Instrukcja obsługi Vertical Communications and FX Series

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Urządzenie: Vertical Communications and FX Series
Kategoria: Telefon konferencyjny
Producent: Vertical Communications
Rozmiar: 0.33 MB
Data dodania: 6/19/2014
Liczba stron: 68
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Vertical Communications and FX Series Instrukcja obsługi - Online PDF
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

DXP, DXP Plus, and FX Series
Digital Communications System
LCD Speakerphone Station User’s Guide

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

D R E E G T I C I E R D T I S I This user’s guide applies to the following system and telephone models: System Model: DXP software revision 9C and later. DXP Plus software revision 11A and later. FX Series software revision 12A and later. Telephone Model: Impression 2022S Rev. A and later DigiTech 7700S-** Rev. I and later If you need more information, consult your LCD Speakerphone Reference Manual. Contact your Comdial dealer for updates of this as well as other Comdial publications as your nee

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

GCA70–198 Contents Contents Section ........................................ Page # 1 Introduction ................................. 1–1 1.1 UnderstandingWhatTheLightsMean ............. 1–1 1.2 UsingTheLCDAbbreviations.................... 1–2 1.3 Using The Speakerphone ........................ 1–8 2 AnsweringCalls .............................. 2–1 2.1 AnsweringCalls............................... 2–1 2.2 Answering A Subdued Off-Hook Voice Announcement (SOHVA)................... 2–2 2.3 Forwardi

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Contents GCA70–198 5 Sending And Receiving Non-Verbal Messages ..... 5–1 5.1 UsingThe MessagingFeature .................... 5–1 5.2 UsingLCD Messaging.......................... 5–2 5.3 SendingAnLCDMessage....................... 5–3 6 TransferringCalls ............................ 6–1 6.1 Transferring OutsideCalls....................... 6–1 7 ConferencingCalls............................ 7–1 7.1 ConferencingStationsTogether................... 7–1 8 Programming Your Telephone .................. 8–

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GCA70–198 Contents 9.9 Overriding A Call Or A Do Not Disturb Condition At Another Telephone (Executive Override)................... 9–5 9.10 Setting The Volume Control...................... 9–6 9.11 Setting Your Personal Ringing Tones............... 9–8 9.12 Using Background Music........................ 9–8 10 Operating Your Telephone WithADSS/BLFConsole ..................... 10–1 10.1 Operating Your Telephone WithADSS/BLFConsole ...................... 10–1 Publication Index ...................

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Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

GCA70–198 Introducing The Telephone IntroducingTheTelephone 1 Congratulations and thank you for using a Comdial telephone! This manual serves as a helpful guide for using your new telephone’s many functions. If you should need more information about a particular function or a function that is not listed in this guide, consult the Impression / DigiTech LCD Speakerphone Reference Manual (your system attendant should have several copies). 1.1 Understanding What The Lights Mean The lights on your te

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

Introducing The Telephone GCA70–198 —Next to an INTERCOM button: Steady green with a quick flash = you are using your intercom. Winking red = an LCD message is set on your telephone for others to receive when calling. Flashing orange = another station is calling you. —Next to a fixed feature or programmable feature button: Steady red = the feature is on. Steady off = the feature is off. —Above the HOLD button: Fluttering red = message awaits pickup. Winking green = a line is on hold at your stat

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

GCA70–198 Introducing The Telephone Interactive Buttons Auxiliary LCD Alphanumeric Jack Display (NOT programmable) TAP Button Transfer/ DIGITECH COMDIAL Conference Button Speaker Programmable Buttons Mute Button TRANS TAP CONF Speaker Button SPKR MUTE Volume Control Message Waiting Intercom Light HOLD ITCM Button AW400 Hold Button Microphone Opening DigiTech LCD Speakerphone unisyn12.cdr Interactive Buttons Line Lights, DSS/BLF Lights Mute Light 1 ABC2 DEF3 (one for each button) GHI4 JKL5 M

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10

Introducing The Telephone GCA70–198 1.2 Using The LCD Abbreviations The following chart identifies the abbreviations on your LCD screen and provides a brief definition of each feature. For more detailed information see the Impression / DigiTech LCD Speakerphone Reference Manual, GCA70–226. Abbreviation Feature Definition ACCT Account Stores a button that enables account code entry. ALERT Set Reminder Sets two reminder alerts that will sound at your station at specified times. ALL All Calls Forwa

