Instrukcja obsługi Dometic BRISK AIR 579 SERIES

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Dometic BRISK AIR 579 SERIES

Urządzenie: Dometic BRISK AIR 579 SERIES
Kategoria: Klimatyzator
Producent: Dometic
Rozmiar: 0.69 MB
Data dodania: 10/27/2013
Liczba stron: 12
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Dometic BRISK AIR 579 SERIES Instrukcja obsługi - Online PDF
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

Model Number
Serial Number
Date Purchased
579 Series, 590 Series, & 595 Series
Dometic Corporation
2320 Industrial Parkway
Elkhart, IN 4656
Dometic Corporation
46 Zatonski, Unit 3
Brantford, ON N3T 5L8
3109228.001 (White) Comfort Control Cente

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS SAFETy INSTRUCTIONS 1. gENERAL INFORMATION A. THIS AIR CONDITIONER IS DESIgNED FOR: This manual has safety information and instructions to . Installation on a recreational vehicle during the time the vehicle is manufactured. help users eliminate or reduce the risk of accidents and 2. Mounting on the roof of a recreational vehicle. injuries. 3. Roof construction with rafters/joists on minimum of 6 inch centers. RECOgNIzE SAFETy INFORMATION 4. Minimum of 2.00 in

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS                                                                                                                                                                           3 SPECIFICATIONS MODEL NOMINAL ELECTRICAL COMPRESSOR COMPRESSOR FAN MOTOR FAN MOTOR SCFM-HIGH TOTAL REFRIGERANT MINIMUM AC I

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS B. OTHER LOCATIONS 1. PRECAUTIONS When no roof vent is available or another location is desired, the following is recommended: . For one unit installation: The air conditioner should be Improper installation may damage equipment/could mounted slightly forward of center (front to back) and endanger life, cause serious injury and/or property centered from side to side. damage. 2. For two unit installations: Install one Air Conditio

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS C. AFTER LOCATION HAS BEEN SELECTED: 3. ROOF PREPARATION . Check for obstructions in the area where air condi- Before preparing the ceiling opening, the type of system options must be tioner will be installed. decided upon. If a remote sensor is to be used, provision must be made 2. The roof must be designed to support 30 pounds  for it. If the load shed option is to be used, wires must be run from the when the RV is in motion. Normally a 200 lb. static

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS furnace thermostat leads must be routed to the roof opening of the air conditioner that will control it. Make FIg. 3 sure that at least 5” of the furnace thermostat wires  extend into the roof opening. 9. If an Energy Management System (load shed fea- ture) is to be used with the control, two wires must be routed to the roof opening of the zone to be managed. The signal required for this function is normally open relay contact. When the EMS

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS press onto the base plate. 3. A 3/8” diameter hole will be needed to route the cable through the wall. 5. PLACINg THE AIR CONDITIONER ON THE ROOF B. CONTROL CABLE INSTALLATION A. Remove the Air Conditioner from the carton A 4-conductor control cable must be routed from the roof opening to and discard. the Comfort Control Center™. B. Place the Air Conditioner on the roof. . Choose the shortest, most direct route from the 4- /4” (±  /8”) opening to th

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS F. Measure the ceiling thickness: 6. DISCHARgE DUCT & CEILINg . If the distance is 2” to 3” remove the perforated tabs TEMPLATE INSTALLATION from the bottom duct only. A. Remove the air box and mounting hardware from their 2. If the distance is 3” to 4” install ducts as received. carton. The upper duct is shipped inside the lower duct 3. If the distance is 4” to 6” (maximum thickness), which is part of the ceiling template. optional Duct Kit and Bol

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS as shown in FIG. 3. Drive two (2) #  0 x 3/8” blunt point TROL KIT phillips head screws (provided) through ceiling template A. If your installation included the optional electric heat kit, into holes in electronic control kit to hold it in place. install it at this time. Follow the instructions with the heat package for its installation procedure. B. Terminate the 4-conductor control cable(s) protruding into the 4-  /4” x  4-  /4” (±  /8”) roof op

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Note: Dip switches are in the “OFF” position when shipped from the B. CONNECTION OF 120 VOLT POWER SUPPLy factory. . Zone selection - when two or more units are installed and controlled by one Comfort Control Center, the Disconnect 120 volt AC. Failure to follow these instruc- second unit becomes Zone 2, the third unit Zone 3 tions could create a shock hazard causing death or and the fourth unit Zone 4. The appropriate zone dip severe personal injury

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 9. AIR BOX INSTALLATION FIg. 15 A. Remove return air grille from air box by pulling in on half- round finger catches. B. Hold air box up to ceiling template and install three (3) #0 x 3/8” (C) screws at air box mounting point.  C. Snap hole plug (E) into place at rear of air box. D. Install four (4) wood screws (B) which hold the air box tight to ceiling, if desired. E. Reinstall return air grille and filter into air box. F. The air conditioner installation is

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS MOUNTINg PARTS AIR CONDITIONINg UNIT A. (4) /4” — #20 x 7” bolts  B. (4) #8 x 5/8” long sharp point wood screws C. (7) #0 x 3/8” blunt point tapping screws D. () Hole Plug ELECTRONIC CONTROL KIT UNIT FIELD WIRINg DIAgRAM 2

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