Instrukcja obsługi Zenoah BC2604DW

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Zenoah BC2604DW

Urządzenie: Zenoah BC2604DW
Kategoria: Podkaszarka
Producent: Zenoah
Rozmiar: 0.84 MB
Data dodania: 7/15/2014
Liczba stron: 16
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Zenoah BC2604DW Instrukcja obsługi - Online PDF
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

BC2604DL / BC2604DW
848JB593A1 (704)

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

BC2604DL / BC2604DW ZENOAH CO., LTD. BC2604DL BC2604DW 1st April 2007 Masahiko GOUDA EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND SAFETY WARNINGS WARNING!!! RISK OF DAMAGING HEARING Wear head, eye and ear protection. MODEL SOUND LEVEL VIBRATION LEVEL EN 27917 ISO 10884 ISO 7916 L L (guaranteed) idling racing pAav WA 3 2 2 BC2604DL 25.4 cm 97 dB(A) 112 dB(A) 4.6 m/s 5.3 m/s 3 2 2 BC2604DW 25.4 cm 97 dB(A) 112 dB(A) 3.4 m/s 2.6 m/s APPROVAL NUMBER OF CE EXHAUST EMISSION REGULATION DIRECTIVE 97/68/EC AMENDED 2002/

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

BC2604DL / BC2604DW SAFETY FIRST Contents Instructions contained in warnings within this manual marked with a symbol concern critical points which must be taken into consideration to prevent possible serious bodily injury, and 1. Parts location .................................................. 4 for this reason you are requested to read all such instructions 2. Specifications ................................................. 4 G carefully and follow them without fail. 3. Warning labels on the

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

15m (50ft) BC2604DL / BC2604DW 2. Specification BC2604DL / BC2604DW Overall size (L W H) ............................ 1800 x 395 x 315 / 1800 x 610 x 520 mm Dry weight .................................................................................................. 5.1 / 5.5 kg Engine Model ............................................................................................... Zenoah G26L 3 Displacement ....................................................................................

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

BC2604DL / BC2604DW 5. For safe operation b. At night, at times of heavy fog, 1. Read this manual carefully until or at any other times when you completely understand and your field of vision might be follow all safety and operating limited and it would be diffi- instructions. cult to gain a clear view of the 2. Keep this manual handy so that G working area. you may refer to it later when- B c. During rain storms, during ever any questions arise. Also lightning storms, at times of note, if you

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

BC2604DL / BC2604DW 5. For safe operation BEFORE STARTING ensure that neither the cutting THE ENGINE part nor the throttle come into 1. The area within a perimeter of contact with any obstacle when 15 m of the person using the the engine starts. product should be considered a hazardous area into which no one WARNING should enter. If necessary, yellow warning rope, warning signs Never place the throttle into the should be placed around the pe- high-speed position when starting rimeter of the

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

BC2604DL / BC2604DW 5. For safe operation • IF SOMEONE COMES HANDLING FUEL 1. Guard against hazardous situa- 1. The engine of the ZENOAH prod- tions at all times. Warn adults to uct is designed to run on a mixed keep pets and children away from fuel, which contains highly flam- the area. Be careful if you are ap- mable gasoline. Never store cans G proached. Injury may result from of fuel or refill the tank of the unit B flying debris. in any place where there is a 2. If someone calls out or

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

BC2604DL / BC2604DW 6. Set up INSTALLING HANDLE (BC2604DL) INSTALLING DEBRIS GUARD FOR LINE HEAD • Mount the handle to the shaft tube and clamp it at a • Attach the debris guard (RED) with the bolts provided. location that is comfortable to you. INSTALLING LINE HEAD 1. While locking the gear shaft by inserting the supplied tool INSTALLING HANDLE (BC2604DW) into the upper holder on the gear box, loosen and remove 1. Loosen the 4bolts on the upper cap and insert the the bolt (left-handed). handle

