Instrukcja obsługi Zenoah BRUSHCUTTERS BK4310FL

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Zenoah BRUSHCUTTERS BK4310FL

Urządzenie: Zenoah BRUSHCUTTERS BK4310FL
Kategoria: Podkaszarka
Producent: Zenoah
Rozmiar: 0.54 MB
Data dodania: 6/15/2013
Liczba stron: 20
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

848-KD6-93A1 (806)
•Before using our brushcutter, please
read this manual carefully to understand
the proper use of your unit.
• Keep this manual handy.

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

SAFETY FIRST Instructions contained in warnings within this manual marked with a symbol concern critical points which must be taken into consideration to prevent possible serious bodily injury, and for this reason you are requested to read all such instructions carefully and follow them without fail. ■ NOTES ON TYPES OF WARNINGS IN THE MANUAL WARNING This mark indicates instructions which must be followed in order to prevent accidents which could lead to serious bodily injury or death. IMPORTANT

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

1. WARNING LABELS ON THE MACHINE (1)Read owner's manual before operating this machine. (2) Wear head, eye and ear protection. (3) Warning/Attention (4)Keep all children, bystanders and helpers 15 meters away from the brushcutter IMPORTANT If warning seals peel off or become soiled and impossible to read, you should contact the dealer from which you purchased the product to order new seals and affix the new seal(s) in the required location(s). WARNING Never remodel your brushcutter. We won't warr

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

3. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ■ BEFORE USING THE MACHINE a. Read this owner's manual carefully to understand how to operate this unit properly. b. This product has been designed for use in cutting grass, and it should never be used for any other purpose . c. You should never use this brushcutter when under the influence of alcohol, when suffering from exhaustion or lack of sleep, when suffering from drowsiness as a result of having taken cold medicine, or at any other time when a possibility exists that

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

3. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ■ WORKING GEAR AND CLOTHING a. When using your brushcutter, you should wear proper clothing and protective equipment as follows. (1) Helmet (2) Protection goggles or face protector (3) Thick work gloves (4) Non-slip-sole work boots (5) Ear protectors b. And you should carry with you. 1. Attached tools and files 2. Properly reserved fuel 3. Spare blade 4. Things to notify your working area (Rope, warning signs) 5. Whistle (for collaboration or emergency) 6. Hatchet or saw (f

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

3. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ■ THINGS TO CHECK BEFORE USING YOUR BRUSHCUTTER a. Before beginning work, look around carefully to get a feel for the shape of the land, or grass to be trimmed, and whether or not there are any obstacles which might get in the way while working, and remove any obstacles which can be cleared away. b. The area within a perimeter of 15m of the person using the brushcutter should be considered a hazardous area into which no one should enter while the brushcutter is in use, and

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

3. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ■ KICKBACK SAFETY PRECAUTIONS •A dangerous reaction may occur when the spinning blade contacts a solid object in the critical area. It is called Kick back. As a result, the operator can lose control of the unit which can cause serious or fatal injury. Avoid kickback, observe the safety precautions below strictly. 1. Before beginning work, clear your working area and remove grasses around the obstacles. 2. When using your brushcutter, do not grip other parts except the hand

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

3. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS immediately after shutting down the engine. Doing so may result in serious burns. i. When you finish cutting in one location and wish to continue work in another spot, turn off the engine and turn the unit as the blade faces away from your body. ■ MAINTENANCE SAFETY PRECAUTION a. Perform the maintenance and checking operations described in this manual at regular intervals. If any parts must be replaced or any maintenance or repair work not described in this manual must be

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

4. SET UP ■ ATTACHING THE SHOULDER STRAP (SE1) SE1 1. Pass the ring of the shoulder strap through the hook(A) and fix it by the bolt securely. 2. Set the hook(B) of each shoulder strap to the D-rings on the frame. (A) UPPER SIDE (B) LOWER SIDE (1) Hook (A) (2) Bolt (M5x12) (3) Hook (B) (4) D-ring ■ ATTACHING THE LINER SE2 1. Remove the bolt located on the joint of the outer pipe. (SE2) 2. Match the groove of the liner with the threaded hole and fix with screw securely. (SE2) (1) Bolt (2) Joint (

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10

4. SET UP try inserting it again. • Once the liner has been inserted, pull on the liner to make sure that the stopper is properly engaged. ■ ATTACHING THE THROTTLE CABLE WARNING After fitting the wire, check if the wire sleeve is SE5 correctly fitted to the wire stopper. It is dangerous if the wire sleeve is out of the wire stopper because the engine speed will not decrease even if the throttle lever is released. • Align the throttle cable along with the liner and tie it with band. (SE5) (1) Ba

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

4. SET UP ■ ADJUSTING THROTTLE CABLE • Proper play of the throttle cable is 1–2mm. Place the throttle lever to the lowest speed position (i.e. fully SE7 released status). Pull the throttle cable lightly with fingers to check its play. Readjust the position of cable adjuster if the play is too large or too small. To readjust, slacken a lock nut. Turn the cable adjuster clockwise to increase the play, or counterclockwise to decrease the play. Lock the cable adjuster with the lock nut after readjus

