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MODEL G4179 ⁄2 HP
Copyright © JUNE, 2008 By g rizzly iNd Ustrial, iNC. r EVis Ed JU ly , 2008.
Wa RNiNG: NO PORti ON OF t HiS Ma Nua L May b E REPRODuc ED iN a Ny SHa PE
OR FORM Wit HOut t HE WRitt EN a PPROva L OF GRizz Ly iNDuSt Ria L, iNc.
#Cr 10816 pri Nt Ed iN tai WaN
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t able of c ontents SEctiON 4: OPERatiONS ........................... 17 iNtRODuctiON ............................................... 2 operation safety .......................................... 17 Foreword ........................................................ 2 Basic Use and Care ..................................... 17 Contact info.................................................... 2 Functional overview ...................................... 2 SEctiON 5: MaiNtENaNcE ......................
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iNtROD ucti ON Foreword Functional Overview 1 t his power feeder greatly simplifies repetitive We are proud to offer the Model g4179 ⁄2 hp operations on table saws, jointers, and shapers by power Feeder. this machine is part of a growing automating how workpieces are fed into the cut. grizzly family of fine woodworking machinery. When used according to the guidelines set forth in since the power feeder is typically positioned this manual, you can expect years of trouble-free, between th
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Machine Data MACHINE DATA Sheet SHEET Customer Service #: (570) 546-9663 · To Order Call: (800) 523-4777 · Fax #: (800) 438-5901 MODEL G4179 1/2 HP POWER FEEDER Weight.............................................................................................................................................................. 104 lbs. Length/Width/Height....................................................................................................................... 45 x 18 x 28-1/2 in. Foo
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No. Of Feed Speeds......................................................................................................................................... 4 Feed Speeds....................................................................................................................... 9.5, 15, 25, 38 FPM Swing.................................................................................................................................................... 360 deg. Vertical Movement..........
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identification r efer to Figure 1 and your power feeder to familiarize yourself with the controls, features, and terminology used in this manual. d oing so will make setup, use, and any future maintenance easier. Vertical travel Upper Elbow handcrank Joint lock lower Elbow horizontal 1 ⁄2 hp Joint lock Vertical travel lock Motor travel lock horizontal handcrank gearbox oil plug labeled "oil" located on top of Case Behind Motor rotary Movement lock Figure 1. Controls and features. 1 -
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a dditional Safety for Power Feeders 1. SaFE ty acc ESSORiES. always use appro- 5. WORKPiEc E SuPPORt . do N ot feed long priate machine guards. workpieces without providing adequate sup- port at the outfeed end of the table. 2. t OOL SPEED. Make sure all cutting tools are rotating at the operating speed before 6. St OPPiNG FEEDER. always stop the feeder feeding the workpiece. before stopping the cutting tool. 3. FEEDiNG SPEED. do N ot overload the 7. a DJuSt MENt S. d isconnect the feeder f
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SEcti ON 2: ciR cuit REQuiREMENt S Power connection Device 220v Single-Phase t he type of plug required to connect your machine to power depends on the type of service you cur- rently have or plan to install. We recommend using the plug shown in Figure 2. Serious personal injury could occur if you connect the machine to power before com- pleting the setup process. DO NOt connect the machine to the power until instructed later in this manual. Electrocution or fire could result if machine is
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SEcti ON 3: SEtu P Setup Safety items Needed for Setup t he following items are needed to complete the t his machine presents setup process, but are not included with your serious injury hazards machine: to untrained users. Read through this entire manu- Description Qty al to become familiar with • safety g lasses ........................................... 1 the controls and opera- • l ight Machine o il .................... as r equired tions before starting the • Mineral s pirits ....
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inventory B t he following is a description of the main compo- nents shipped with your machine. l ay the compo- a nents out to inventory them. Note: If you can't find an item on this list, check the mounting location on the machine or examine the packaging materials carefully. Occasionally we pre-install certain components for shipping C purposes. box inventory (Figures 3 & 4) Qty a . power Feeder assembly ............................ 1 Figure 3. power feeder inventory. b. Extra 26/34-t oot
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Hardware Recognition c hart 1 -12- Model g4179 ⁄2 hp power Feeder
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c lean up assembly t he unpainted surfaces are coated with a waxy oil to prevent corrosion during shipment. r emove this protective coating with a solvent cleaner or you MuSt assemble all guards, fences, and degreaser, such as shown in Figure 5. For thor- holdowns before starting your machine or ough cleaning, some parts must be removed. power feeder. Failure to heed this warning For optimum performance, clean all moving could result in serious personal injury. parts or sliding contact s
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Whichever way you mount your power feeder, base Mounting you must be able to use the handcranks and lock levers to position the rubber wheels parallel with 1 the table surface and ⁄8" lower than the thickness position the power feeder on the table top to of your workpiece. determine where to drill your base mounting holes, so you can maximize power feeder swing also, you must be able to point the power feeder and adjustment options. slightly towards the machine fence (Figure 8). in ot
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Mounting Options t o correctly position this power feeder on your table top, completely assemble the power feeder first, then refer to this section and mount your base to the table using one of the two methods below. t he reason for this order is that with the power feeder unit completely assembled, it will be easier to locate where on the table top you will need to drill your base mounting holes, so you can take advantage of the full range of power feeder swing and adjustments
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6. Connect the power feeder to the power sup- t est Run ply and use the feed direction switch (Figure 11) to test operation in both directions. o nce power feeder assembly is complete and — listen and watch for abnormal noises or mounted on the table, you must test run your vibrations. the power feeder should run power feeder to make sure it runs properly. smoothly. if, during the test run, you cannot easily locate —Correct for any unusual noises or vibra- the source of an unusual noise
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SEcti ON 4: OPERati ONS Operation Safety basic use and c are t o reduce the risk of you MuSt assemble all guards, fences, serious injury when using and hold-downs before starting your this machine, read and machine or power feeder. Failure to heed understand this entire this warning could result in amputation or manual before beginning death! any operations. power feeders reduce kickback hazards and improve cutting results by feeding in a consistent and stable manner. r emember, do no
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4. remove the chain cover and the two 14mm c hanging Feed hex nuts securing the position a & b change gears to the shafts. Speed 5. swap the required gears in positions a & b shown in Figure 12. your power feeder has the option to feed a workpiece at four different feed rates: 9.5, 15, 25, and 38 feet per minute. t hese rates are achieved included accessory Change by changing the combination of change gears in gear set (26-34 tooth) the power feeder gear box. a lways disconnect power t