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Part I
The Modular
LYNX System
! Getting Started
! Connecting the LYNX System
! Mounting the LYNX System
! Powering the LYNX System
! The Communications Interface
! Configuring the Digital I/O
! The LYNX Control Module
! The LYNX Control Module (Combination)
! The Isolated Digital I/O Module
! The Differential Digital I/O Module
! The Combination Digital I/O Module
Modular LYNX
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Table of Contents Section 1: Getting Started ................................................................................................................................................... 1-5 Section Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................1-5 Getting Started .............................................................................................
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Modular LYNX System Typical Functions of the Differential I/O .................................................................................................................................... 1-34 Connecting and Using an Encoder ................................................................................................................................ 1-34 Translating the EUNIT Variable to a Dimension of Distance.............................................................................
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Table 7.1: Power Requirements for the LYNX Control Module ............................................................................................. 1-40 Table 7.2: LYNX Control Module LED Indicators ................................................................................................................. 1-41 Table 7.3: LYNX Control Module Connector P1 Pin Configuration...................................................................................... 1-41 Table 7.4: LYNX Control M
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Modular LYNX System 12 3 4 5 6 123 45 6 IM2000F 1234567 8 Section 1 Getting Started Section Overview The purpose of this section is to get you up and running quickly. This section will help you do the following: ! Connect power to the LYNX Control Module. ! Connect and establish communications in single mode. ! Write a simple test program. Getting Started *See Driver Documentation for Current Adjust Resistor Value INTELLIGENT MOTION SYSTEMS, INC. FAULT 21 Current Adjust 22 Resistor* 23 24 GND 2
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User Provided Tools and Equipment Needed ! Serial Cable ! IM483 or equivalent step motor driver ! ISP200-4 or equivalent power supply ! M-22XX or equivalent stepping motor ! Wire Cutters/Strippers ! 22 gauge wire for logic level signals ! 18 gauge wire for power supply and motor wiring ! PC with a free serial port (COM 1 or 2) Connecting the Power Supply 1. Using the 18 gauge wire, connect the DC output of your power supply to V+ on your LYNX Control Module, and to P2, pin 4 on the IM483 Step Mo
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Modular LYNX System Once the IMS Terminal is installed you may run the Setup. 1) Open the IMS Term by clicking Start>Programs>IMS Terminal>IMS Term. 2) Select or verify the Communications Port that you will be using with your LYNX. a) Click in the Terminal Window to activate it. b) Right click in the Terminal Window. c) Click “Preferences” in the dialog box. d) Click the “Comm Settings” tab at the top of the dialog box. e) Under “Device” near the bottom of the box verify “LYNX” is selected. The
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Once you have been able to move the motor, the next step is to write a simple program to illustrate one of the dynamic features of the LYNX: the ability to convert motor steps to a dimension of linear or rotary distance. Let’s begin by discussing the relationship between the MUNIT variable and user units. Typically when we perform a move we want to know the distance of that move in a familiar unit of measurement. That means translating motor steps to the desired unit of measurement. The LYNX
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Modular LYNX System Section 2 Connecting the LYNX System Section Overview Each module of the LYNX System is a closed unit with a header of pins and locking tabs to connect it to another module in the system. Optional I/O modules are connected on the RIGHT side of the Control Module. This section covers: ! Removing the End Plates. ! Connecting/Disconnecting System Modules. Connecting the System 1. Remove the end plate(s) [A] from the Control Module. Depressing the locking clips [C] with a small
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Section 3 Mounting the LYNX System Section Overview This section covers the two basic methods of mounting the LYNX System. ! Panel Mount. ! DIN Rail Mounting Option. Panel Mount Using the panel mount option, the LYNX is designed to use #10 hardware (not included). Details such as screw length and threads are dependent on your overall system design. Din Rail Mounting Option A DIN Rail mounting kit (IMS P/N LX-DB100-000) may be purchased as an option to your LYNX System. It includes all the har
