Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1
Nominal Circuit Capacities:
9,000 - 12,000 - 18,000 - 24,000
30,000 - 36,000 Btuh
9/12 Model Shown
Enviromaster International LLC
5780 Success Dr.
An ISO 9001-2000 Certified Company
Rome, NY 13440
P/N# 240006022 Rev. 1.1 [08/06]
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CAC CASSETTE HIGH EFFICIENCY EVAPORATOR INSTALLATION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL P/N 240006022, Rev. 1.1 [08/06] This manual is intended as an aid to a qualified service personnel for proper installation, operation, and maintenance of EMI AmericaSeries high efficiency evaporators. Carefully read these instructions before attempting installation or operation. Failure to follow these instructions may result in improper installation, operation, service, or maintenance, possibly resulting i
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PRODUCT DESCRIPTION STANDARD FEATURES Continued The EMI AmericaSeries Cassette • Single Fan models (09-24) designed Evaporator is available in three cabinet with fire retardant plastic or aluminum sizes with six cooling output capacities from impellers. 9,000-36,000 Btuh in DX refrigeration. Key • Twin Fan models (30-36) designed with features include a condensate pump with fire retardant plastic impellers. safety switch and a 36” lift*; electric heat • Motors are multispeed, enclosed t
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CAC CASSETTE CONTROLS AND COMPONENTS Continued Electromechanical Operation (Stan- The cassette is best installed in new con- dard): An optional thermostat can be ob- struction or existing construction with a sus- tained through EMI or your local distributor. pended or false ceiling with enough clear- ance to accommodate concealing the piping NOTE: make sure the thermostat is and electrical connections to the unit. suitable for unit operation (i.e., cool- ing only, cooling/electric heat, etc.)
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BLANKING OFF (Optional) The fascia discharge slot(s) will need blanking off when ducts are used to channel the conditioned air to other areas. The two polystyrene blanking off strips (provided) will need to be positioned in the fascia discharge slots to direct the air to the ducts. If the fascia discharge slot needs blanking off: 2. Once the grille(s) and fi lter(s) are re- 1. Remove the inlet grille(s) and fi lter(s). moved turn the fascia over so the poly- styrene insulation is exposed. The s
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PISTON/ORIFICE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION Evaporator Importent - Replace the existing piston (before installing the unit) with the piston supplied in the Kit Bag: when a CACA24 evaporator is matched with a T2CA4400, T2CA2400, T2CA8400 or T3CA9240, T3CA2240, T3CA9940 condenser which has a 24,000 Btuh compressor (“4” in the capacity decoding field) the piston will need relacement only on the 24,000 Btuh zone. * Your EMI evaporator unit contains the appropriate piston for your model. Refer to
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CAC CASSETTE CHASSIS POSITIONING AND INSTALLATION An opening in the false ceiling will have to ELECTROMECHANICAL be cut to the following sizes: THERMOSTAT Small cabinet 23¼” x 23¼” An optional thermostat can be obtained Medium cabinet 33⅞” x 33⅞” through EMI or your local distributor. In Large cabinet 46 x 33⅞” addition to positioning the Cassette cor- rectly, it is very important to locate the wall Figure #2 mounted thermostat in the optimum posi- tion to ensure good temperature control.
