Instrukcja obsługi Hamilton Beach 840115900

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Hamilton Beach 840115900

Urządzenie: Hamilton Beach 840115900
Kategoria: Oczyszczacz powietrza
Producent: Hamilton Beach
Rozmiar: 1.12 MB
Data dodania: 12/21/2013
Liczba stron: 36
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

840115900 ENv00.qxd 6/6/03 9:03 AM Page 1
Air Purifier
Air Purifier Safety.......................... 2
Know Your Air Purifier .................. 5
How to Assemble and Use............ 6
How to Clean................................ 12
Troubleshooting Guide.............. 17
Customer Service........................ 18
In USA: 1-800-851-8900
In Canada: 1-800-267-2826

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

840115900 ENv00.qxd 6/6/03 9:03 AM Page 2 Air Purifier Safety IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS READ AND SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS. In order to prevent the risk of fire, electric shock, personal injury or damage to property, follow these instructions carefully. When using electric appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following: 1. Read all instructions before using this 10. Always unplug the power cord from the air purifier. Save these instructions for receptacle when the

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

840115900 ENv00.qxd 6/6/03 9:03 AM Page 3 Consumer Safety Information This appliance is intended for If a longer cord is necessary, an household use only. approved extension cord may be used. The electrical rating of the extension This appliance is equipped with a cord must be equal to or greater than polarized plug. This type of plug has one the rating of the air purifier. Care must blade wider than the other. The plug will be taken to arrange the extension cord so fit into an electrical ou

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

840115900 ENv00.qxd 6/6/03 9:03 AM Page 4 About Your Air Purifier The air purifier functions as an 2. The white HEPA filter then removes air cleaner by helping to disinfect particles as small as 0.3 microns airborne bacteria and removing from the air at 99.97% effectiveness. particulates from the air. 3. The clean air is then exposed to The air is cleaned in three stages: germicidal-grade ultraviolet light to reduce the level of airborne bacteria, 1. A fan draws air through the intake mold

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

840115900 ENv00.qxd 6/6/03 9:03 AM Page 5 Know Your Air Purifier Parts and Features 1. Outlet Grille 6. UV Bulb Check Window (not shown – see page 8 for location) 2. Ultraviolet (UV) Bulb 7. Filter Check Gauge 3. Control Panel ™ 8. Air Sensor Cleaner* 4. AirSmart Sensor* 9. HEPA Filter 5. UV Starter 10. Carbon Pre-Filter 11. Intake Grille ™ * Available on AirSmart models only. Manual control models do not include these features. 5

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

840115900 ENv00.qxd 6/6/03 9:03 AM Page 6 How to Assemble and Use IMPORTANT: Your Hamilton Beach air purifier is designed for easy use and maintenance. Make sure that the UV bulb, HEPA filter, and carbon pre-filter are properly installed before use. Before First Use Be sure to remove all packing materials. Refer to pages 7 to 9 for unpacking The filters and UV bulb are packed in and installation instructions. plastic bags inside the air purifier for shipping. Selecting the Proper Location T

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

840115900 ENv00.qxd 6/6/03 9:03 AM Page 7 Installing the Carbon Pre-Filter NOTE: The carbon pre-filter should be 1 replaced approximately every three months. Remove the intake grille by carefully pulling the upper two side tabs away from the body of the air purifier and lifting up. Locate the black carbon pre-filter. 2 It will be folded inside a plastic bag. Remove and discard the plastic bag. Unfold and flatten out the black 3 carbon pre-filter. Attach the four corners of the carbon pre

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

840115900 ENv00.qxd 6/6/03 9:03 AM Page 8 Installing the UV Bulb Open and remove the outlet grille 1 by pulling up on the handle on the upper back of the air purifier. Remove the packaged UV bulb from 2 inside the air purifier. Be careful not to touch the glass part of bulb. Handle by metal ends only. Oil from fingertips on the glass bulb will shorten the life of the bulb. Carefully unpack the bulb and discard the packaging. NOTE: Make sure no loose packing material remains inside the air pu

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

840115900 ENv00.qxd 6/6/03 9:03 AM Page 9 Installing the UV Bulb (continued) Once the ends of the bulb are 4 completely inserted into the socket, rotate the bulb a quarter turn until it locks into place. Insert the two center tabs on the front 5 of the outlet grille into the middle slots on the front of the opening. Pivot the grille down toward the back of the air purifier. Press lightly down on the back 6 corners of the outlet grille to snap it into place. NOTE: The air purifier has a saf

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10

840115900 ENv00.qxd 6/6/03 9:03 AM Page 10 Plugging in the Air Purifier WARNING: To reduce the risk of NOTE: The polarized plug will only electrical shock, never plug in the air fit in one direction—DO NOT try purifier while your hands are wet. to force the plug. If you are unable to Always unplug the air purifier before insert the plug into the outlet, try moving or servicing the unit. reversing the plug. If the plug still does not fit, contact a qualified electrician to replace the obsolet

