Instrukcja obsługi Renesas R0E53038ACFK30

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Renesas R0E53038ACFK30

Urządzenie: Renesas R0E53038ACFK30
Kategoria: Sprzet komputerowy
Producent: Renesas
Rozmiar: 0.27 MB
Data dodania: 11/3/2013
Liczba stron: 4
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Renesas R0E53038ACFK30 Instrukcja obsługi - Online PDF
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

Converter Board for Connecting R8C/38E, R8C/38F, R8C/38G and R8C/38H Groups
80-pin 0.5mm pitch LQFP
User’s Manual
trademarks of Tokyo Eletech Corporation.

Notes regarding these materials
1. This document is provided for reference purposes only so that Renesas customers may select the appropriate
Renesas products for their use. Renesas neither makes warranties or represen

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

1. Outline The R0E53038ACFK30 is a converter board for connecting the signals of the MCU unit R0E521300MCU00 for R8C/Tiny Series to a foot pattern for 80-pin 0.5mm pitch LQFP of R8C/38E, R8C/38F, R8C/38G and R8C/38H Groups. R053038ACFK30 YQPACK080SD 2. Package Components (See Figure 1) Check to see if the R0E53038ACFK30 package has all the following contents before using this product. YQ-GUIDE (×4) NQPACK080SD-ND (1) R0E53038ACFK30 converter board ........................

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

MADE IN JAPAN Pb Free 5. Connection Procedure (See Figure 3) The procedure for connecting the R0E53038ACFK30 is shown below. (1) Mount the NQPACK080SD-ND on the user system. (2) Attach the YQPACK080SD on the NQPACK080SD-ND. (3) Secure the four corners of the YQPACK080SD with the YQ-GUIDEs. ● Do not use the screws included with the YQPACK080SD for fixing the YQPACK080SD. ● Do NOT use the screwdriver included with the NQPACK080SD-ND for fixing the YQ-GUIDEs. That is used only

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

7. Precautions CAUTION Cautions to Be Taken for This Product: When connecting the YQPACK080SD, be sure to use the included YQ-GUIDEs. Do NOT use the screws included with the YQPACK080SD for connecting the YQPACK080SD. IMPORTANT Notes on This Product: We cannot accept any request for repair. For purchasing the NQPACK080SD-ND, YQPACK080SD, HQPACK080SD, contact the following: Tokyo Eletech Corporation For inquiries about the product or the

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