Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1
User’s Guide
Part Numb r e : E 1 3632-9000
October 2007.
For info Safety rmati a rr n i on, W a t es, and Regul a tory i n form i at on,
see the pag e s behi nd t h Index. e
© Cop r y i ght A echno g i logi s l ent T e , Inc. 2000-2007
All Rights Reserved.
Agil n t 2A e E363
DC Power Suppl y
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2
The Agi l ent E3632A is a high perform 12 0 watt-du a nce l a r n e DC pow a g r e sup p ly wi h t GPIB a n d R S - 32 i s 2 n terface . The c o mbi n atio n of bench-top and s t em atures sy fe i n thi s pow r e su pply provi d es e rs v atil e so luti ons for o y ur desi gn and s te t requi r em n ts e . Conven ient bench-top feat ur es • D ual range • E s a y-to- u s knob control e s tti e ngs • H ighl y vi si ble acuum v - f luor s e cent di spl ay m e rs e t • H igh ac cur cy a n d a hi
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3
The Front Panel at a Glance 1 15V/7A range selection key 8 Error/Calibrate key 2 30V/4A range selection key 9 I/O Configuration/Secure key 3 Overvoltage protection key 10 Output On/Off key 4 Overcurrent protection key 11 Control knob 5 Display limit key 12 Resolution selection keys 6 Recall operating state key 13 Voltage/current adjust selection key 7 Store operating state/Local key 2
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1 15V/7A range selection key Selects the 15V/7A range and allows the full rated output to 15V/7A. 2 30V/4A range selection key Selects the 30V/4A range and allows the full rated output to 30V/4A. 3 Overvoltage protection key Enables or disables the overvoltage protection function, sets trip voltage level, and clears the overvoltage condition. 4 Overcurrent protection key Enables or disables the overcurrent protection function, sets trip current level, and clears the overcurrent conditio
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5
Front-Panel Voltage and Current Limit Settings You can set the voltage and current limit values from the front panel using the following method. Use the voltage/current adjust selection key, the resolution selection keys, and the control knob to change the voltage and current limit values. 1 Select the desired range using the range selection keys after turning on the power supply. 2 Press the Display Limit key to show the limit values on the display. 3 Move the blinking digit to the appropria
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Display Annunciators Adrs Power supply is addressed to listen or talk over a remote interface. Rmt Power supply is in remote interface mode. 15V Shows the 15V/7A range is selected. 30V Shows the 30V/4A range is selected. OVP The overvoltage protection function is enabled when the annunciator turns on or the overvoltage protection circuit has caused the power supply to shutdown when the annunciator blinks. OCP The overcurrent protection function is enabled when the annunciator turns on or
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7
The Rear Panel at a Glance 1 Power-line voltage setting 4 Power-line module 2 Power-line fuse-holder assembly 5 GPIB (IEEE-488) interface connector 3 AC inlet 6 RS-232 interface connector I/O Config Use the front-panel key to: • Select the GPIB or RS-232 interface (see chapter 3). • Set the GPIB bus address (see chapter 3). • Set the RS-232 baud rate and parity (see chapter 3). 6
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8
In This Book General Information o d s eneral e crip i con ai t t ns p a t . T sup hi ply s h pter c a als o provi des i ns tructions for checkin g your power , sup connecting ply to ac pow , and er sel i ect ng p ower- li ne vol ge. ta Initial Operation n sures outputs and properl y res ponds to operation from the fr ont panel . Front-Panel Operation C hapter 3 d s e cri s be i n ai det l the us e of fro nt-panel r e r e a h key Thi s chapter al so show s how to confi gure the p ower supp l
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10
Contents Contents C h r 1 e G n e e ral In a t n ty C Safe o n s i i d erat ons 14 ty and Safe E M C Requi r em n ts e 14 Optio n s n a d A s cce s or ies 5 1 Optio n s 15 Access o ri es 15 Descri ption 6 1 Install a tion 9 1 Initi a l I n spection Co oli n g and Location Input P o wer R qui e r em n s e t 22 Pow e r-Li ne C o r d 22 Pow e r-Li ne V o l age Sel i t ect on 22 C h e n a e p r Prel im i n ary C h eckout 27 Pow e r-On C k h ec out
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11
