Instrukcja obsługi Polaris Hawkeye 4x4

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Polaris Hawkeye 4x4

Urządzenie: Polaris Hawkeye 4x4
Kategoria: Pojazd Offroad
Producent: Polaris
Rozmiar: 20.94 MB
Data dodania: 3/27/2014
Liczba stron: 134
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Polaris Hawkeye 4x4 Instrukcja obsługi - Online PDF
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2


Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

WARNING The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. A card containing important ATV safety information should be attached to the owner’s manual on the next page. If you cannot locate this card, or if it has been removed, please call 1-800-342-3764 for assistance.

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

WELCOME ThankyouforpurchasingaPolarisvehicle, andwelcometoour world-widefamilyofPolarisowners. Weproudlyproduceanexciting lineofutilityandrecreational products. S Snowmobiles S All-terrainvehicles(ATVs) S RANGERutilityvehicles S Victory motorcycles WebelievePolarissetsastandardofexcellenceforall utilityand recreational vehiclesmanufacturedintheworldtoday. Manyyearsof experiencehavegoneintotheengineering, design, anddevelopment of yourPolarisvehicle, makingit thefinest machinewe’veever produced.

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

Copyright2005PolarisSalesInc.Allinformationcontainedwithinthispublicationis basedonthelatestproductinformationatthetimeofpublication. Duetoconstant improvementsinthedesignandqualityofproductioncomponents,someminor discrepanciesmayresultbetweentheactualvehicleandtheinformationpresentedinthis publication. Depictionsand/orproceduresinthispublicationareintendedforreference useonly.Noliabilitycanbeacceptedforomissionsorinaccuracies. Anyreprintingor reuseofthedepictionsand/orprocedurescontainedwithin,

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

TABLEOFCONTENTS VEHICLEIDENTIFICATIONNUMBERS ....... 5 SAFETY ................................... 6 CONTROLS ............................... 31 FEATURES ............................... 39 OPERATION .............................. 42 EMISSIONCONTROLSYSTEMS............ 63 MAINTENANCEANDLUBRICATION ........ 64 ADJUSTMENTS .......................... 108 POLARISPRODUCTS .................... 112 TROUBLESHOOTING..................... 113 SPECIFICATIONS ........................ 116 WARRANTY ..............

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7


Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

VEHICLEIDENTIFICATIONNUMBERS RecordyourATV’sidentificationnumbersandkeynumberinthe spaces provided. Removethesparekey and storeit in asafeplace. YourkeycanbeduplicatedonlybymatingaPolariskeyblankwith oneofyourexistingkeys, soifbothkeysarelost, theignitionswitch must bereplaced. 1 31XX 2 3 VehicleModelNumber: FrameVIN (1): EngineSerialNumber (2): Key Number (3): 5

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

SAFETY SafetyDecalsandLocations Warningdecals havebeenplacedontheATVforyourprotection. Read and followtheinstructions ofthedecals on theATVcarefully. Ifany ofthedecals depictedinthis manual differfrom thedecals onyour ATV, always read and followtheinstructions ofthedecals on theATV. Ifany decal becomesillegibleorcomesoff, contact yourPolarisdealer to purchaseareplacement. Replacement safetydecals areprovided by Polaris at no charge. Thepart numberis printed on thedecal. WARNING Improper ATV use

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10

SAFETY SafetyDecalsandLocations WARNING IMPROPER TIREPRESSUREOR OVERLOADING can cause loss of controlresulting in SEVERE INJURY OR DEATH. TIREPRESSUREINPSI(KPa): FRONT 5 (34,5) REAR 5 (34,5) MAXIMUMWEIGHTCAPACITY(Gross Vehicle Weight) INCLUDING MACHINE, DRIVER AND CARGO IS: 930 LBS. (422 kg) Reduce speed and allow greater distance for braking when carrying cargo. Overloading or carrying tall, off-center, or unsecured loads will increase your risk of losing control. Loads should be centered, carr

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

SAFETY SafetyDecalsandLocations WARNING OperatingthisATVifyouareunder theageof16increasesyourchance ofsevereinjuryordeath. NEVERoperatethisATVifyouare underage16. 7172559 WARNING S DONOTTOWFROMRACKORBUMPER. Vehicledamageortipovermay resultcausingsevereinjury ordeath.Towonly fromtowhooks orhitch. S Max Rack Loads: Front 70lbs. (32kg) Rear 100lbs. (46kg) 7173740 8

