Instrukcja obsługi Polaris 600 EDGE Touring 121

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Polaris 600 EDGE Touring 121

Urządzenie: Polaris 600 EDGE Touring 121
Kategoria: Pojazd Offroad
Producent: Polaris
Rozmiar: 14.97 MB
Data dodania: 5/23/2014
Liczba stron: 153
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Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

WARNING Read, understand, and follow all of the instructions and safety precautions in this manual and on all product labels. Failure to follow the safety precautions could result in serious injury or death. PROPOSITION 65 WARNING Snowmobile engines discharge fuel and exhaust, which contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm, onto the snow on which they operate. Keep this engine properly tuned and avoid unnecessary idling and s

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Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

Copyright2004PolarisSalesInc.Allinformationcontainedwithinthispublicationis basedonthelatestproductinformationatthetimeofpublication. Duetoconstant improvementsin thedesign and quality ofproductioncomponents,someminor discrepanciesmay resultbetween theactualvehicleand theinformation presented in this publication. Depictionsand/orproceduresinthispublicationareintendedforreference useonly.No liability can beaccepted foromissionsorinaccuracies. Any reprinting or reuseofthedepictionsand/orprocedures

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

WELCOME Thank you forpurchasing aPolaris vehicle, and welcometo our world-widefamily ofPolaris owners. Weproudly producean exciting lineofutilityandrecreational products. Polaris RecreationalVehicles S Snowmobiles S All-terrainvehicles (ATVs) S Personal Watercraft S Sport Boats S RANGERutilityvehicles S Victory motorcycles Polaris ProfessionalSeries Workmobilest S UtilityTaskVehiclest(UTVs) S Personal Task Vehiclest(PTVs) S All-SurfaceLoaders (ASLs) WebelievePolaris sets astandardofexcellencefor

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

TABLEOFCONTENTS Introduction ............................... 5 This section contains helpful information forowners and drivers and illustrates thelocationofimportant identificationnumbers that should berecordedintheowner’s manual. Safety ..................................... 8 This sectiondescribes safevehicleoperationandidentifies warning decals and theirlocations. Features.................................. 25 This sectionidentifies thelocations ofyoursnowmobile’s controls and features. ThePerf

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

INTRODUCTION ImportantNotesfor OwnersandDrivers n Afterreading this manual, storeit in thesnowmobilefor convenient reference. It should remain with thesnowmobilewhen sold. n Theillustrations andphotos usedinthis manual aregeneral representations. Yourmodel may differ. n Followthemaintenanceprogram outlinedinthis manual. Preventivemaintenanceensures that critical components ofthe snowmobileareinspected by yourdealerat specificmileage intervals. n Youandyourdealermust completetheregistrationform i

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INTRODUCTION PreservationoftheEnvironment Polaris is committedtosupportinganenvironmental education campaign. Weencouragestateand provincial governments across the snowbelt to adopt rigorous safety training programs that encourage protection ofourenvironment, includingwildlifeandvegetation. Snowmobileclubs and otherorganizations areworking togetherto protect ourenvironment. Pleasesupport theirefforts and operateyour snowmobilewithconsiderationfortheprotectionandpreservationof ourenvironment. Res

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10

INTRODUCTION VehicleIdentificationNumbers Thetunnel vehicleidentification number(VIN)and engineserial numberareimportant formodel identification when registeringyour snowmobile, when obtaining insurance, and when ordering replacement parts. In theeventyoursnowmobileis stolen, these numbers areessential toits recoveryandidentification. Removethesparekey and storeit in asafeplace. Yourkey can be duplicatedonlybymatingaPolaris keyblankwithoneofyour existingkeys. Ifbothkeys arelost, theignitionswitc

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

SAFETY Operator Safety Thefollowing signal words and symbols appearthroughout this manual and on yourvehicle. Yoursafety is involved when thesewords andsymbols areused. Becomefamiliarwiththeirmeanings before readingthemanual. The safety alert symbol, on your vehicle or in this manual, alerts you to the potential for personal injury. WARNING The safety alert warning indicates a potential hazard that may result in serious injury or death. CAUTION The safety alert caution indicates a potential haza

