Instrukcja obsługi Ei Electronics Ei 405C

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Ei Electronics Ei 405C

Urządzenie: Ei Electronics Ei 405C
Kategoria: Czujnik dymu
Producent: Ei Electronics
Rozmiar: 0.94 MB
Data dodania: 3/19/2013
Liczba stron: 24
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

(Excessive dust & debris from building work can
contaminate the smoke chamber and cause
An installed smoke alarm must be removed or
covered fully (with a plastic bag or similar)
before renovations begin.
'Ei Electronics 2003 P/N B15026 R0
Contains vi

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

1. READ THIS FIRST A Smoke Alarm is an early warning device. Used correctly it can give you and your family valuable extra time to escape. ¥ Models Ei405 & Ei405C - connect battery snaps firmly (see fig 1b). Press the test button and horn should sound. ¥ Models Ei405C, Ei405TY & Ei405TYC - slide unit on to mounting plate to connect the batteries. ¥ When the battery is first connected the Alarm may sound for 2-3 seconds and/or the red light may flash quickly for 10 seconds - this is normal. F

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

¥ If the Alarm beeps without the red light flashing at the same time then clean unit as this is the automatic test fea- ture indicating the chamber is degraded. ¥ Plan your escape route. ¥ Proper protection usually requires more than one Smoke Alarm. ¥ If you have any doubt or query about Smoke Alarms con- sult the supplier or your local Fire Brigade. ¥ Models Ei405TY & Ei405TYC - When the Alarm beeps and the red light flashes at the same time or the blue light flashes every 9 seconds it indicat

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

excellent, particularly at night, as it rapidly identifies where the fire is located. This is ideal for larger systems as the dis- turbance in the house can be kept to a minimum e.g. no need to enter all the bedrooms to check to see if the red light is flashing rapidly. 3. LOCATING YOUR SMOKE ALARM Sufficient smoke must enter your Smoke Alarm before it will respond. Your Smoke Alarm needs to be within 10 paces (7.5 metres) of the fire to respond quickly. The smoke alarms need to be in positi

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

Figure 2: Single storey dwelling BEDROOM KITCHEN DINING ROOM BEDROOM BEDROOM Figure 3: Single storey dwelling with separate sleeping areas. BEDROOM BATH KITCHEN ROOM LIVING ROOM BEDROOM DINING ROOM BEDROOM In houses with more than one sleeping area, Smoke Alarms should be placed between each sleeping area and the living area (for example, see figure 3). 3.2 Multi Storey Dwellings If your home has more than one floor, at least one alarm should be fitted on each level (see figure 4). The Ei405 Ra

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

3.3 Recommended Protection For recommended protection you should put individual Smoke Alarms in all the rooms where fire is most likely to break out (apart from the locations to avoid, mentioned below). The living room is the most likely place for a fire to start at night, followed by the kitchen and then the dining room. You should also consider putting Smoke Alarms in any bedrooms where fires might occur, for instance, where there is an electrical appliance such as an electric blanket or heate

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

4.3 On a sloping Ceiling In areas with sloping or peaked ceilings install your Smoke Alarm 0.9m from the highest point measured horizontally (see figure 6), because dead air at the apex may prevent smoke from reaching the unit. 4.4 Locations to Avoid Don t place your Smoke Alarm in any of the following areas: ¥ Bathrooms, kitchen, shower rooms, garages or other rooms where the smoke alarm may be triggered by steam, condensation, normal smoke or fumes. ¥ Attics or other places where extremes of

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

If there are frequent nuisance/false alarms it may be neces- sary to re-locate the device away from the source of the fumes. If you installed the smoke alarms as received and did not pro- gram them, you may be receiving an alarm signal from a neighbouring system. This can be easy rectified by house coding your alarms (see section 6.3). Pressing the test & hush button on the smoke alarm sensing fire (i.e. with the red light flashing rapidly) will silence the alarm for 10 minutes. (Pressing the hu

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

If the alarm fails to sound, follow this checklist: ¥ Check the age of the unit - see the replace by label on base of unit. ¥ Check the battery snaps are firmly connected on the Ei405 & Ei405C models (see fig 1b). ¥ On the Ei405TY & Ei405TYC models ensure the unit is pushed fully home on the mounting plate, as this connects the battery. ¥ Check for any sign of contamination such as cobwebs or dust and clean the alarm as described on page 12 if nec- essary. WARNING: Do not test with flame. This

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10

Program Procedure 1. Press the test button on the first installed unit three times within 1.5 seconds. The blue light will come on momentarily each time to show the button is operating. (If the horn sounds during these short button depressions, just ignore it). The blue light will now flash once every 5 seconds. The unit now sends a radio message every 5 seconds stating it is in the program mode and containing its own serial number. It is also looking for similar messages from other units. 2.

