Instrukcja obsługi Kidde TM0098

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Kidde TM0098

Urządzenie: Kidde TM0098
Kategoria: Czujnik dymu
Producent: Kidde
Rozmiar: 0.12 MB
Data dodania: 5/9/2013
Liczba stron: 4
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Kidde TM0098 Instrukcja obsługi - Online PDF
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

Please read this guide fully before attempting to operate the unit.
1.0 Introduction
This Guide describes the use of the Kidde Fire Protection Hot Wire Test Box (part number 1-53836-
K237) to test aspirating smoke detection systems. The unit provides 6V AC output from 220-240V AC
mains supply. High current at low voltage is passed through a cable in order to heat it, which causes
its insulation to burn giving off smoke. A timer is incorporated to pr

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

2.0 Preparation and Precautions When performing a hot wire test, ensure that all local standards, practices and regulations are understood and have been adhered to where applicable. Also, ensure that the detection equipment being proved/tested is isolated from both the local fire authority notification alerts and any suppressant actioning devices. The hot wire test is intended to trigger a response from the High Sensitivity Smoke Detectors under test. Ensure that the consequences of this activ

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

It is recommended that the accuracy of the burn period is confirmed using a stopwatch with the red indicator on the timer before conducting any live tests. Applicable code wire burn recommendations: • BS6266:1992 recommends a burn time of 60 seconds for one metre wire lengths and 180 seconds for 2 metres • The NFPA 76 standard also recommends the same tests with an additional test with a burn time of 60s using 2 x 1m wires connected in parallel. 4.0 Operation a) Connect the IDE power cable (supp

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

The current to the wire is turned off automatically after the set period is complete. Smoke will have been generated and the time for it to be detected should be recorded to ensure that transport and alarm times are within the local regulatory requirements. 7. References Note that appropriate guidance should be sought from all local and applicable standards and regulations such as: • BS5389 Part1: 2002 • BS6266:1992 • BS6266:2002 (which cross references to the BFPSA Code of Practice) • NFPA 76

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