sprays (ovens, etc.) NO NO Soft cleaning cloths YES YES Kitchen roll YES YES Dish cloths YES YES Nickel cleaning pads (never dry) YES NO Steel cleaning pads NO NO Hard (green) synthetic cleaning pads NO NO Soft (blue) synthetic cleaning pads YES YES Scrapers for glass YES NO

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

GB Deterioration of surface markings is caused FRAME MAINTENANCE by using abrasive cleaning products or reci- Use a damp cloth or lukewarm soapy water for pients with irregular bases that scrape off the cleaning. If the stains are hard to remove use silk-screened markings. a special vitroceramic cleaning product or Pots may stick to the surface due to a subs- liquid polish for electrical household applian- tance melting between them. Never try to pull ces. Apply and spread, rubbing the undiluted

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