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

Clear the serial numbers learned by: - disconnecting the battery - waiting 10 seconds - holding the test button down while re-connecting the battery snaps to the Ei405 & Ei405C only. With the Ei405TY & Ei405TYC models hold the test button down while sliding it on to the mounting plate. Then put it into the program mode by pressing the test button three times within 1.5 seconds. It will now flash the blue light once every 5 seconds indicating there is just one unit (i.e. itself) in the system. P

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

The unit can be quickly removed from the program mode by holding down the Test & Locate buttons simultaneously. (The house coding can be removed, if necessary, from the remote control by first disconnecting the battery for 10 sec- onds and then reconnecting the battery while holding down both the Test & Locate buttons). 6.5 Power Indicator Light. The Smoke Alarm has a red Power Indicator Light which flashes once a minute to show the Smoke Alarm is powered. Check regularly. Replace the Smoke Ala

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

6.8 Automatic Self-Test The smoke chamber automatically tests itself every 40 sec- onds. If the chamber is degraded it will beep without the red light flashing at the same time. If this happens clean the unit. If the beeping persists and the beep does not coincide with an red light flash, return the unit for service (see Getting your Smoke Alarm Serviced ). 6.9 Dust & Insect Contamination All Smoke Alarms and particularly the optical (photoelectric) type are prone to dust and insect ingress whic

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 14

(ii) Low Battery beeps (Model Ei 405TY & Ei405TYC only) The unit is giving a short beep every 40 seconds and the red light flashes at the same time for longer than 1 hour. (If the unit beeps without the red light flashing at the same time see Cleaning your Smoke Alarm above). (iii) The unit fails to sound the horn loudly when the test but- ton is pressed. Before the Smoke Alarm is discarded, remove from the mounting plate (Ei405TY & Ei405TYC only) to stop beeps or the possibility of the unit al

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15

A maximum of 250 metres (820ft) of signal cable can be used, (maximum resistance between detectors 50 ohm). The units are interconnected by wiring all the terminals marked 1 together, and all the terminals marked 2 together (as in fig 8) before screwing the mounting plate to ceiling. Draughts, through the ceiling, from wiring openings, conduit, or mount- ing boxes/holes, may blow smoke away from the sensing chamber, making it insensitive. It is essential that all such openings including the wiri

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16

¥ Constant exposure to high or freezing temperatures, high humidity or a high level of nuisance alarms may reduce the life of the battery. ¥ Nuisance alarms can be quickly silenced by fanning vigor- ously with a newspaper or similar to remove the smoke or press the test / hush button. ¥ Do not attempt to remove, recharge or burn the battery, as it may explode. ¥ If it is necessary to remove the battery for separate dis- posal, handle carefully to avoid possible eye damage or skin irritation if b

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 17

¥ Smoke Alarms may not detect every type of fire to give suf- ficient early warning. They are particularly ineffective with: fires caused by smoking in bed, escaping gas, violent explosions. poor storage of flammable rags and/or liquids, (for example petrol, paint, spirits etc), overloaded electrical circuits, arson, children playing with matches. ¥ Smoke Alarms dont last indefinitely. The manufacturer recommends replacement after 10 years as a precaution ¥ Use the Smoke Alarm Test Button to fa

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 18

8.2 FIRE SAFETY HINTS Store petrol and other flammable materials in proper contain- ers. Discard oily or flammable rags. Always use a metal fireplace screen and have chimneys cleaned regularly. Replace worn or damaged sockets, switches, home wiring and cracked or frayed electrical cords and plugs. Do not overload electrical circuits. Keep matches away from children. Never smoke in bed. In rooms where you do smoke, always check under cushions for smouldering cigarettes and ashes. Service central

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 19

The Home Office states (in FB2): If your home has more than one floor, at least one alarm should be fitted on each level. In this case, a combination of Optical and Ionisation alarms, preferably interconnected, will give the best protection. 11. GETTING YOUR SMOKE ALARM SERVICED If your Smoke Alarm fails to work after you have read the sec- tions on Installing your Smoke Alarms and Looking after your Smoke Alarm contact Customer Assistance at the near- est address given at the end of this leafl

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 20

13. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Battery: Replaceable 9 Volt Alkaline Duracell (Ei405 & 405C only) MN1604, Energizer 522 or Eveready 522. Battery Life: Battery can power unit in standby for over (Ei405 & 405C only) a year. Battery: Built-in Lithium Battery. (Ei405TY & Ei405TYC only) Battery Life: Lasts up to 10 Years. (Ei405TY & Ei405TYC only) Power on Indicator: Red light flashes every 40 seconds. Smoke Sensitivity:Meets or exceeds requirements of BS5446-1: 2000. RF & EMC: Complies with the req

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