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905L Series
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TABLE OF CONTENTS Table Of Contents 2 Buttons 3 Basic Features 4 Caution 4 Turning On/Off the Player 6 Charging the Player 6 Inserting the MicroSD Card 7 Removing the McroSD Card 7 Connecting and Loading Files 7 Main Menu 8 Music 8 Video 11 Camera 14 Photo 15 Radio 17 Record 18 E-book 19 Extras 20 Flash 21 Browser 22 Settings 22 Standby 24 Troubleshooting 24 Copyright©2011 Visual Land Inc. 2
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ON/OFF Switch While player is on, can be used as a “back” button, by sliding to the right once Select Button Volume Buttons Copyright©2011 Visual Land Inc. 3
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BASIC FEATURES • 3.0-inch Touch Screen • Support for MP3, WMA, WAV, FLAC, OGG, MP2 music formats • Support for AVI, FLV, RM, RMVB, MP4, 3GP, SWF video formats • Support for JPEG, BMP, GIF picture formats • Built-In 2.0MP Camera for Still Photos and 720x480 Video Resolution • FM Radio • 200-Hour Voice Recorder • E-Book Reader support for TXT formats • MicroSD Card Slot, supports up to 16GB SD Card CAUTION • Do not use the player in exceptionally cold or hot, dusty, damp or dry e
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key • Please always follow the correct disconnect procedures for your operating system. Do not disconnect power abruptly when the player is being formatted or in the process of uploading o r d o w n l o a d i n g fi l e s . O t h e r w i s e i t m a y l e a d t o fi l e c o r r u p t i o n , fi r m w a r e f ai l u r e , a n d e v e n h a r d- ware damage. • We are not liable for any loss of data stored on this device. • Please do not dismantle this player. Any disas- sembly not done b
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cations in the market. As parameters such as formats, bit rate, codecs, frame rates, and resolutions differ, the player will n o t b e c o m p a t i b l e w i t h al l l i s t e d fi l e s . I f y o u ar e e x p e r i e n c i n g i s s u e s w i t h p l a y i n g y o u r fi l e s o n t hi s player, we recommend using a supported conver- s i o n t o o l t o r e c o n v e r t y o u r fi l e s t o t h e s p e c i fi c a t i o n s of this device. M o d i fi c a t i o n s n o t ap p r o v e d b
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INSERTING THE MICRO SD CARD Ensure that the player is powered off, and discon- nected from the computer. Hold the Micro SD card face up (side with words aligned in the opposite direction of the display screen), and slide the card i n t o t h e s o c k e t o n t h e p l a y e r , s l i g h t l y p a s t fl u s h . When you hear the card click into place, you can access the card. REMOVING THE MICRO SD CARD Ensure that the player is powered off, and push the S D c a r d ju s t p a s t fl u s
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s e a r c h a u t o m a t i c al l y i t s h o u l d fi n d t h e c o r r e c t d r i v e r . After it installs and the computer detects it, go to My C o m p u t e r . I n t h e r e , y o u w i l l fi n d t w o n e w R e m o v a b l e Disk drives, one being the player’s internal memory, the other being the memory card slot. From here, y o u c a n c o p y a n d p a s t e y o u r m u s i c fi l e s f r o m y o u r computer to the respective music/audio folder in the removable disk. Note: MA
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• Now Playing: Shows the current audio playing • A l l M u s i c : L i s t s al l a u d i o fi l e s o n t h e p l a y e r • Artist: Lists all artists on the player • Album: Lists all albums on the player • Genre: Lists all genres on the player • My Music List: Lists playlists on the player. To add a song to a playlist, play the song, enter the submenu, select Add to My Playlist, then select o n e o f fi v e a v ai l a b l e p l a y l i s t s t o a d d t h e s o n g t o. T h e p l a
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submenu, then select Add Tag. This will tag the song and add it to the Tag List, which functions as an Ad Hoc playlist. NOTE: Individual tags cannot be deleted. To remove a tag, the song must be deleted from the player. Doing so will remove all tags of that song, so backup t h e s o n g fi r s t . T h e s o n g c a n t h e n b e r e s t o r e d a f t e r d e l e t i n g t h e fi l e f r o m t h e p l a y e r . The playback screen will have the Play/Pause, Forward and Backward buttons at t
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the previous section for more details. • D e l e t e : P e r m a n e n t l y d e l e t e s t h e fi l e f r o m t h e player. Note: This is irreversible! • Information: Shows the IDv3 tag of the current playing audio • Set Rating: Allows you to rate the current playing audio • Add to My Playlist: Allows you to add the current playing audio to a playlist • User EQ: Shows the custom equalizer settings • SRS user mode: Shows the advanced audio options • Advanced: Shows replay and fader