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CAC CASSETTE CHASSIS POSITIONING AND INSTALLATION Figure #3 2. Install hanger bolts using 3/8 all thread rod at the centers shown in Figure #2. CASSETTE 3. Prepare the installation guides by fold- CASE ing the metal bracket by hand along INNER CASE the perforations. INSULATION Fold bracket along perforations NOTE: If the ceiling is not level or even, it is important that the Cas- sette is installed level to ensure cor- rect pump operation and to maintain fan clearances. Place a carpent
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CONDENSATE PIPING The unit can now be piped up in accor- Duct collars: Branch duct and fresh air dance with good refrigeration and/or duct collars can be attached to the Cas- plumbing practices. sette chassis by following the steps below: The Cassette is supplied with a 1/2” I.D. fl exible PVC hose for connection to Condensate Drain Connection copper or plastic drain pipework. When installing the Cassette the following points should be remembered: 1. Maximum pump lift is 36”. 2. The highe
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CONDENSATE PIPING 2. Cut the black insulation around the 3. Snip the tabs holding the knock- knock-out. out in place. 4. Remove the metal knock-out and the black insulation behind it. 5. Attach the duct collars (fi eld sup- plied) to the chassis using self tap- ping screws. (Repeat steps 1-5 for remaining duct work.) REFRIGERATION PIPING Once the unit is mounted and level the Cassette piping connections can be made. PIPING DO’S AND DON’TS PIPE INSTALLATION NOTES 1. Maximum equivalent pipe r
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CAC CASSETTE EVAPORATOR FASCIA INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Assembly Instructions 1. To install the four fascia mounting bolts: 4. On 18-36k units connect the vane motor a) Remove the bolts and wash- plug by plugging it into the socket con- ers from the supplied kit bag. nection on the chassis. b) Put washers onto the bolts. a) Ensure that the connector is in the c) Screw the mounting bolt with proper orientation. washer into the chassis leav- Female vane ing approximately 1” to hang motor pl
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CAC CASSETTE EVAPORATOR INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Electrical Wiring The standard unit Voltage is 208/230V 5. The rating plate is located on the outside (60Hz, 1Ph). Check the unit’s rating plate of control box cover (see Low Volt Inter- for your models’ electrical requirements. connecting Wiring section for location of • The wires should be capable of carry- wiring diagram). ing the maximum load current under non-fault conditions at the stipulated Voltages. • Avoid large Voltage drops on
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CAC CASSETTE EVAPORATOR INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS High Volt Electrical Wiring 1. Route the cable through the appropriate (L1) hole in the control box for the High Volt electrical wiring. (L2) High Volt Electric Cable Low Volt Electrical Ground Wire Ground Lug Connections 2. Secure the cable. 4. Then refer to the wiring diagram to connect the power wire to (L1) and the 3. Refer to the wiring diagram (see below) other wire to (L2) at the power connector to connect the ground wire to the gro
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LOW VOLTAGE INTERCONNECT WIRING Figure 1 Depending on the thermostat required or selected, cooling only air handlers may � � � � � � � � � � � utilize three to five low Voltage intercon- � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � necting wires between the indoor unit, � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � thermostat and the outdoor unit. Some � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � thermostats do not require the use of the � � � � � � � � “C” (brown) connection. In this case, en-
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START -UP FOR WALL THERMOSTAT CONTROL 7. To check the operation of the condensate ly with condensate pump energized. If pump remove an adjacent ceiling tile to water does not, check the pipe slope or access the condensate pump access: see if there are any pipe restrictions. • Insert a squeeze water bottle nozzle 8. Ensure that all covers, panels and fil- through the opening in the condensate ters are in place and discharge louvers pump access panel and fill drain pan. are correctly position
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REFRIGERANT PROCESSING 5. Attach manifold set. WARNING! It is illegal to discharge Manifold Vaccum Pump Micron Gage refrigerant into the atmosphere. Use proper reclaiming methods and equipment when installing or servicing this unit. Finish all pipe connecting before proceeding to charging the system. Follow the instructions in the outdoor unit for line evacuation, opening service valves, and fi nal charge adjustments. Op- eration charts and charge tables can be found in the EMI Co
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REFRIGERANT PROCESSING 8. Charge to proper weight, charge based on your feet of interconnect (see below). NOTE: Charging should be done with a dial-a-charge or weighed in with a scale. Refer to Refrigerant Charge Table for specified line charge. IMPORTANT NOTES: I. To find the charge adjustment and system charge for any evaporator and tubing length: Line Adjustment = (Line Chg/Ft) x Line Length System Total = Factory Charge + Line Adjustment 2. Round to the nearest ounce and allow for gaug
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REMOTE THERMOSTAT OPERATION for CAC Ductless Split Air Handler Choosing a Thermostat: EMI offers Cooling Operation: The electronic several remote thermostats that are com- circuit board of the indoor unit also has patible with the Ductless split system air an anti-short cycle timer (ASCT) feature handlers. See the latest price list for a list designed to protect the compressor from of available thermostats. It is important to short cycling. The ASCT is activated im- choose a thermostat that
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TEST UNIT PERFORMANCE DATA SHEET The Test Unit Performance Data sheet this information ready when calling. Make below is provided for use by a qualified sure to include the Model Number, Serial service professional in the event that there Number, Date of Installation. is a problem with the unit. In order for our Call our Technical Support Department Technical Service Department to better @ 1-800-228-9364. serve you, please complete and have Test Unit Performance Data Date: Model Numb
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MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURE MAINTENANCE 3. Lift the fi lter off the grille. Place fi lter on WARNING a fl at surface and vacuum any away dust Turn the POWER OFF to the unit be- and debris (vacuum all fi lters and grills), fore servicing or cleaning. also vacuum any accessable parts on the unit. Service should be performed by a qualifi ed service agency. An annual sys- Small tem check is recommended. EMI units are Unit designed and constructed for reliability Shown and long