Instrukcja obsługi FieldServer Carrier DataLink FS-8700-82

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia FieldServer Carrier DataLink FS-8700-82

Urządzenie: FieldServer Carrier DataLink FS-8700-82
Kategoria: Naped komputerowy
Producent: FieldServer
Rozmiar: 0.25 MB
Data dodania: 6/13/2013
Liczba stron: 31
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FieldServer Carrier DataLink FS-8700-82 Instrukcja obsługi - Online PDF
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A Sierra Monitor Company

Driver Manual
(Supplement to the FieldServer Instruction Manual)

FS-8700-82 Carrier DataLink

Effective for all systems manufactured after May 1, 2001
Driver Version: 1.03
Document Revision: 5

FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-9042 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email:

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FS-8700-82 Carrier DataLink Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Carrier DataLink Description..........................................................................................3 2. Driver Scope of Supply...................................................................................................4 2.1. Supplied by FieldServer Technologies for this driver ..................................................4 rd 2.2. Provided by Suppler of 3 Party Equipment...................

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FS-8700-82 Carrier DataLink Page 3 of 31 1. Carrier DataLink Description The Carrier DataLink driver allows the FieldServer to transfer data to and from devices over either RS-232 or RS-485 using Carrier DataLink protocol. The FieldServer can emulate either a Server or Client. The Carrier DataLink Serial Driver allows variables to be read and written in system elements connected to a Carrier Comfort Network communication bus. Up to 15 system elements may be connected to a Data

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FS-8700-82 Carrier DataLink Page 4 of 31 2. Driver Scope of Supply 2.1. Supplied by FieldServer Technologies for this driver FieldServer Technologies PART # DESCRIPTION FS-8915-10 UTP cable (7 foot) for RS-232 use FS-8917-17 RJ45 to DB25M connection adapter FS-8700-82 Driver Manual. rd 2.2. Provided by Suppler of 3 Party Equipment PART # DESCRIPTION Carrier DataLink Card FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Tel: (408)

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FS-8700-82 Carrier DataLink Page 5 of 31 3. Hardware Connections The FieldServer is connected to the Carrier DataLink device as shown below. Ensure that the device to be connected to is in fact the DataLink device and not the DataPort device which is similar looking. Configure the DataLink Device according to manufacturer’s instructions. This driver requires that the DataLink device’s DTPCONFIG table has been configured prior to connection with a FieldServer. Consult the manufa

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FS-8700-82 Carrier DataLink Page 6 of 31 4. Configuring the FieldServer as a Carrier DataLink Client It is not possible to configure communication with a DataLink device until familiar with the data available from the devices connected to the DataLink. The DataLink device does not provide a method for discovering the data tables and variables that are available in all the Carrier devices. In order to configure the Client it is necessary to know the names of the data tables availabl

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FS-8700-82 Carrier DataLink Page 7 of 31 Example // Data Arrays Data_Arrays Data_Array_Name, Data_Format, Data_Array_Length DA_AI_01, UInt16, 200 DA_AO_01, UInt16, 200 DA_DI_01, Bit, 200 DA_DO_01, Bit, 200 4.2. Client Side Connection Descriptions Section Title Connections Column Title Function Legal Values Specify which port the device is connected to the 1 Port P1-P8, R1-R2 FieldServer 300, 600

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FS-8700-82 Carrier DataLink Page 8 of 31 4.3. Client Side Node Descriptors Section Title Nodes Column Function Legal Values Title Up to 32 Node_Name Provide name for node alphanumeric characters Modbus station address of physical server node. These correspond to the ‘devices’ configured in the DTPConfig. Thus the Node_ID is not the address of Node_ID the final CCN device. 1-15 The DataLink DTPConfig table maps a device number (1..15) to a bus number (0-239). Use the Node_

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FS-8700-82 Carrier DataLink Page 9 of 31 4.4.2. Driver Related Map Descriptor Parameters Column Function Legal Values Title One of the node names Node_Name Name of Node to fetch data from specified in “Client Node Descriptor” above Data type. This parameter is not required except when defining Map Descriptors which write DOW (Day of Week) and - Time value to the Carrier devices. When Data_Type a write Map Descriptor checks the data Occupancy_Time type it uses the informatio

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FS-8700-82 Carrier DataLink Page 10 of 31 4.4.4. Map Descriptor Example 1 – Read a Table This example illustrates how to read the entire contents of a table called ‘DISPLAY’. The Map Descriptor is connected to a node using the node name and a node definition provides a connection to a port. Thus this Map Descriptor is connected to a port via its node. The FieldServer will use that port to send this poll which will be generated every 5 seconds. The value extracted from the respons

