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H - 63377
Velpar L L
“......... A Growing Partnership With Nature”
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 GENERAL INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 APPLICATION INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 DIRECTIONS FOR USE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 AGRICULTURAL USES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . 2 ALFALFA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ALFALFA - IMPREGNATION ON DRY BULK FERTILIZER . . . . . . . . .
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PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS(continued) PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Applicators and other handlers must wear: ® Long-sleeved shirt and long pants. Velpar L Shoes plus socks. Protective eyewear. herbicide Discard clothing and other absorbent materials that have been drenched or heavily contaminated with this product's concentrate. Do not reuse them. Follow manufacturer's instructions for cleaning/maintaining PPE. If no such Water Dispersible Liquid instructions for washables, use detergent and h
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ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS DIRECTIONS FOR USE AND BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY It is a violation of federal law to use this product in a manner VELPAR L is absorbed through the roots and foliage. inconsistent with its labeling. Moisture is required to activate VELPAR L in the soil. Best VELPAR L should be used only in accordance with recommen- results are obtained when the soil is moist at the time of dations on this label, or in supplemental DuPont publications. application and 1/4–1/2" of rainfall occur
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WEEDS CONTROLLED ALFALFA VELPAR L, when applied preemergence or early postemergence at the following rates, will control these VELPAR L is recommended for control of certain weeds in species: established alfalfa grown for hay, except in the states of North Dakota and South Dakota. Do not use on alfalfa grown for 1–2 Pt/Acre seed in any state except California. Tansy-mustard APPLICATION TIMING NONDORMANT AND SEMI-DORMANT VARIETIES 2–4 Pt/Acre In the following states, make a single application dur
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- alfalfa is healthy and vigorous, not growing under stress REPLANTING (FOLLOWING ALFALFA) from insect, disease, winter injury or other types of stress. • Do not replant treated areas to any crop except corn, root Injury may result to alfalfa plants that fail to meet these crops or sugarcane within two years after treatment, as crop growth criterion listed above. injury may result. • Do not use VELPAR L on seedling alfalfa, alfalfa-grass • Corn may be planted 12 months after the last treatment,
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Use a minimum of 250 lb dry bulk fertilizer per acre and up to Do not use VELPAR L on Christmas trees in the following a maximum of 450 lb per acre. To impregnate or coat the dry states: bulk fertilizer with VELPAR L, direct the nozzles to deliver a Alabama Louisiana New Jersey Texas fine spray towards the fertilizer for thorough coverage while Arkansas Maine New York Vermont avoiding spray contact with mixing equipment. Uniform Connecticut Maryland North Carolina Virginia impregnation of VELPAR
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WEEDS CONTROLLED PINEAPPLE Annual bluegrass Fleabane VELPAR L is recommended for control of certain weeds in Barnyardgrass Foxtail pineapple. Bentgrass Goldenrod* APPLICATION TIMING Bromegrass Heath aster* - USE RATES - MIXING INSTRUCTIONS Catsear* (false dandelion) Horseweed* Use a sprayer properly calibrated to a constant speed and Common groundsel Orchardgrass* rate of delivery. Common ragweed Oxeye daisy Mix the proper amount of VELPAR L in water. Add a Crabgrass* Pennsylvania smartweed sur
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PUERTO RICO IMPORTANT PRECAUTIONS - PINEAPPLE For preemergence treatments, apply 0.9–1.8 pt of VELPAR L • Use the lower rates on coarse-textured soils or in areas per acre. where rainfall exceeds 65" per year. For postemergence treatments, apply 0.9–1.8 pt of VELPAR L • Use the higher rates on fine-textured soils or in areas per acre to weeds after they have emerged. Use the lower where rainfall is less than 65" per year. rates on coarse-textured soils and the higher rates on fine- • Do not exce
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WEEDS CONTROLLED FORESTRY Ageratum* Johnsongrass (from seed) SITE PREPARATION Alexandergrass Jungle rice Amaranth (slender, Lambsquarter VELPAR L is recommended for weed and brush control in areas smooth) Morningglory (hairy, where the following species are grown: American burnweed threelobe) (fireweed) EASTERN US AND LAKE STATES Mustard (wild) Balsam apple Oxalis Austrian pine Red spruce Barnyardgrass Panicum (brownleaf, Balsam fir Scotch pine Bermudagrass* browntop, Texas millet) Black spruc
