Instrukcja obsługi Titan Tool 2000XD

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Titan Tool 2000XD

Urządzenie: Titan Tool 2000XD
Kategoria: Wykrywacz metalu
Producent: Titan Tool
Rozmiar: 1.33 MB
Data dodania: 9/3/2013
Liczba stron: 20
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Titan Tool 2000XD Instrukcja obsługi - Online PDF
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

Titan2000MANUAL.qx6 4/22/08 12:29 PM Page 1
Owner’s Manual

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

Titan2000MANUAL.qx6 4/22/08 12:29 PM Page 2 TABLE!OF!CONTENTS Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-4 Batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Quick-Start Demo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-7 Basic Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-11 All Metal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Discrimination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

Titan2000MANUAL.qx6 4/22/08 12:29 PM Page 3 ASSEMBLY Assembly is easy and requires no tools. 1 Position the lower stem (the straight tube) ! with the silver button toward the back. Using the bolt and knurled knob, attach the search coil to the plastic extension protruding from the lower stem. 2 P ress the button on the ! upper end of the lower stem, and slide the lower stem into the upper stem. Adjust the stem to a length that lets you maintain a comfortable upright posture, with your arm rel

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Titan2000MANUAL.qx6 4/22/08 12:29 PM Page 4 ASSEMBLY 4

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

Titan2000MANUAL.qx6 4/22/08 12:29 PM Page 5 BATTERIES Use ALKALINE batteries only. To install the batteries: 1 Remove the ! b a t t e ry cover by disengaging the clip at the back. 2 Align the polarity ! of the batteries correctly, with the positive "+" toward the coil plug connection, as indicated by the + and – indicators on the housing. 3 I n s e rt (2) 9-Volt ALKALINE ! b a t t e r i e s , with the contacts pointed inward, and press down on the back of the batteries to snap them into pl

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

Titan2000MANUAL.qx6 4/22/08 12:29 PM Page 6 QUICK-START!DEMONSTRATION I. Supplies Needed • A Nail • A Quarter • A Pull-Tab from a beverage can • A Zinc Penny (dated after 1982) II. Position the Detector a. Place the detector on a table, with the search coil hanging over the edge. (or better, have a friend hold the detector, with the coil off the ground) b. Keep the search coil away f rom walls, floors, and metal objects. c. Remove watches, rings and other jewelry or metal objects from hands a

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

Titan2000MANUAL.qx6 4/22/08 12:29 PM Page 7 QUICK-START!DEMONSTRATION!(continued) VI. Wave the Nail over the Search Coil a. The Nail will not be detected. b. The Nail has been "Discriminated Out." VII. P ress the “DISCRIMINAT I O N -"” Three “R”s are now displayed. VIII.Wave all objects over the Search Coil The Nail and Pull-Tab will not be detected. The other objects will be detected with their own distinctive tones. IX. Press the NOTCH touchpad. A flashing “R” will appear under the 5¢/PT se

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

Titan2000MANUAL.qx6 4/22/08 12:29 PM Page 8 BASIC!OPERATION! POWERING UP Press the POWER touch pad. • The detector will beep 4 times • All display segments will illuminate momentarily • The SENSITIVITY and BATTERY indicators will stay illuminated SENSITIVITY The detector’s default sensitivity will be indicated with two segments. At this setting, the detector will detect a coin-sized object, such as a quarter, buried approximately seven inches deep. To change the sensitivity level, and thus

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Titan2000MANUAL.qx6 4/22/08 12:29 PM Page 9 BASIC!OPERATION!(continued) DEFAULT OPERATION The detector defaults to ALL METAL mode after powering on. In this mode, all types of metals will be detected. An object’s probable identification is indicated by the arrows at the top of the display. In addition, the probable depth of coin-sized objects is indicated by the large numeric indicator in the center of the display. All detected objects will cause the depth indicator to illuminate. The de

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10

Titan2000MANUAL.qx6 4/22/08 12:29 PM Page 10 BASIC!OPERATION!(continued) To increase the level of discrimination, press the DISCRIMINATION " touch pad. Each time the" pad is depressed, an additional "R" will appear, thus eliminating from detection the objects which fall into the corresponding categories. To decrease the level of discrimination, press the DISCRIMINATION # touch pad. Each time the # pad is depressed, an illuminated "R" will disappear, thus returning to detection the objects w