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SAFETY Operator Safety YourPolaris snowmobileis awell-engineeredandwell-constructed recreational vehicle. Follow therecommended maintenanceprogram outlined beginning on page81 ofthis manual to ensurethat all critical components on thesnowmobilearethoroughly inspected by your dealerat specificmileageintervals. WARNING Driving a snowmobile requires your full attention. DO NOT drink alcohol or use drugs or medications before or while driving. They will reduce your alertness and slow your reaction t

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

SAFETY Operator Safety Stay Away FromMoving Parts WARNING Never hold the snowmobile up or stand behind it while warming up the track. A loose track or flying debris could cause serious personal injury or death. We recommend having your dealer perform track service and alignment procedures. Bealert when riding, and remain properly seated to stay clearofthe track. Yoursnowmobileis propelledbyarevolvingtrackthat must be partiallyexposedforproperoperation. Serious injuries mayresult if hands, feet,

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SAFETY Operator Safety SurvivalPreparation Foryoursafety, always ridein agroup ofothersnowmobilers. Always tell someonewhereyou’regoing and howlong you expect to begone. Ifit isn’t possibletoridewithothers, andyoumust travel intoremote areas, always carry survival equipment that’s appropriateto the conditions you may encounter. Such equipment may include, but is not limitedto: extraclothing, asleepingbag, aflashlight, foodand water, asignalingmirror, ameans ofbuildingafire, andatwo-way radioorce

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SAFETY Operator Safety Disabled Operators Safeoperationofthis rider-activevehiclerequires goodjudgement and physical skills. Operators withcognitiveorphysical disabilities have anincreased riskofloss ofcontrol, whichcouldresult in serious injury ordeath. RiderCapacity YourPolaris snowmobileis designed forasinglerideronly. A decal on theconsoleindicates singlerideroperation. Seepage22 fordecal location. Excessive Speed WARNING High speed driving, especially at night, could result in serious perso

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SAFETY Operator Safety DriverAwareness Slowdown when traveling nearpoles, posts, orotherobstacles. Beespecially alert ifyou’resnowmobiling afterdark. Always beon thealert forwirefences. Singlestrands areespecially dangerous, sincetheremay beagreat distance betweenposts. Guywires onutilitypoles arealsodifficult todistinguish. Makesuretheway is clearbeforecrossing railroads and otherroads and highways. Thenoiseofyourmachinewill drown out thesound ofapproaching vehicles. Look ahead, behind, and to

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 17

SAFETY Operator Safety Avalanches Snowmobilers should always beproperly trained and equipped beforetraveling in mountainous terrain: S Takean avalancheclass S Travel with experienced people S Travel ondesignatedtrails S Makesureeach person is equipped with ashovel, probeand avalanchebeacon. You don’t haveto besnowmobiling on aslopeforan avalanceto occur. Beawarethat all ofthesnowis connected. Youmayberidingon aflat slopeorsnowcovered road, but ifthesnowpack aboveis unstable enough you can trigge

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SAFETY Operator Safety Iceand SnowBuild-up WARNING Ice and snow build-up may interfere with the steering of your machine, resulting in serious injury or death. Keep the underhood area free of snow and ice. Beforedriving, manuallyturntheskis totheleft andright tobesure iceandsnowarenot interferingwithfull left andright steering. If difficultyis encountered, checkforiceandsnowbuild-upthat maybe obstructingthesteeringlinkage. Snowscreens andbibkits are availablethrough yourdealerto help reducesnowa

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 19

SAFETY Operator Safety Driving in Hilly Terrain WARNING Climbing a hill or crossing the face of a slope may result in loss of balance and machine roll-over, causing serious injury or death. Use caution and good judgement when driving in hilly terrain. Operatinginhillyterrainrequires extremecautiontomaintainbalance andavoidroll-over. Ifclimbingahill is unavoidable, keepall your weight lowand forward. Ifyou must cross thefaceofaslope, keep yourweight on theuphill sideofthemachineto maintain proper

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SAFETY Operator Safety Clutch Guard Donotoperatetheenginewiththeclutchguardremoved. Theclutch guard is designed to protect theoperatorfrom metal parts if theclutchshouldfail. Althoughthechanceoffailureis extremely remote, don’t defeat thepurposeoftheguard by removing it. It’s provided foryoursafety. Drive Belt Donotoperatetheenginewiththedrivebeltremoved. Any servicing that requires operation without abelt must beperformed by yourdealer. Operation oftheenginewith thebelt removed may result in pe

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