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PLANTS CONTROLLED SITE PREPARATION - TANK MIXTURES 1 Herbaceous Plants VELPAR L PLUS “TORDON101 MIXTURE” For improved, broad-spectrum brush control, tank mix VELPAR Annual bluegrass Fleabane L with TORDON 101 MIXTURE. Consult the VELPAR L Asters Foxtail Eastern US site preparation section and TORDON 101 Barnyardgrass Goldenrod* MIXTURE labels for a listing of crop tree species where this Bentgrass Heath aster* combination can be used. Bromegrass Horseweed* APPLICATION TIMING Canada thistle* Orc
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2 Selection of the rate per acre and grid pattern will depend on VELPAR L PLUS “GARLON 4” soil texture and woody plant composition. Use the lower For improved, broad-spectrum brush control, tank mix rates on coarse textured soils and when the major VELPAR L with GARLON 4. Consult the VELPAR L Eastern component of the hardwoods are susceptible species. Use US site preparation section and the GARLON 4 label for a the high rates on fine-textured soils and hard-to-kill species. listing of crop tree
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IMPORTANT PRECAUTIONS USE RATES - SITE PREPARATION The rates listed below are for broadcast application. Do not use more than one application of VELPAR L per year. Where burning is desired, burn the vegetation only after any residual brush has completely defoliated, at least twice, EASTERN US allowing for sufficient root uptake of VELPAR L VELPAR L Following harvest, allow sufficient time for stumps and Soil Texture (Qt/Acre) injured trees to adequately resprout before applying Crop Species Desc
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BRUSH SUPPRESSION SINGLE STEM (BASAL SOIL) Apply undiluted VELPAR L to the soil with an exact delivery Ash Hawthorne handgun applicator. Apply at the rate of 2–4 ml for each inch of Aspen Hazel stem diameter at breast height. Direct the treatment to the soil Balsam poplar Honeysuckle within 3 ft of the root collar of woody plants to be controlled. Birch Oaks When treating large stems and when more than one delivery of Box elder Red maple* VELPAR L is needed per stem, make application on opposite
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APPLICATION TIMING IMPORTANT PRECAUTIONS - FORESTRY • Do not use VELPAR L in nurseries, seedbeds, or ornamental EASTERN US plantings. Apply VELPAR L as a broadcast or banded spray in the spring • On tracts of land where various soil types are present and prior to conifer bud break to lessen conifer injury potential. VELPAR L rate selection is difficult, conifer damage or less- WESTERN US than-expected vegetation suppression may occur due to the different rates required for various soil types. Ra
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3–4 Gal/Acre NON-AGRICULTURAL USES Bahiagrass* Guineagrass NON-AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS Bermudagrass* Heath aster The requirements in this box apply to uses of this Blackberry Honeysuckle product that are NOT within the scope of the Worker Bluegrass Lantana Protection Standard for agricultural pesticides (40 CFR Broomsedge Marestail Part 170). The WPS applies when this product is used to Camphorweed Natalgrass produce agricultural plants on farms, forests, nurseries, Canada thistle* Plantai
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SPRAY EQUIPMENT SPRAY EQUIPMENT AND APPLICATION TECHNIQUES Apply VELPAR L uniformly over the desired area using ground equipment only. BROADCAST MIXING INSTRUCTIONS Apply 2–4 gal of VELPAR L per acre as a coarse spray using For ground application, use enough water for thorough coverage ground equipment only. Use enough water for thorough usually a minimum of 25 gal per acre. The use of a surfactant is coverage, usually a minimum of 25 gal per acre. not recommended. BASAL (SOIL) IMPORTANT PRECAU
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• Weed and brush control results from spring applications roots may extend, or in locations where the chemical may be depend on sufficient moisture to activate VELPAR L. washed or moved into contact with their roots. • Do not cut treated vegetation for forage or hay nor graze • Severe crop injury may occur if applications are made on domestic animals on treated areas for 60 days following gravelly or rocky soils, thinly covered subsoils, or soils with application. For rates above 3 gal per acre,
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IMPORTANT PRECAUTIONS CONTROLLING DROPLET SIZE - AIRCRAFT - PASTURE /RANGELAND • Number of Nozzles - Use the minimum number of nozzles with the highest flow rate that provide uniform coverage. • Injury to or loss of desirable trees or other plants may result if VELPAR L is applied or if equipment is drained or flushed on • Nozzle Orientation - Orienting nozzles so that the spray is or near desirable trees or other plants, on areas where their emitted backwards, parallel to the airstream will pro
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SPRAY TANK CLEANOUT LIMITATION OF Thoroughly clean all traces of VELPAR L from application WARRANTY AND LIABILITY equipment immediately after use. Flush the tank, pump, hoses, and boom with several changes of water after NOTICE: Read This Limitation of Warranty and Liability removing nozzle tips and screens (clean these parts Before Buying or Using This Product. If the Terms Are Not Acceptable, Return the Product at Once, Unopened, separately). and the Purchase Price Will Be Refunded. It is im