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

840115900 ENv00.qxd 6/6/03 9:03 AM Page 11 ™ Setting the Controls – AirSmart Models 1. Germicidal UV Button – Turns on The Display also has check marks the germicidal UV lamp to reduce that will appear to indicate that it is harmful bacteria from the filtered air. time to check the carbon pre-filter or When this button is on, a bluish glow HEPA filter. See “Checking the should be visible through the viewing Filters” on page 13. Once the filters window on the top of the unit. have been checked

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

840115900 ENv00.qxd 6/6/03 9:03 AM Page 12 How to Clean Your air purifier is designed to provide years of trouble-free service with minimal maintenance. The following instructions will help you maximize the life and efficiency of your air purifier. wWARNING To reduce risk of electric shock: • Always unplug before cleaning. • Do not immerse in water or other liquid. Cleaning the Air Purifier • Wipe the enclosure, control panel, • The outlet grille should simply be and cord with a damp cloth o

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

840115900 ENv00.qxd 6/6/03 9:03 AM Page 13 Checking the Filters A special filter check gauge is included The carbon pre-filter will last with your air purifier to allow you to approximately three months. check the condition of the filters. It is NOTE: You must reinstall and snap stored in a compartment behind the the intake grille before checking the front intake grille. See item 7 on page filters with the gauge. The air purifier 5 for location. will not operate if the grille is not in T

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 14

840115900 ENv00.qxd 6/6/03 9:03 AM Page 14 Replacing the HEPA Filter The HEPA filter will normally last about If the filter check gauge indicates that 12 months before it must be replaced, the filter requires replacement, it is or approximately every fourth time the recommended that you first replace carbon pre-filter is replaced. the carbon pre-filter and then use the filter check gauge to check the filter again. If the colored cylinder still does not float up the gauge, the HEPA filter m

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15

840115900 ENv00.qxd 6/6/03 9:03 AM Page 15 Replacing the UV Bulb The UV bulb is designed to provide check window does not glow when approximately one year of continuous, the UV switch is on. The UV replace- effective operation. After this time, the ment bulb cannot be purchased in bulb may remain illuminated, but its stores. Replacement bulbs may be effectiveness is greatly reduced. available where the air purifier was purchased or can be obtained directly For maximum germicidal protection,

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16

840115900 ENv00.qxd 6/6/03 9:03 AM Page 16 Replacing the UV Starter If the UV bulb does not light after installing a new bulb, the starter should be replaced. See page 4 for replacement parts. Turn off and unplug air purifier. 1 Remove the intake grille and filters. The starter is the small cylinder-shaped Starter part located behind the filter. Turn the starter counterclockwise until 2 it unlocks, then pull it out. To install the new starter, insert the starter and turn clockwise. Replace

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 17

840115900 ENv00.qxd 6/6/03 9:03 AM Page 17 Troubleshooting Guide The following section provides the solutions to many common problems and questions. If your air purifier is not working correctly, review these solutions first. If your problem is still not solved after reviewing this guide, call our toll-free customer service number, listed on the front cover of this manual, for assistance. The Air Purifier Will Not Turn On • Are the intake grille and the outlet • Is the fan speed knob turned o

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 18

840115900 ENv00.qxd 6/6/03 9:03 AM Page 18 Customer Service If you have a question about your air purifier, call our toll-free customer service number. Before calling, please note the model, type, and series numbers and fill in that information below. These numbers can be found on the back of the air purifier. This information will help us answer your question much more quickly. MODEL: ______________ TYPE: _______________ SERIES: _________________ LIMITED WARRANTY This product is w

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 19

840115900 FR v00.qxd 6/6/03 10:20 AM Page 1 Épurateur d’air Securité de l’épurateur d’air............ 2 Nomenclature de l’épurateur d’air.... 5 Assemblage et fonctionnement .... 6 Nettoyage...................................... 12 Dépannage.................................... 17 Service aux clients........................ 18 Aux É.-U. : 1-800-851-8900 Au Canada : 1-800-267-2826 840115900

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 20

840115900 FR v00.qxd 6/6/03 10:20 AM Page 2 Sécurité de l’épurateur d’air IMPORTANTES INSTRUCTIONS LIRE ET CONSERVER CES INSTRUCTIONS. Pour réduire le risque d’incendie, de choc électrique, de blessure ou de dommage matériel, suivre les instructions suivantes attentivement. Lors de l’utilisation d’appareils électroménagers, des précautions préliminaires de sécurité doivent être observées, y compris ce qui suit : 1. Lire toutes les instructions avant d’utiliser 9. Ne pas faire fonctionner ce

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