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

SAFETY SafetyDecalsandLocations WARNING MANUFACTURED BY:POLARIS IND.INC. OVERRIDE Pushing reverse override button SWITCH DATE: may cause sudden increases VIN: in power and Reverse speed is traction if too THISVEHICLEISANALLTERRAINVEHICLEANDISNOT limited. much throttle is INTENDEDFORUSEONPUBLICROADS. Reverse override is applied. Loss of controlled by the CEVÉHICULEESTUN VÉHICULETOUTTERRAIN QUINiEST control or forward PASDESTINÉÀ ÊTREUTILISÉSUR LESCHEMINSPUBLICS. override switch. flipover may See

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

SAFETY SafeRidingGear Alwayswearclothingsuitedtothetypeofriding. ATVridingrequires special protectiveclothingforcomfort andtoreducethechanceof injury. 1.Helmet Yourhelmet isthemost important piece ofprotectivegearforsaferiding. A helmet can prevent aseverehead injury. 1 Select an approved helmet that meets orexceeds yourstate’s safety standards and bears eithertheDepartment of Transportation (DOT)label, the AmericanNational Standards Institutelabel (ANSIz90.1), orthe 2 Snell Memorial Foundationl

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 14

SAFETY Operator Safety WARNING Failure to follow the warnings contained in this manual can result in serious injury or death. A Polaris ATV is not a toy and can be hazardous to operate. This vehicle handles differently than other vehicles, such as motorcycles and cars. A collision or rollover can occur quickly, even during routine maneuvers like turning, or driving on hills or over obstacles, if you fail to take proper precautions. Read and understand your owner’s manual and all warnings before

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15

SAFETY Operator Safety Thefollowingtwopagesidentifysignal wordsandsymbolsthat appear inthismanual. Yoursafetyisinvolvedwhenthesewordsandsymbols areused. Becomefamiliarwiththeirmeaningsbeforereadingthe manual. The safety alert symbol, on your vehicle or in this manual, alerts you to the potential for personal injury. WARNING The safety alert warning indicates a potential hazard that may result in serious injury or death. CAUTION The safety alert caution indicates a potential hazard that may resul

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16

SAFETY Operator Safety WARNING Serious injury or death can result if you do not follow these instructions and procedures, which are outlined in further detail within your owner’s manual. S Readthismanual andall labelscarefully, andfollowtheoperating proceduresdescribed. S NeveroperateanATVwithout properinstruction. Takea training course. PurchasersofanewPolarisATVandtheireligiblefamily sm membersareentitledtotaketheATV RiderCourse . Contact ATV Enrollment Expressat (800)887-2887orvisit www.atvsa

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 17

SAFETY Operator Safety S Always havetheATVinspected by an authorized Polaris dealerif it’s been involved in an accident. S NeveroperateonhillstoosteepfortheATVorforyourabilities. Practiceonsmallerhillsbeforeattemptinglargerhills. S Alwaysfollowproperproceduresforclimbinghills. Checktheter- raincarefullybeforeascendingahill. Neverclimbhillswithexces- sivelyslipperyorloosesurfaces. Shift yourweight forward. Never openthethrottlesuddenlyormakesuddengearchanges. Nevergo overthetopofahill at highspee

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 18

SAFETY Operator Safety S Wet brakesmayhavereducedstoppingability. Test thebrakesafter leavingwater. Ifnecessary, applythem lightlyseveral timestoallow friction to dry out thepads. S AlwayscheckforobstaclesorpeoplebehindtheATVbeforeoperat- ing in reverse. When it’s safeto proceed in reverse, moveslowly andavoidturningat sharpangles. S AlwaysusethesizeandtypeoftiresspecifiedforyourATV, and alwaysmaintainpropertirepressure. S NevermodifyanATVthroughimproperinstallation oruseofacces- sories. S Never

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 19

SAFETY Operator Safety WARNING POTENTIAL HAZARD Operating this ATV without proper instruction. WHAT CAN HAPPEN The risk of an accident is greatly increased if the operator does not know how to operate the ATV properly in different situations and on different types of terrain. HOW TO AVOID THE HAZARD Beginning and inexperienced operators should complete the certified training course offered by Polaris. Operators should regularly practice the skills learned in the course and the operating techniqu

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 20

SAFETY Operator Safety WARNING POTENTIAL HAZARD Carrying a passenger on an ATV. WHAT CAN HAPPEN Carrying a passenger greatly reduces the operator’s ability to balance and control the ATV, which could cause an accident and injury to the operator and/or passenger. HOW TO AVOID THE HAZARD Never carry a passenger. The purpose of the long seat is to allow the operator to shift position as needed during operation. It is not intended for carrying passengers. WARNING POTENTIAL HAZARD Operating an ATV on

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