Instrukcja obsługi Moxa Technologies Windows 2003 Driver

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Moxa Technologies Windows 2003 Driver

Urządzenie: Moxa Technologies Windows 2003 Driver
Kategoria: Naped komputerowy
Producent: Moxa Technologies
Rozmiar: 0.57 MB
Data dodania: 1/19/2014
Liczba stron: 23
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

MOXA Multiport Serial Board
Windows 2003 Driver Installation Guide
First Edition, June 2003

Moxa Technologies Co., Ltd.
Tel: +886-2-8919-1230
Fax: +886-2-8919-1231

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MOXA Multiport Serial Board Windows 2003 Driver Installation Guide The software described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that agreement. Copyright Notice Copyright  2003 Moxa Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. Trademarks MOXA is a registered trademark of Moxa Technologies Co., Ltd. All other trademarks or registered marks in this manual belong

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................ 4 Chapter 2 Driver Installation for PCI Boards under Windows 2003 ............ 5 Chapter 3 Driver Installation for ISA Boards under Windows 2003 ............ 8 Chapter 4 Changing the Properties of Multi-port Boards .......................... 16 Chapter 5 Checking for the Installation Result.......................................... 20 Chapter 6 Uninstalling the Driver

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

1 1 Chapter 1 Introduction Welcome to the driver installation guide under Windows 2003 for MOXA Multiport Serial Boards. This installation guide is for all series of MOXA multiport serial boards, including PCI, ISA, and universal PCI boards. The rest of this installation guide is divided into the following chapters: Chapter 2, Driver Installation for PCI Boards under Windows 2003, sets forth the steps for installing the driver for PCI boards under Windows 2003. Chapter 3, Driver Ins

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2 2 Chapter 2 Driver Installation for PCI Boards under Windows 2003 This chapter includes information about how to install the driver for PCI boards under Windows 2003. Before you start the installation, you need to follow the steps for hardware installation in the user’s manual enclosed with the product you purchased. The following steps are set forth using CP-114 Series as an example. Installing the Driver 1. After installing the PCI board and powering on your PC, Windows 2003 will a

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3. The Installation Wizard will start searching for the communication port. 4. The next window that opens cautions you that although this software hasn’t passed Windows Logo testing, this driver has already been tested and been shown that it can support Windows OS. Click on Continue Anyway to proceed. 5. A window will open showing the setup file of MOXA Port 0 is being copied.

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6. A window will open showing the driver installation for MOXA Port 0 is completed. 7. Repeat steps 2 to 6, until the driver installation for every port is completed.

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3 3 Chapter 3 Driver Installation for ISA Boards under Windows 2003 This chapter includes information about how to install the driver for ISA boards under Windows 2003. Before you start the installation, you need to follow the steps for hardware installation in the user’s manual enclosed with the product you purchased. The following steps are set forth using C168 Series as an example. Installing the Driver 1. After you installed the board and powered on your PC, use your mouse to posit

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2. When the System Properties window opens, click on the Hardware tab, and then click on Add Hardware Wizard to start the installation. 3. A Welcome message will appear. Click on Next to continue.

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10

4. A window will open showing that the computer is searching for the serial board you just added to your computer. 5. A window will open asking if you have already connected the serial board to your computer. Select Yes, I have already connected the hardware, and click on Next to continue.

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

6. The next window to open lists many hardware options. Select Add a new hardware device, and then click Next to continue. 7. When the next window opens, select Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (advanced), and then click on Next to continue.

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8. A window will open asking you to select the type of hardware you are installing. Select Multi-port serial adapters, and then click on Next to continue. 9. The next window to open asks you to select the driver you want to install. Click Have Disk… to install from the floppy disk or CD-ROM enclosed with the serial board you purchased. 10. The Install From Disk window that opens prompts you to insert the installation disk into your computer’s disk drive. After inserting the disk, cl

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11. The next window to open prompts you to select the model of the board. In this case, select MOXA C168 Series (ISA Bus), and then click Next to continue. 12. A window will open, stating that wizard is ready to install the driver for C168 Series. Click Next to continue.

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13. Although the next window to open states that the software hasn’t passed Windows Logo testing, you can rest assured that this driver has already been tested and been shown that it can support this Windows OS. Click on Continue Anyway to proceed. 14. The next window to open shows the installation files are being copied. 15. The Completing the Add Hardware Wizard window will open next, stating that the installation for MOXA C168 Series is completed. Click Finish to end the installa

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16. The System Settings Change window will open, asking to restart your computer to let new settings take effect. Click Yes to restart your computer. 17. After your computer has restarted, the Found New Hardware Wizard window will open to help you install the driver for MOXA Port 0. Select Install the software automatically (Recommended), and then click Next to continue. 18. The wizard will start to copy the installation files. After all installation files are copied, the Completing

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4 4 Chapter 4 Changing the Properties of Multi-port Boards This chapter includes information about how to change your ISA boards’ configuration if they are not set with default settings. 1. Use your mouse to position the cursor over your desktop’s My computer, click the right mouse button, and select Properties. 2. The Device Manager window will open. You can find MOXA C168 Series under Multi-port serial adapters, and MOXA communication ports under Ports (COM & LPT).

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3. Select MOXA C168 Series (ISA Bus), click the right mouse button, and select Properties. 4. When the MOXA C168 Series (ISA Bus) window opens, click on the Resources tab.

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 18

5. Select Basic configuration 0000 under Setting Based on:, select I/O Range under Resource settings:, and click OK. 6. When the Edit Input/Output Range window opens, you can change the values of the board’s parameters. Click OK to return to the Resources window.

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7. If you need to change Interrupt Vector settings and IRQ settings as well, select the second I/O range under Resource settings: or IRQ, change the value, and then click OK to close the window. 8. The System Settings Change window will open next, asking you to restart your computer to let the new settings take effect. Click Yes to restart your computer.

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5 5 Chapter 5 Checking the Installation This chapter presents 3 approaches to examine whether the installation is successful. In this chapter, we use C168 Series as a example model. Using Device Manager 1. Use your mouse to position the cursor over your desktop’s My computer icon, click the right mouse button, and then select Properties. 2. When the System Properties window opens, click on the Hardware tab, and then click on Device Manager. 3. When the Device Manager window opens, y

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