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Modular LYNX System 3. Holding the LYNX System at an angle DIN Rail Bracket A away from you, lower the upper slot of B DIN Rail the DIN rail attachment onto the top C LYNX System edge of the DIN rail. Snap LYNX system into place. Figure 3.2. 4. Insert #6 X .250 L set screw (provided) into the TOP threaded insert located between the #6 screws on each end A plate. Figure 3.3. Tighten until 12-14 in/ oz. This will keep the system from sliding on the DIN rail. C B Figure 3.2: Installing the LYNX Sys
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Section 4 Powering the LYNX System Section Overview This section covers the two basic power configurations for your LYNX System. ! Basic rules of wiring and shielding. ! LYNX Control Module with IMS Drivers. ! LYNX Control Module as Stand-alone or with Optional I/O Module. Wiring and Shielding Noise is always present in a system that involves high power and small signal circuitry. Regardless of the power configuration that you use in your system, there are some wiring and shielding rules that yo
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Modular LYNX System ZN429D ZN429D GP59627A GP59627A 12 3 4 5 6 12 3 4 5 6 LYNX Control Module with IMS Driver In this example, power is connected to the LYNX Control Module via connector P1. All optional plug-on modules are then powered from the LYNX Control Module. In this configuration, pins 5 and 6 on connector P2 of the Control Module become +5VDC (150mA, internally limited) regulated outputs. If an encoder is to be used in the system, it may be powered via these pins. Below is a table of
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123 4 5 6 123 4 5 6 12 3 4 5 6 12 3 4 5 6 Stand-alone or with Optional I/O Modules +12 to +75VDC Supply A +12 to +75VDC unregulated supply connected to P1 provides power to the LYNX Control Module and any optional I/O modules. As in the LYNX Controller with Driver (s) Configuration, pins 5 (Ground) and 6 (+5VDC) on connector P2 of the Control Module becomes a +5VDC (150mA, internally limited) regulated output. Ensure that the DC Output of the Supply Does Not Exceed 21 A0 ! the Maximum Driver I
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Modular LYNX System Power Requirements Power Requirements and Specifications I% nput Voltage +12 to +75 VDC Unregulated or +5VDC ±5 250mA (5VDC input) 165mA (+12VDC Input)* Input Current 95.0mA (+48 VDC Input)* 84.5mA (+75VDC Input)* *I/O and +5VDC output unloaded (Control Module Only) O% utput Voltage +5VDC ±5 Output Current 150mA (Internally Limited Input Current Requirements per Module L) YNX Control Module 250 mA (+5VDC Input Isolated Digital I/O Module 68mA (5VDC Input) D) ifferential I/O M
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Section 5 The Communications Interface Section Overview The LYNX Control Module features two communication interfaces: RS-232 and RS-485. For both channels, the BAUD rate is software configurated, using the BAUD variable, to 4800, 9600, 19200 or 38400 bits/sec. The factory default is set to 19200 bits/sec. Default data settings are 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity. A host computer can be connected to either interface to provide commands to the control module or to multiple control modules
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Modular LYNX System 123 4 5 6 12 3 4 5 6 RS-232 Interface: Wiring And Connections LYNX Control Module 25 Pin Serial Port on PC 9 Pin Serial Port on PC Receive Data (RX) Pin 12 Transmit Data (TX) Pin 2 Transmit Data (TX) Pin 3 Transmit Data (TX) Pin 13 Receive Data (RX) Pin 3 Receive Data (RX) Pin 2 Communications Ground Pin 11 Communications Ground Pin 7 Communications Ground Pin 5 Table 5.1: Wiring Connections: RS-232 Interface Single Control Module System 25 PIN Serial Port on Host PC 1
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name, to identify it in the system. This can be done using configuration switches A0-A2, or by using the software command SET DN. For example, to set the name of a controller to "A" you would use the following command: SET DN = "A". The factory default name is "!". To set the address of the controller using the configuration switches use the following table: Party Mode Address Configuration Switches Address A2 A1 A0 None OF FF OF F OF A OFF OFF ON B ON FF OF OF C OFF ON ON D OF N OF F OF E
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Modular LYNX System 12 3 4 5 6 12 3 4 5 6 RS-232 Interface: Wiring And Connectionsfor Multiple LYNX Nodes Host Control Module Control Module #1 Control Module #n Receive Data (RX-) Pin 7 Transmit Data (TX-) Pin 9 Transmit Data (TX-) Pin 9 Receive Data (RX+) Pin 8 Transmit Data (TX+) Pin 10 Transmit Data (TX+) Pin 10 Transmit Data (TX-) Pin 9 Receive Data (RX-) Pin 7 Receive Data (RX-) Pin 7 Transmit Data (TX+) Pin 10 Receive Data (RX+) Pin 8 Receive Data (RX+) Pin 8 Communications Ground Pin 11
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1 2 3 456 12 3 4 5 6 Connecting the RS-485 Interface Single Controller System In a Single Controller System, the RS-485 interface option would be used if the Control Module is located at a distance greater than 50 feet from the Host PC. Since most PC’s do not come with an RS-485 board pre- installed, you will have to install an RS-485 board in an open slot in your PC, or purchase an RS-232 to RS- 485 converter, such as the CV-3222 sold by IMS, to use this connection interface. For wiring and con