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FS-8700-82 Carrier DataLink Page 11 of 31 4.4.5. Map Descriptor Example 2 – Read a Variable This example illustrates how to read single variables from a Carrier Device. A Map Descriptor needs to be defined for each variable. Reading variables is effective for reading a limited set of variables from a table(s). Scaling can be applied when the driver stores the value by using the additional parameters: Data_Array_Low_Scale, Data_Array_High_Scale, Device_Low_Scale, Device_High_Scale

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FS-8700-82 Carrier DataLink Page 12 of 31 4.4.7. Map Descriptor Example 4 – Write Day of Week (DOW) or Time This example illustrates how to write values to an occupancy table. Occupancy tables contain amongst other variables, Day of Week (DOW) settings and time settings. The driver needs to be configured so that it formats these values correctly. When the DOW write occurs, the driver extracts the value from the Data Array and converts it to a binary string whose bit value is the

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FS-8700-82 Carrier DataLink Page 13 of 31 5. Configuring the FieldServer as a Carrier DataLink Server For a detailed discussion on FieldServer configuration, please refer to the FieldServer Instruction Manual. The information that follows describes how to expand upon the factory defaults provided in the configuration files included with the FieldServer (See “.csv” sample files provided with the FieldServer). This section documents and describes the parameters necessary for configur

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FS-8700-82 Carrier DataLink Page 14 of 31 Example // Server Side Connections Connections Port, Baud, Parity, Data_bits, Stop_Bits, Protocol , Handshaking, Poll_Delay P8, 9600, None , 8 , 1 , CarrierDL, None , 0.100s 5.2. Server Side Nodes Section Title Nodes Column Function Legal Values Title Up to 32 Node_Name Provide name for node alphanumeric characters Modbus station address of physical server node. These correspond to the ‘devices’ config

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FS-8700-82 Carrier DataLink Page 15 of 31 5.3. Server Side Map Descriptors 5.3.1. FieldServer Specific Map Descriptor Parameters Column Title Function Legal Values Up to 32 alphanumeric Map_Descriptor_Name Name of this Map Descriptor characters Name of Data Array where One of the Data Array names Data_Array_Name data is to be stored in the from “Data Array” section FieldServer above 0 to maximum specified in Data_Array_Location Starting location in Data Array “Data Array” secti

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FS-8700-82 Carrier DataLink Page 16 of 31 Column Title Function Legal Values as a time value formatted as hh:mm (keyword=TIME) or as a string of bytes (keyword=STRING) or as an occupancy string (keyword=DOW). When using the string keyword the driver reads x consecutive array elements and treats them like ASCII character values in forming the response. X is defined by the length parameter. If the variable has a discrete state, use this parameter to define the word that describ

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FS-8700-82 Carrier DataLink Page 17 of 31 5.3.4. Map Descriptor Example. This example shows a number of server Map Descriptors used to define a table called ‘DISPLAY’. If a client sends a read table request the driver responds by sending all the appropriate data for every Map Descriptor with the same table name (provided that the node’s match). Map_Descriptor_Name, Function, Node_Name, Table_Name, Field_Name, Field_Description, Field_Units, On_String, Off_String, Data_Array_Name

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FS-8700-82 Carrier DataLink Page 18 of 31 5.4. Driver Limitations and Exclusions As a client: • The Carrier DataLink driver is not capable of polling for alarm data. (The RA and AV functions are not implemented). • The Carrier DataLink driver dos not validate table or variable names. • The Carrier DataLink driver does not support the Read Table command with the /C or /N options. • The Carrier DataLink driver records a timeout if the DataLink device does not provide the ‘?’ prompt

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FS-8700-82 Carrier DataLink Page 19 of 31 Appendix A. Advanced Topics Appendix A.1. Table Names The following list of table names is provided as a reference. Carrier may add tables and new devices may become available. Equipment Type Table Name Equipment Type Table Name STATUS01 OPTIONS STATUS02 SETPOINT STATUS03 OCCDEFCS OCCPC01S STATUS04 OCCDEFCS SETPOINT 17/19EX CHILLER: OCCPC02S OCCDEFCS OCCPC01S ECONOMZR OCCDEFCS GENERAL OCCPC02S 48/50HG CENTURION TSTAT ROOFTOP:

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