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

BASIC OPERATION (continued) ITD The ITD control is a convenient way to eliminate a known undesirable metal object from detection. To demonstrate the ITD control: 1) Set the detector in All-Metal Mode Note: ITD functions in all modes, but is best demonstrated first from the All-Metal Mode. 2) Pass the search coil over an undesirable object. 3) Notice the Target Indication Note: You can only ITD objects that register under the five left-most segments (from Iron to Zinc). 4) Press ITD. An "R" a

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

Titan2000MANUAL.qx6 4/22/08 12:29 PM Page 12 AUDIO!TARGET!IDENTIFICATION While the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) is very accurate in identifying buried objects, the user in the field does not always maintain the display screen in his field of vision. Therefore, we have incorporated an audio feedback mechanism to alert the user to the nature of buried objects. This audio feedback system first alerts the user to the presence and classification of objects, whose nature and location can be confi

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

Titan2000MANUAL.qx6 4/22/08 12:29 PM Page 13 TARGET!AND!DEPTH!DISPLAY beverage cans will register here. Some READING THE DISPLAY newer pull tabs will register here. Many The Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) s h o w s gold rings will also register here . the PROBABLE identification of the S-CAP: Older screw caps from glass t a rgeted metal, as well as the P R O B A B L E bottles will register here. Large gold rings, depth of the target, in inches. like a class ring, could also register here . Some

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Titan2000MANUAL.qx6 4/22/08 12:29 PM Page 14 SENSITIVITY!ADJUSTMENT ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE The principle use for the Sensitivity C o n t rol is to eliminate Electromagnetic Interference (EMI). A hobby metal detector is an e x t remely sensitive device; the search coil creates its own magnetic field and acts like an antenna. If your detector beeps erratically when the search coil is motionless, the unit is probably detecting another electromagnetic field. Common sources of EMI are elect

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15

Titan2000MANUAL.qx6 4/22/08 12:29 PM Page 15 IN!THE!FIELD!TECHNIQUES PINPOINTING COIL MOVEMENT Accurate pinpointing takes practice When swinging the coil, be c a re f u l to keep it level with the gro u n d and is best accomplished by “X-ing” the target area. about one inch from the surf a c e . Never swing the coil like a pendu- 1. Once a buried target is indicated l u m . by a good tone re s p o n s e , continue sweeping the coil over WRONG the target in a narrowing side- to-side patte

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16

Titan2000MANUAL.qx6 4/22/08 12:29 PM Page 16 IN!THE!FIELD!TECHNIQUES!(continued) Swing the search coil slowly, p rovide a more consistent targ e t overlapping each sweep as you move identification. forward. It is important to sweep the coil at a consistent speed over the Most worthwhile objects will respond g round as you search. After with a repeatable tone. If the signal identifying a target, your sweep does not repeat after sweeping the technique can help in identifying both coil direct

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 17

Titan2000MANUAL.qx6 4/22/08 12:29 PM Page 17 IN!THE!FIELD!TECHNIQUES!(continued) you may want to dig all targets at surprised just how much trash metal first. With practice in the field, you and foil you will find in some areas. will learn to better discern the nature The trashiest areas have been of buried objects by the nature of the frequented by the most people, and detector’s response. frequently hold the most promise for finding the most lost valuables. You may encounter some false s

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 18

Titan2000MANUAL.qx6 4/22/08 12:29 PM Page 18 TROUBLESHOOTING TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE SYMPTOM CAUSE SOLUTION Detector chatters • Using detector • Use detector or beeps erratically indoors outdoors only • Using detector near • Move away power lines from power lines • Using 2 detectors in • Keep 2 detectors close proximity at least 20’ apart • Highly oxidized • Only dig up buried object repeatable signals • Environmental • Reduce sensitivity electromagnetic until erratic interference signals c

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 19

Titan2000MANUAL.qx6 4/22/08 12:29 PM Page 19 TERMINOLOGY The following terms are used throughout the manual, and are standard terminology among detectorists. ELIMINATION Reference to a metal being "eliminated" means that the detector will not emit a tone, nor light up an indicator, when a specified object passes through the coil’s detection field. DISCRIMINATION When the detector emits different tones for different types of metals, and when the detector "eliminates" certain metals, we refer t

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 20

TREASURE HUNTER’S CODE OF ETHICS: • Always check Federal, State, County and local laws before searching. • Respect private property and do not enter private property without the owner’s permission. • Take care to refill all holes and try not to leave any damage. • Remove and dispose of any and all trash and litter found. • Appreciate and protect our inheritance of natural resources, wildlife and private property. • Act as an ambassador for the hobby, use thoughtfulness, consideration and courtes

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