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

BC2604DL / BC2604DW 7. Fuel ■ FUEL 3. Pour in all of the oil and agitate well. 4. Pour in the rest of gasoline and agitate again for at least one minute. As some oils may be difficult to agi- WARNING tate depending on oil ingredients, sufficient agitation is necessary for the engine to last long. Be careful • Gasoline is very flammable. Avoid smoking or G that, if the agitation is insufficient, there is an increased bringing any flame or sparks near fuel. Make sure B danger of early piston sei

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10

BC2604DL / BC2604DW 8. Operation STARTING ENGINE WARNING WARNING The product is equipped with a centrifugal clutch mecha- nism, so the cutting attachment begins to rotate as soon The cutting head will start rotating upon the engine as the engine is started by putting the throttle into the start starts. position. When starting the engine, place the product onto the ground in a flat clear area and hold it firmly in 1. Feed fuel into the fuel tank and tighten the cap se- place so as to ensure t

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

BC2604DL / BC2604DW 8. Operation ADJUSTING THROTTLE CABLE • The normal play is 1 or 2 mm when measured at the carburetor side end. Readjust with the cable adjuster as required. G B .04 in (1) (1 ~ 2 mm) METAL BLADE USAGE 1. Check the bolt to fasten the blade and be sure the bolt has no fault, and no abrasion. 2. Be sure that the blade and the holder have been fas- tened according to instruction and the blade turns smoothly without abnormal noise. (1) Cable adjuster ADJUSTING IDLING SPEED WARNI

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

BC2604DL / BC2604DW 8. Operation CUTTING METHOD WARNING (a)Use the front left side cutting. (b) Guide the blade from your right to left with it tilted CONTROLLING BLADE BOUNCE slightly to your left. •Kick out can cause serious personal injury. Carefully (c) When mowing a wide area, start working from your study this section. It is important that you understand left end to avoid interference of cut grass. what causes kick out, how you can reduce the chance (d) The blade may be seized by weeds

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

BC2604DL / BC2604DW 8. Operation CUTTING WORK (LINE HEAD USAGE) 2. You can avoid thrown debris by sweeping from your left to the right. WARNING 3. Use a slow, deliberate action to cut heavy growth. 1. Always wear eye protection such as safety The rate of cutting motion will depend on the material G goggles. Never lean over the rotating cutting head. being cut. Heavy growth will require slower action than B Rocks or other debris could be thrown into eyes will light growth. and face and cause se

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 14

BC2604DL / BC2604DW 9. Maintenance 9. Maintenance Every Every Every 25 50 100 Before System/components Procedure Note hours hours hours use after after after fuel leaks, fuel spillage wipe out ✔ fuel tank, air filter, fuel filter inspect/clean ✔✔ replace, if necessary see adjusting replace carburetor idle adjusting screw ✔ idling speed if necessary clean and readjust GAP: .025 in (0.6 ~ 0.7 mm) spark plug ✔ plug gap replace, if necessary cylinder fins, intake air

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15

BC2604DL / BC2604DW 9. Maintenance IMPORTANT • Check the intake air cooling vent and the area around the cylinder cooling fins after every 25 • Note that using any spark plug other than those des- hours of use for blockage, and remove any waste ignated may result in the engine failing to operate prop- which has attached itself to the brushcutter. Note erly or in the engine becoming overheated and dam- that it is necessary to remove the engine cover G aged. shown in in order to be able to view

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16

BC2604DL / BC2604DW 11. Troubleshooting guide Case 1. Starting failure CHECK PROBABLE CAUSES ACTION fuel tank → incorrect fuel → drain it and use correct fuel fuel filter → fuel filter is clogged → clean carburetor adjustment screw → out of normal range → adjust to normal range sparking (no spark) → spark plug is fouled/wet → clean/dry → plug gap is incorrect → correct (GAP: 0.6 ~ 0.7 mm) spark plug → disconnected → retighten Case 2. Engine starts but does not keep running/hard re-starting CHECK

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