Contents Chapet r norF t-Panel Opatre ion ( continue)d Di sabl in g the Outpu t 50 Di sabl in the g Outpu Usi t n g an Ex r te n al Rel a y 51 K nob Locki ng 51 Sys m t e - R el ed Operatio at ns 52 Sel f -T s e t 52 E rro r C ondi tio n s 53 Di spl ay C ontrol 54 F i rm w r R a e vi e si on Query 55 SC P Language Vers I io n 55 R e mo r ce C te Inte f a onfi g uratio n 56 R e mo Inte r ce S l tei f a e ect on 56 GP IB A ddress 57 B a ud Rate Sel t i
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12
Contents Contents C h e m o t a r e c f e e n c e SC PI C o m m n a d Su mm ary 73 Sim p l i fi ed P r ogram m i n g Overvi w e 78 Usi n g the A P PLy Com m a nd 78 Usi n g the L o w- l Leve C o m m n a d s 78 Readi n g a Q u ery R e spons e 79 Selecting a Tr igger So urce Pow e r Sup ply Program m i ng Ranges 80 Usi n g the A P PLy Com m a nd 81 Output S tti e ng and Operation C o mm ands 82 Tri r gge i ng Com m a nds 8 9 Tri r gge Sour e c Ch oices Tr
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13
Contents C E E xecutio n E rror s 123 Sel f-T s e t E rro rs 128 C ali brati on E rro rs 129 C 6 Ap r a n Pro m s C ++ E xam pl e for GP IB (IEE E 488) 133 E xcel 5.0 E xam ple for W i ndow s . 3 1 and GPIB 135 C Overvi w e of Agi lent E3632A Operatio n 14 1 Outpu C t teri harac sti cs 143 Unr gul e ated State 5 14 Unw d ante Si gnals 5 14 C onnecti ng the Load 47 1 Outpu t Isol ation 47 1 Multiple Loads 147 R emo Vol te e Sensi tag ng 148 Lo d a
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 14
1 General Information
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General Information s . s uppl y r e pti i v d Thi s o i i n i n specti t ial contai structio als o and r ck a operation , s e lectin g the pow er-l i n e vol age, n t a d connecti n g your power su pply to ac pow . er Safety Considerations Thi s pow r e su ppl y is a S fety C a l s a s I i n stru ment, whi c h m eans that i t has a protective earth e rm t i n al. T h at termi n al m u st be connected to a rth e ground through a pow r e s ource w i th a 3-w i re g r ound rec e ptacl . e B for
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16
Chapter 1 General Information Options and Accessories 1 Options and Accessories s ton Opi Optio r n M m i , n c er-l o s in v ltage e e . The s t or t andard un the fac y it i s oac ± 0 % c nfigured 1 , - 47for 115 V 63 Hz inp u t voltage. For m o re in form t i i a on about chang po ng the wer- li vol s tti ne t age e ng, see ‘ ‘ - L Powe i ne o ltage r V Se le ction ’’, starti ng on page 22 i n thi . s h p e r c a t Option Description 0EM 115 ac ± 10% , 7 - V 4 6 3 Hz in put vol g e t a 0E
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 17
Chapter 1 General Information Description Description The A i g l n E 2A e t 363 DC po wer supp com ature a b i ly fe n ation of program m i ng d t makes uppl pow i n e n p b a ca a i l i ti m abl e uppl h cations s t ems sy h s a uppl ces is n terfa S - 2 2 3 B I v y t i e u e t m al o lo wi is s d e lecte from the front panel or over the remo e t interfaces. Operation l a features in l c ude: • D ual range of 15V /7A or 30V/ A 4 • C onstant vol t age (C V) or o c nstant cur r ent (C C ) op r
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 18
Chapter 1 General Information Description 1 W h en op r t ed e a over the r m e o te i , n terface the p o wer supp ly can be both a li . Us talkr r stener and a in an exte n eal control n i g , you ca p n str l er the o wer u ct GP B R over the I or back Sh - statusn data to send t h output a sup e d o set t e p ly t 2. 23 C a pabil i i t e s incl ude the foll owi n g features: • V ol e and tag curr n program e t m i ng • V ol e and tag curr n readback e t • P res e nt and stored status readb
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 19
Chapter 1 General Information Description Wa r ning Outputs can be floated to maximum of ±240 Vdc provided that the metal shorting bars without insulation are either replaced with insulated conductors or they are removed from the terminals so there is no operator access to the output conductors without insulation. All field wiring insulation must be adequate for the voltage present. The pow r s e uppl i y s s h ip w chablped i th a deta e , 3-w i r groun p e ding type o wer panel . o n o r
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 20
Chapter 1 General Information Installation 1 Installation noect ial Inspt Inii W h en you receive your pow r , e s i uppl n sp c t i y e t for any obvi ous dam e t a g tha r ca r h t e o noti f f s shi cur p mc r e a and the r s nea e t A g il ent Sal e s O fi f cea rranty i im . m n form W e diatel atio y n i s sho w n in the front of thi s manual . d e o t uppl materi als g ori g inal the K e , c e uppl u . e th e echnol ogi s e i g l e tach g at a ta identi fying h t e owner and m odel nu .