Instrukcja obsługi Renesas M32186T2-PTC

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Renesas M32186T2-PTC

Urządzenie: Renesas M32186T2-PTC
Kategoria: Sprzet komputerowy
Producent: Renesas
Rozmiar: 0.28 MB
Data dodania: 3/19/2014
Liczba stron: 6
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Renesas M32186T2-PTC Instrukcja obsługi - Online PDF
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

Converter for In-circuit Connection (for M32186FxxFP)
User’s Manual

Keep safety first in your circuit designs!
1. Renesas Technology Corporation and Renesas Solutions Corporation put the maximum effort into making semiconductor products
better and more reliable, but there is always the possibility that trouble may occur with them. Trouble with semiconductors may lead to
personal injury, fire or property damage. Remember to give due consideration to safety when making your circu

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

1. Outline The M32186T2-PTC is a converter board for featuring the debugging function such as real-time tracing when using the SDI emulator, M32100T-SDI-E, M32170T-SDI, M32100T2-SDI-E, M32100T3-SDI-E or M32100T5-SDI-E with the M32186FxxFP. Compared with the M32100T3-SDI-E or M32100T5-SDI-E, more loss of trace information occurs when using with the M32100T-SDI-E, M32170T-SDI or M32100T2-SDI-E. For the M32186T2-PTC, using with the M32100T3-SDI-E or M32100T5-SDI-E is recommended. 2. Pac

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

5. Connection Procedure Connection to the M32100T-SDI-E or M32170T-SDI 5.1 For M32100T-SDI-E or M32170T-SDI. Interface cables of the pod probe (7) (1) Mount the NQPACK144SD on the user system (2) Connect the YQPACK144SD on the NQPACK144SD. (3) Secure the four corners of the YQPACK144SD with the YQ-GUIDE’s. M3T- PTC- CNV (6) (separately available) (4) Mount the M32186T2-PTC on the YQPACK144SD. Clock select switch (5) Set the clock select switch. (5) (6) Mount the M3T-PT

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

Connection to M32100T2-SDI-E, 5.2 For M32100T2-SDI-E, M32100T3-SDI-E or M32100T3-SDI-E or M32100T5-SDI-E M32100T5-SDI-E. (1) Mount the NQPACK144SD on the user system Emulator main unit or Emulator Probe (2) Connect the YQPACK144SD on the NQPACK144SD. (3) Secure the four corners of the YQPACK144SD with the YQ-GUIDE’s. (6) (4) Mount the M32186T2-PTC on the YQPACK144SD. (5) Set the clock select switch. Clock select switch (6) Connect the emulator probe to the M32186T2-P

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

M32186T2-PTC 6. Selecting a Clock Mount an oscillator to X2 as shown in the diagram printed on the boar.d With the M32186T2-PTC, it is possible to select a clock supply X2 socket to the MCU by the clock select switch (SW1). Select a clock Connected to XIN pin of MCU supply as shown below. R1 0 However, when used with the M32186T2-PTC, the clock Connected to XOUT pin of MCU cannot be supplied from the user system. C1 C2 R4 (1) 8 MHz: R1 0 : 1M Ω R4 : 510 Ω Supplies the cloc

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

8. Precautions CAUTION Cautions to Be Taken for Emulator: For debugging, use this product in the combination with the SDI emulator, M32100-SDI-E, M32170T-SDI, M32100T2-SDI-E, M32100T3-SDI-E or M32100T5-SDI-E. When using with the M32100T-SDI-E or M32170T-SDI, the following restrictions are applied according to the MCU operating frequency. The M32186T2-PTC is recommended to use with the M32100T3-SDI-E or M32100T5-SDI-E. - More than 66 MHz: Compared with the M32100T2-SDI-E, M32

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