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

GCA70–198 Introducing The Telephone Abbreviation Feature Definition CFWD Call Forward Forwards all of your calls to a different station location. When chosen as a feature, stores a button that enables the function. CAMP Camp On Has system call you when busy station becomes idle. When chosen as a feature, stores a button that enables the function. CLEAR Clear Features Stores a button that clears a currently active or engaged feature. CLR Clear Cancels a call forward condition. CONF Conference Est

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

Introducing The Telephone GCA70–198 Abbreviation Feature Definition LIGHT Light (contrast) Makes the LCD screen lighter. MSG Message Turns on the message-waiting light at another station. MUSIC Background Turns on the background music at Music your station. When chosen as a feature, stores a button that enables the function. NEXT Next Display Shows the next display. NoANS No Forward calls that ring at your station Answer/Forward but receive no answer. OPTION Options Selects interactive button fe

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

GCA70–198 Introducing The Telephone Abbreviation Feature Definition SAVE Save Number Permanently saves last number you dialed. When chosen as a feature, stores a button that provides the function. SDIAL Speed Dial Programs a number for one-button calling. SEND Send Transfer Re-transfers a previously transferred call that returned to your station. SET Set Feature Enables call forwarding. SOHVA Secure Off- Sends a subdued off-hook voice Hook Voice announcement to another station. Announce SRC Musi

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Introducing The Telephone GCA70–198 1.3 Using The Speakerphone When using your speakerphone, the microphone and loudspeaker are farther away from you than when you use a handset. Both the signal from the loudspeaker and the signal to the microphone must be strengthened. When microphones and loudspeakers are close together, such as in a speakerphone, additional amplification typically generates a ringing sound (public address systems do this if the volume is too high or the microphone is too clos

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GCA70–198 Introducing The Telephone • Raising the volume of the loudspeaker makes it easier for the sound-activated switches in your telephone to select the distant party’s voice. Lowering the volume of the loudspeaker makes it easier for the switches to select your voice. • Since the system takes several seconds to provide the best switching, constant sound patterns—such as elongating your words and playing externally-supplied music—may prevent the sound-activated switches from operating proper

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Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 17

GCA70–198 Answering Calls Answering Calls 2 2.1 Answering Calls • To answer a call that is ringing at your telephone, 1. If the light is flashing orange, lift handset, —OR— if the light is flashing red, press the line button next to it and lift handset. • To answer a call using the speakerphone, 1. Press flashing line or INTERCOM button. • To answer a call that is ringing at any telephone, 1. Lift handset. 2. Press INTERCOM and dial ✳ 4 plus extension number of ringing telephone. • To answer a c

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 18

Answering Calls GCA70–198 • To answer a call that is ringing the loud ringer or night transfer station, 1. Hear ringing. 2. Lift handset. 3. Press INTERCOM. 4. Dial 65 through 68 to select ringing zone (1–4) at the location of the bell, or dial 69 to answer any ringing zone. NOTE: This feature is known as Trunk Access From Any Station (TAFAS). 2.2 Answering A Subdued Off- Hook Voice Announcement (SOHVA) The installer may arrange your telephone to receive a subdued off-hook voice announcement (SO

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GCA70–198 Answering Calls 2.3 Forwarding Calls • To forward calls made to your station, 1. Press OPTIONS. 2. Press NEXT until the CFWD option appears. 3. Press CFWD. 4. Press SET. 5. Press PERS to forward prime line and intercom calls, —OR— press ALL to forward all calls, —OR— press NO ANS to forward calls that ring at your station but receive no answer after a preprogrammed number of rings (then press PERS to forward your prime line and intercom calls or press ALL to forward all calls that ring

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Answering Calls GCA70–198 • To cancel call forwarding, 1. Press OPTIONS. 2. Press NEXT until the CFWD option appears. 3. Press CFWD. 4. Press CLR to disable call forwarding. 5. Press SPEAKER to end. 2 – 4 LCD Station User's Guide

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