Instrukcja obsługi Tannoy PASSIVE STUDIO MONITORS 66

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Tannoy PASSIVE STUDIO MONITORS 66

Kategoria: Monitor
Producent: Tannoy
Rozmiar: 0.42 MB
Data dodania: 8/25/2013
Liczba stron: 10
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6481 0413
Tannoy United Kingdom T: +44 (0) 1236 420199 F: +44 (0) 1236 428230 E:
Tannoy North America T: (519) 745 1158 F: (519) 745 2364 E:
Tannoy Deutschland T: (04102) 888 393 F: (04102) 888 959 E:
Tannoy adopts a policy of continuous improvement and product specification is subject to change.

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higher than 20kHz are inaudible in all but a few human beings, by extending the high frequency response to 35kHz and beyond we can correct the phase response within the audible band up to 20kHz. Go to for our white paper on this 1.0: INTRODUCTION subject. Both drive units are mounted on a massive 40mm thick baffle, curved to minimise diffraction and creating the loudspeakers distinctive styling. The drive units are magnetically shielded to reduce stray magnetic fields and allow

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All two way component systems have to live with some listening position dependent compromises at the crossover point. The 2.5: POWER AMPLIFIERS crossover frequency of all of these small systems falls into the center of the midband (2.0kHz to 3.0kHz), where we are most capable of recognising frequency/phase response deviations. The power amplifier should be reasonably well matched in power to the power rating of the speakers (see specifications). The use of a powerful amplifier (i.e. in excess of

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Another interesting note, the Tannoy true point-source Dual Concentric™ monitors are free from the physical offsets previously The speaker axis (shown on the diagram) should be aimed at the halfway point between your furthest forward and the furthest described, which means that the behavior of the Dual Concentric™ monitors will not change in the horizontal, vertical or any back listening positions (as indicated by the two heads on the diagram). This is typically a range of about 24" (600mm). If

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3.6: EQUALisATION The STRING analyser Our feeling is that you shouldn't equalise monitors at all to compensate for inadequate room design. Variations in the monitor response should be fixed through placement (after all, that's what this manual's about). But we realise that equalisation is sometimes a necessary evil. If you have a choice of equalisers for monitor applications, less is more. The fewer the number of filters, the better the equaliser will sound. A stereo five band parametric is bet

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5.0: REVEAL 6 PERFORMANCE DATA 6.0: REVEAL 6 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS LOUDSPEAKER Frequency response (1) 63Hz - 51kHz Recommended amplifier power 50 to 100 W rms into 8 Ω Power handling Average (2) 50 W rms Programme 100 W Nominal Impedance 6Ω Sensitivity SPL / 1 W @ 1 m (3) 90 dB Distortion < 0.6% Crossover frequency 2.9kHz Dispersion (@ -6dB) 90 degrees Drive unit LF/MID 165mm (6") multi fibre paper pulp cone WideBand™ HF 25mm (1") titanium dome neodymium magnet system Shielded Yes CABINET Low

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7.3: CROSSOVER The crossover is mounted on the rear of the terminal panel. To inspect it, remove the panel by releasing the hexagonal screws. Take care to avoid undue stress on the cables and components. To remove the crossover completely the cables must be disconnected from the drive unit. Please proceed as above to remove the drive unit. 7.4: LIST OF SPARE PARTS PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION Type 1603 -7900 0747 Driver Kit Type 0294 – 7900 0891B High Frequency Unit Type 1464 – 7300 0937 Passive Cros

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2.0: THE BASICS 1.0: INTRODUCTION The Reveal 66 is designed and built by Tannoy, a company with unrivalled experience in studio monitoring. It has an extremely detailed, dynamic sound with a wide, flat frequency response - essential ingredients for monitoring with reliable accuracy. The 25mm (1") titanium dome WideBand™ high frequency unit is seamlessly matched to two 165mm (6.5") long throw low 2.0: THE BASICS 2.1 Unpacking and visual checks distortion bass units by a precision low-loss cross

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2.5: POWER AMPLIFIERS 4.0: REVEAL 66 DIMENSIONS The power amplifier should be reasonably well matched in power to the power rating of the speakers (see specifications). The 527.0mm 340.0mm 3 3 20 /4” 13 /8” use of a powerful amplifier (i.e. in excess of the recommended figure) provides headroom, which is useful especially for highly dynamic programme materials. Due of the high peak power handling of Tannoy monitors, responsible use of even more powerful amplifiers should not represent a danger t

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6.0: REVEAL 66 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 7.4: LIST OF SPARE PARTS LOUDSPEAKER PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION Frequency response (1) 57Hz – 51kHz Type 1603 -7900 0747 Driver Kit Recommended amplifier power 80 to 150 W rms into 8 Ω Type 0294 – 7900 0891B High Frequency Unit Power handling Average (2) 80W rms Type 1465 – 7300 0938 Passive Crossover Programme 160W Further spare part details and factory part numbers can be found at Nominal Impedance 6Ω Sensitivity SPL / 1 W @ 1 m (3) 92dB Dist

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