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The bottom bar contains sorting options for the vid- eos on the player. You can scroll the bar to access the latter options. • Now Playing: Shows the current video playing • A l l V i d e o s : L i s t s al l v i d e o fi l e s o n t h e p l a y e r • D i r e c t o r y B r o w s e r : V i e w v i d e o fi l e s b y d i r e c t o r y • T a g L i s t : L i s t s v i d e o fi l e s t h a t h a v e b e e n t a g g e d (bookmarked). To assign a tag, play the video, pause where you want the tag
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In the submenu, you can choose the repeat and play modes, adjust the display options, and more. • P l a y b a c k m o d e : A d ju s t s t h e r e p e a t o r s h u f fl e options • Add Tag: Marks the current location of the video playing and adds it to the Ad Hoc playlist. See the previous section for more details. • Screen Size: Adjusts the size of the video rela- tive to the screen • Resume: Adjusts resume options • D e l e t e : P e r m a n e n t l y d e l e t e s t h e fi l e f r o
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3. CAMERA The built-in camera can record both still pictures a n d v i d e o fi l e s . U p o n e n t e r i n g t h e c a m e r a f u n c t i o n the screen to landscape view for photo mode. Picture Mode: • The bar on the left adjusts the zoom level. • The camera icon on the bottom left switches between still photo and video modes. • The next icon is for timed photos. • The center icon adjusts the brightness of photos. • The second to last icon adds festive borders to the picture. • T
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video. • The center icon should be adjusted depending on where the video is shot, and can be set to auto, indoors, or outdoors. • The second to last icon changes the lighting of the video depending on surrounding light conditions. • The bottom right icon opens the video browser so you can view your current collection of videos. • The camera icons on the right will start and stop the video recording. • The top right icon opens the submenu, where you can edit all sorts of options for
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• Now Browsing: Shows all pictures in the direc- tory currently browsing • All Pics: Lists all pictures on the player • Directory Browser: View pictures by directory • Camera Pic: Lists all camera pictures taken by the player While viewing a picture, a bar along the bottom of the screen holds four buttons. • Slideshow: Initiates a slideshow, which will automatically scroll pictures • Set as Wallpaper: Sets the current picture as the Main Menu background • Fit to Screen: Adjusts the zo
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5. RADIO Your headphones work as your antenna. In order to get reception for the radio, you will need to have them plugged in. When you open the FM Radio app, the radio will immediately begin playing. The channel and volume meters are shown at the top half, while the preset stations are shown at the bottom half. The bottom bar contains options for the radio. Auto Search: Automatically searches for stations and programs them as presets. Note: This will replace any presets that you have se
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recording (can be adjusted in the Recorder screen) • Save Path: Adjusts where the FM recordings are saved The FM Recorder has its own submenu. Please see the next section for descriptions of the options in the submenu. 6. RECORD The built-in voice recorder allows you to record and s a v e a u d i o M P 3 a n d W A V fi l e s u s i n g t h e b u i l t - i n microphone. You can also record an audio clip from an FM station. The screen will show you how many minute remain for recording.
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• Record Quality: Adjusts the quality of the FM recording • Record Gain: Adjusts the amplitude of the FM recording 7. E-BOOK T h e e - b o o k r e a d e r s u p p o r t s s i m p l e T X T fi l e s . The bottom bar contains sorting options for the e- books on the player. • Now Reading: Shows the current e-book dis- played • A l l E b o o k s : L i s t s al l e - b o o k fi l e s o n t h e p l a y e r • Directory Browsing: View e-books by directory • T a g L i s t : L i s t s e - b
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• Automatic Scrolling: Starts/Stops automatic page scrolling • Add Tag: Marks the current location of the e- book and adds it to the Ad Hoc playlist. See the previous section for more details. • Font Size: Adjusts the size of the font • Font Color: Adjusts the color of the font • While Automatic Scrolling is on, the Add Tag but- ton gets replaced. Scrolling Interval: Adjusts how long a page is displayed before scrolling The submenu contains a few options for the e-book. • Effect Settin