Instrukcja obsługi Tannoy Nearfield Monitors Reveal

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Tannoy Nearfield Monitors Reveal

Urządzenie: Tannoy Nearfield Monitors Reveal
Kategoria: Monitor
Producent: Tannoy
Rozmiar: 0.27 MB
Data dodania: 8/25/2013
Liczba stron: 16
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Nearfield Monitors
User Manual

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Tannoy Loudspeakers are manufactured in Great Britain by : Tannoy Limited, Coatbridge, ML5 4TF. SCOTLAND Telephone: +44 (0)1236 420199 Fax: +44 (0)1236 428230 Internet: Tannoy North America Inc. 335 Gage Avenue, Suite 1, Kitchener, Ontario, CANADA, N2M 5E1 Telephone: (519) 745 1158 Fax: (519) 745 2364 Tannoy Nederland BV, Anthonetta Kuijlstraat 19, 3066 GS, Rotterdam THE NETHERLANDS Telephone: (010) 2860554 Fax: (010) 2860431 Feb 1998 Jan. 1998, AVG 2 GH 22 nd nd

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CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 THE BASICS 2.1 Unpacking and visual checks 2.2 Preliminary recommendation 2.3 Connecting your speakers 2.4 Observing polarity 2.5 Power Amplifiers 3.0 PLACEMENT OF THE SPEAKERS 3.1 Orientation 3.2 Positioning 3.3 Console Reflections 3.4 Speaker Mounting 3.5 Bass Ports 3.6 Equalization 4.0 PERFORMANCE DATA 5.0 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 6.0 SERVICING 6.1 Cabinet finish 6.2 Driver removal 6.3 Crossover 6.4 List of spare parts 7.0 WARRANTY 8.0 Declaration of Conformity

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1.0 INTRODUCTION You’re thinking, “Come on, a user’s manual for speakers? That’s like a user’s manual for a toothbrush.” You know enough not to plug your speakers into an AC outlet, and you know you should hook them up in phase and then you listen to them. How much more do you need to know? We know these speakers are headed for the professional or semi-professional studio market, so we know we don’t need to tell you about putting your potted plants on top of the speakers, or to avoid putting the

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damping factor, generally a cable with a cross-sectional area of 2.5 mm², or greater is recommended. The lower the resistance of the cable between the amplifier and the speakers, the better the damping factor acting on the speaker. This has been covered in every audio magazine that has ever been written about speakers, so we won’t beat it to death here. You don’t need to buy speaker wire that costs as much as your speakers to get some benefit from wire size, select a finely stranded speaker cabl

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

3.0 PLACEMENT OF THE SPEAKERS Now here’s the truly critical stuff. Speaker placement and the listening environment can completely compromise the performance of any loudspeaker, no matter how much it costs. It is important to understand some limitations of near-field speakers, and the operating environment, in order for you to gain the maximum performance from the pair sitting in front of you. 3.1 Orientation Two-way speakers have a correct orientation for the serious listener. Two systems use a

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In the diagrams below we have a graphical representation of the speaker systems operating at the crossover point where both high and low frequency drivers produce the same output level. The first one shows a pair of two-way loudspeakers lying on their side. Note that each driver is producing sound, and because there is a physical distance separating them on the baffle, there is also a time difference separating the drivers, and the result is what you see here. Around the crossover point, the spe

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Another interesting note, the Tannoy true point-source Dual Concentric© monitors are free from the physical offsets previously described, which means that the behavior of the Dual Concentric monitors will not change in the horizontal, vertical or any other plane you can pick. The other neat thing about Dual Concentric monitors is that no matter how close you get to them you can’t get the image to fragment into separate high and low frequency sources. Now, if you were to follow the all too common

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3.2 Positioning This is the monitor equivalent of a wheel alignment. Where do you aim the speakers to give you the smoothest and most consistent sound, and how far apart do you place them to give you a good stereo image? The basic rule is to follow the layout of an equilateral triangle. The distance between the two monitors should be roughly the same as the distance between one monitor and your nose in the listening position where you are leaning forward on the console armrest. See the following

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3.3 Console Reflections The number one killer of smooth near-field monitor response is the mixing console. Most people park their near-field monitors on top of the meter bridge, which makes the console top the most influential reflecting surface for the sound you hear when you’re mixing. How important is that reflection? If it were such a big deal, wouldn’t people have done something different by now? Let’s face it, this industry is not exactly quick to acknowledge a situation that makes it appa

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to the speaker’s response, because the ear/brain reads reflections arriving within 10 milliseconds of the direct sound as being part of the speaker’s response, these reflections can pull the stereo image around in different directions at different frequencies. Enough theory, now to the lab. Here’s where we have fun with science. Take the microphone stand and place it at the mix position. Attach one end of the string to the top of the mic stand, and stretch the string out to the front of one of t

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3.4 Speaker Mounting You’ve probably got your monitors delicately balanced on your console meter bridge, or sitting on a counter top beside your hard disc editor. Find some music with some real solid low end that you know well. Try listening to this music with the speaker sitting directly on the mounting surface and then with it sitting on a thin piece of rubber pad. Hear a difference? Which one sounds more like the recording should? Does one get tubby, or muddy? Depending on the type of mountin

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4.0 PERFORMANCE DATA Fig 1. On axis anechoic frequency response Fig 2. Impedance

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5.0 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Loudspeaker Frequency response (1) 65 Hz - 20 kHz Recommended amplifier power 50 to 100 W rms into 8 Ω Power handling Average (2) Programme 50 W rms 100 W rms Nominal Impedance 6 Ω Sensitivity (3) 90 dB SPL / 1 W @ 1 m Distortion < 0.8% Crossover frequency Cabinet Drive unit Tannoy shielded 6.5” bass driver (1690) Tannoy shielded 1” soft dome tweeter (1205) Low frequency design Optimised bass-reflex load, in 12 litres Cabinet construction 40mm MDF front baffle, 16 mm

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6.0 SERVICING 6.1 Cabinet finish To remove marks and scuffs use a soft brush. If necessary, a little warm water and detergent can be used but under no circumstances use a solvent or abrasive cleaner. 6.2 Driver removal Lay the cabinet on its back. Remove the six hexagonal screws and set aside. Ease the driver from the front of the cabinet taking care not to mark the front surface. Remove the driver, note the polarity of the internal connections and disconnect the internal wiring. Take care not t

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Declaration of Conformity The following apparatus is/are manufactured in the United Kingdom by Tannoy Ltd of Rosehall Industrial estate, Coatbridge, Scotland, ML5 4TF and conform(s) to the protection requirements of the European Electromagnetic Compatibility Standards and Directives relevant to Domestic Electrical Equipment. The apparatus is designed and constructed such that electromagnetic disturbances generated do not exceed levels allowing radio and telecommunications equipment and other app

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