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

4. SET UP ■ BLADE WARNING •Never attach nor remove a cutting blade while the engine is running. • Use ZENOAH genuine cutting blade for exchange. • Wear sturdy gloves for attaching/removing a SE10 metallic cutting blade to avoid injury. 1. Loosen the nut, remove holder A and holder B from the gear case. (SE10) (Note that this is a left-turning screw.) (1) Bar (2) Holder B (3) Holder A 2. Attach the cover (SE11,(11)) and fix it with screw. 3. Insert blade between cutter holder A and cutter holder

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

5. Fuel WARNING • Gasoline is very flammable. Avoid smoking or bringing any flame or sparks near fuel. •Wipe up all spills before starting the engine. •Make sure to stop the engine and allow it cool before refueling the unit. • Keep open flames away from the area where fuel is handled or stored. IMPORTANT • Never use oil for 4 cycle engine use or water cooled 2- cycle engine. • Never use "FUEL WITH NO OIL (RAW GASOLINE)". • Never use fuel laced with water. • Mixed fuels which have been left unu

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 14

6. OPERATION ■ STARTING THE ENGINE OP1 (1) 1. Pour the fuel and fasten the fuel cap. (OP1) (1) Cap (2) (2) Fuel tank IMPORTANT • Make sure that the cap is firmly shut and there is no fuel leak. • Wipe out the spilled fuel. 2. Open the fuel cock. (OP2) OP2 3. Move the choke lever to the closed position. (OP2) (1) Fuel cock (2) Close (3) Open (4) Choke lever (5) Close (6) Open NOTE When restarting immediately after stopping the engine, move the choke lever to the open position. OP3 4. Set the th

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15

6. OPERATION ■ STOPPING THE ENGINE OP5 1. Return the throttle lever to the idling position. 2. Push the engine switch button. (OP5) 3. Close the fuel cock. (1) Engine switch button ■ EQUIPPING THE SHOULDER STRAP (OP6) OP6 1. Hold the main pipe with your right hand. Hang the left strap on your left shoulder. 2. Change your hand to hold the main pipe with your left hand. Hang the right strap on your right shoulder. ■ CUTTING OPERATION WARNING 1. Always wear eye protection such as safety goggles.

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16

6. OPERATION LINE HEAD USAGE • Always remember that the TIP of the line does OP8 cutting. You will achieve better results by not crowding the line into the cutting area. Allow the unit to trim at its own pace. 1. Hold the unit so the head is off the ground and is tilted about 20 degrees toward the sweep direction. 2. Use full throttle when cutting. 3. You can avoid thrown debris by sweeping from your left to the right. 4. Use a slow, deliberate action to cut heavy growth. The rate of cutting mo

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 17

7. MAINTENANCE ■ BLADE MA1 • Sharpen each cutting edge and make sure the bottom corner is rounded. (MA1) • Do not cool the blade with water in case of using grinder. It may cause cracks on blade. ■ REFILLING TRIMMING LINE (MA2) 1. For replacement line, use a diameter of .095in MA2 (2.4mm). The spool is capable for a line upto 20ft (6m) on the 4” head. Avoid using a larger line as it may cut down the trimming performance. WARNING For safety reasons, do not use metalreinforced line. 2. Pinch the

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 18

7. MAINTENANCE ■ GEAR CASE MA4 • Remove cutter, cutter holder A and plug and insert fresh lubricant. (MA4) (1) Holder A (2) Plug ■ FUEL STRAINER Drain the fuel from the tank. Remove the fuel strainer from the fuel tank and clean the fuel strainer. (MA5) (1) Fuel Strainer MA5 IMPORTANT A clogged fuel filter may cause poor acceleration of the engine. ■ SPARK PLUG WARNING Do not touch the spark plug with bare hands immediately after stopping the engine. The spark plug is still so hot and might

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 19

7. MAINTENANCE ■ FLEXIBLE SHAFT (MA8) MA8 1. While pulling the stopper of the clutch housing upward, remove the liner from the unit. 2. Remove the flexible shaft from the liner, apply lubricant to the shaft, and insert the shaft back into the liner. (1) Stopper (2) Liner AFTER 100 HOURS OF USE ■ MUFFLER MA9 1. Remove the muffler, insert a screwdriver into the vent, and wipe away any carbon buildup. Wipe away any carbon buildup on the muffler exhaust vent at the same time. (MA9) (1) Muffler

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 20

8. STORAGE Aged fuel is one of major causes of engine starting failure. Before storing the unit, empty the fuel tank and run the engine until it uses all the fuel left in the fuel line and the carburetor. Store the unit indoor taking necessary measures for rust prevention. 9. DISPOSAL When disposing your machine, fuel or oil for the machine, be sure to allow your local regulations. 10. SPECIFICATIONS ZENOAH Knapsack Brushcutter Name/Type BK3410FL BK4310FL Handle Type Loop Machine Weight (✽1) kg

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