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Development Board
Quick Start Guide
Rev. 0.2, 2010-06-16
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2 GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board Quick Start Guide Information furnished by Aeroflex Gaisler AB is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Aeroflex Gaisler AB for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Aeroflex Gaisler AB. Aeroflex Gaisler AB tel +46 31 7758650 Kungsgatan 12 fax +46 31 421407 411 19
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3 GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board Quick Start Guide TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................6 1.1 Overview......................................................................................................................6 1.2 References...................................................................................................................6 1.3 Abbreviations............................
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4 GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board Quick Start Guide 6.1 General......................................................................................................................31 The performance of the system is less compared to what is advertised for LEON4. .31 I lost the contents of the USB Flash stick...................................................................31 How do I restore the original PROM contents?..........................................................31 GRMON reports a
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5 GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board Quick Start Guide LIST OF TABLES Table 3-1: System accounts..........................................................................................................12 Table 4-1: GRMON DVI transmitter initialization...........................................................................16 Table 5-1: SnapGear template configurations...............................................................................20 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2-1: GR-LEON4-ITX Devel
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6 GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board Quick Start Guide 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview This document is a quick start guide for the GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board. The purpose of this document is to get users quickly started using the board. For a complete description of the board please refer to the GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board User Manual, the LEON4 system-on-chip is described in the LEON4-ASIC-DEMO Data sheet and User's Manual. This quick start guide does not contain as much technical details an
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7 GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board Quick Start Guide 2 UNPACKING AND SETTING UP THE BOARD 2.1 Unpacking and initial setup The board is delivered with a power supply, JTAG adapter, USB and Ethernet cables. Figure 2-1: GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board After unpacking the board, two routes can be taken. Either the preprogrammed Linux system can be booted, or you can connect to the board using the GRMON debug monitor. If you wish to start the bundled Linux system, please proceed to section 2.2 , to wo
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8 GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board Quick Start Guide only provides PIN headers with the receive and transmit lines for the serial terminal it is recommended that a monitor, keyboard and mouse is attached to the board. According the normal conventions for the PS/2 interface, the top connector (green) is the Mouse interface and the bottom connector (purple) is the Keyboard interface. If using a USB keyboard and mouse the devices should be connected via a USB hub and the USB memory stick should
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9 GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board Quick Start Guide Connecting with the included JTAG adapter The JTAG adapter shall be connected to the board using the JTAG pin header shown in the middle bottom of Figure 2-2. Please ensure that the JTAG cable/adapter is connected with the correct polarity, to prevent unintended damage to the board or cable. To connect to the board using the JTAG adapter delivered with the board, issue the command: grmon -jtag Connecting with a Xilinx USB JTAG adapter The JT
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10 GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board Quick Start Guide Using GRMON The GRMON User's Manual describes the capabilities of GRMON. Section 4 of this document describes some usage scenarios for GRMON on the GR-LEON4-ITX board. Figure 2-4: GRMON after connect © Aeroflex Gaisler AB June 2010, Rev. 0.2
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11 GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board Quick Start Guide 3 LINUX SYSTEM USER GUIDE 3.1 Overview When the system is powered on the processor will load the Linux kernel from flash into main memory. The kernel will then mount a Debian root file system system from the USB Flash stick. The sections below describe the system and the available user interfaces. The reader is encouraged to read the full documentation before using the system for the first time. 3.2 Debian Operating System The USB Flash sti
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12 GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board Quick Start Guide Username Password Description user user Normal user account. root root Super-user account. Should only be used for system administration. Table 3-1: System accounts 3.4 Shutting down the System To protect the integrity of the file system, the system software should be properly shut down before powering down the board. The correctly shut down the system, issue the command: shutdown -h now This command must be issued as the super-user (root). Af
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13 GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board Quick Start Guide auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask network broadcast gateway It is recommended that the system is attached to a network which allows access to the Internet. 3.7 System Time Keeping System software that is currently delivered with the board does have support for reading out the board's real time clock and is therefore not able to keep the system time after the syst
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14 GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board Quick Start Guide 4 GRMON AND THE GR-LEON4-ITX BOARD 4.1 First steps The subsections below assume that GRMON, the host computer and the GR-LEON4-ITX board have been set up so that GRMON can connect to the board. The transcripts with courier font below are from a shell session invoking the command line version of GRMON. The same commands can be used when the debugger is used with a GUI. grmon -eth -ip GRMON LEON debug monitor v1.1.39 professiona
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15 GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board Quick Start Guide Ethernet Debug Communications Link (EDCL). However any of the other debug links would be fine. The first listing shows all cores available in the design. Giving the command info sys prints a detailed report of the system. The output is too long to include here, however as a sample with some most of the output cut out: grlib> info sys 00.01:048 Gaisler Research LEON4 SPARC V8 Processor (ver 0x0) ahb master 0 … some output r
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16 GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board Quick Start Guide GRMON LEON debug monitor v1.1.39 professional version … output removed …. Use command 'info sys' to print a detailed report of attached cores Download application to RAM: grlib> load hello section: .text at 0x40000000, size 39584 bytes section: .data at 0x40009aa0, size 2764 bytes total size: 42348 bytes (70.4 Mbit/s) read 201 symbols entry point: 0x40000000 Run the application that was just downloaded: grlib> run Hello world Progra
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17 GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board Quick Start Guide 4.4 Drawing images GRMON has support for drawing both test screens and images in PPM ASCII format. The transcript below show commands that draw the built-in test screen in different modes. Note that the DVI transmitter must be initialized for the correct bit depth. grlib> i2c 3 dvi init_l4itx_dvi Transmitter was not set to Chrontel CH7301C (AS=0), changing.. DVI transmitter set to Chrontel CH7301C (AS=0) Initializing CH7301 for LEON/GRL
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18 GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board Quick Start Guide to the SPI boot PROM on the GR-LEON4-ITX board. The first step in communicating with the SPI memory device is to allow the SPI Flash layer to detect the device: grlib> spim flash detect Got manufacturer ID 0x20 and Device ID 0x2017 No device match for READ ID instruction, trying RES instruction.. Found matching device: ST/Numonyx M25P64 grlib> Since the SPIMCTRL core maps the memory device into AMBA address space we can read the memor
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19 GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board Quick Start Guide 2 4.6 Interacting with I C devices The LEON4 ASIC device provides three I2C interfaces, two master interfaces (I2CM0 & I2CM1) and one slave interface (I2CS). 2 As a demonstration I C circuit, an on-board DS1672 Real-Time Clock circuit is connected on the board to the I2CM0 interface of the ASIC. The I2CM1 and I2CS interfaces of the ASIC are connected to 4 pin 0.1” headers on the board, to allow an external circuit to be hooked-up. If require
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20 GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board Quick Start Guide 5 ADVANCED TOPICS 5.1 Building the Linux kernel Overview Aeroflex Gaisler provides a Linux distribution named SnapGear Linux. A release of SnapGear Linux has been included on the first partition of the USB stick delivered with the board (software/Linux contains the distribution and software/toolchains/Linux contains the toolchain). SnapGear Linux can also be downloaded from To be able to easily create a Linux configura