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SLDVT Direct-Vent
Gas Fireplaces
P/N 506009-01 Rev. E 06/2011
This manual is one of a set of two supporting this product.
Refer to P/N 506010-01 for Care and Operation Instructions.
Ce manuel est disponible en francais, simplement
en faire la demande. Numéro de la pièce 506223-01.
INSTALLER: Leave thi
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SUPERIOR DIRECT-VENT GAS FIREPLACES • MODELS SLDVT-30/35/40/45 • INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS GENERAL INFORMATION PACKAGING TABLE OF CONTENTS Packaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 The assembled vented gas fireplace heater is WARNING packaged with: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Young children should be care- • One log set located in firebox area. Requirements for the f
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SUPERIOR DIRECT-VENT GAS FIREPLACES • MODELS SLDVT-30/35/40/45 • INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Note: Installation and repair should be done The appliance, when installed, must be electri- WARNING cally grounded and wired in accordance with by a qualified service person. The appliance local codes or, in the absence of local codes, should be inspected before use and at least Improper installation, adjust- with the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA annually by a professional service p
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O W OUT IN IN T H N SUPERIOR DIRECT-VENT GAS FIREPLACES • MODELS SLDVT-30/35/40/45 • INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Gas Pressure - All Models For elevations above 4500 feet, contact your gas Supply Pressure-Tap Regulator Burner Stage supplier or qualified service technician . Tables 2 and 3 show the appliances' inlet and Gas (Manifold) Mounting Screw Terminal Inlet manifold gas pressure requirements: Deration - At higher elevations, the amount of BTU fuel value delivered must be reduced by In
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SUPERIOR DIRECT-VENT GAS FIREPLACES • MODELS SLDVT-30/35/40/45 • INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS COLD CLIMATE INSULATION Note: When the unit is installed with one For cold climate installations, seal all cracks side flush with a wall, the wall on the other around your appliance with noncombustible side of the unit must not extend beyond the material and wherever cold air could enter front edge of the unit. the room. It is especially important to insulate outside chase cavity between studs
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SUPERIOR DIRECT-VENT GAS FIREPLACES • MODELS SLDVT-30/35/40/45 • INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS VENT TERMINATION CLEARANCES Vertical Vent Termination Clearances Termination Heights For Vents These instructions should be used as a TERMINATION HEIGHTS FOR VENTS ABOVE Above Flat Or Sloped Roofs guideline and do not supersede local codes FLAT OR SLOPED ROOFS Ref. NFPA 54 / ANSI Z223.1 Horizontal Overhang in any way. Install venting according to local Roof Pitch * Feet * Meters codes, these ins
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V SUPERIOR DIRECT-VENT GAS FIREPLACES • MODELS SLDVT-30/35/40/45 • INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS EXTERIOR HORIZONTAL VENT TERMINATION CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS NOTE: Local Codes Or Regulations May Require Different Clearances. * See Item D in the Text Below. P N N NOTE: Location Of The Vent Termination Exterior Wall Inside Must Not Interfere With Access To The Corner Detail O Electrical Service. *18” V V G Q Horizontal Termination V 6” Ventilated Soffit A Inside Corner = 9” in U.S. A = 12” in Ca
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SUPERIOR DIRECT-VENT GAS FIREPLACES • MODELS SLDVT-30/35/40/45 • INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS MINIMUM CLEARANCES TO COMBUSTIBLES Combustible Shelf Height - Inches (millimeters) Model No. Appliance And Vent Clearances Top Vent - with One 90 Degree Elbow Secure Vent Secure Flex (flex elbow) The appliance is approved with zero clearance to combustible materials on SLDVT-30/35 *46-1/2 (1181) *48-1/4 (1226) all sides (as detailed in Table 5), with the following exception: When the unit is installe
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SUPERIOR DIRECT-VENT GAS FIREPLACES • MODELS SLDVT-30/35/40/45 • INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS TYPICAL INSTALLATION SEQUENCE DETAILED INSTALLATION STEPS WARNING The typical sequence of installation is outlined Step 1. FRAMING below. However, each installation is unique and Failure to position the parts in Frame these appliances as illustrated in Figures may result in variations to the steps described. accordance with these diagrams 13 and 14 on Pages 10 and 11 (Figure 14 or failure
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SUPERIOR DIRECT-VENT GAS FIREPLACES • MODELS SLDVT-30/35/40/45 • INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FIREPLACE AND FRAMING SPECIFICATIONS Framing Framing should be constructed of 2x4 or Framing Dimensions Vent Framing - Top Vent 10-1/2 larger lumber Model A B C D with One 90° Elbow ) (267 in. 30-1/4 35-1/4 39-1/4 16 SLDVT-30 mm 768 895 997 406 in. 35-1/4 35-1/4 39-1/4 16 SLDVT-35 7 mm 895 895 997 406 (178) 5-1/8 in. 40-1/4 40-1/4 44-1/4 16 (130) 12-1/8 SLDVT-40 (308) mm 1022 1022 1124 406 in. 45-1
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SUPERIOR DIRECT-VENT GAS FIREPLACES • MODELS SLDVT-30/35/40/45 • INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FIREPLACE FRAMING SPECIFICATIONS C Model No. A B D E in. 30 1/4 53 3/16 37 29/32 26 13/16 12 1/4 E SLDVT-30 mm 768 1350 963 681 311 7 (178) in. 35 1/4 57 1/2 28 3/4 40 5/8 13 3/4 SLDVT-35 mm 895 1461 1032 730 349 in. 40 1/4 61 13/16 43 11/32 30 11/16 15 1/8 C SLDVT-40 mm 1022 1554 1101 779 384 D 45 1/4 32 5/8 in. 66 1/8 46 1/16 16 1/2 SLDVT-45 mm 1149 829 419 1680 1170 A B Back wall of chase/enclosure
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SUPERIOR DIRECT-VENT GAS FIREPLACES • MODELS SLDVT-30/35/40/45 • INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Step 3. INSTALL THE VENT SYSTEM Installation of Vent Restrictor Vent Restrictor Installation (Top Vent) A vent restrictor may be needed with this General Information appliance. The restrictor is installed in the A vent restrictor may be needed when vertical- appliance top flue outlet as shown in Figure ly terminating the vent system above the roof These instructions should be used as a (when usin
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SUPERIOR DIRECT-VENT GAS FIREPLACES • MODELS SLDVT-30/35/40/45 • INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS VERTICAL TERMINATION SYSTEMS (ROOF) V VE EN NT T S SE EC CT TIIO ON N L LE EN NG GT TH H C CH HA AR RT T V VE EN NT T S SE EC CT TIIO ON N L LE EN NG GT TH H C CH HA AR RT T N No om miin na all N No om miin na all T T T T S Se eccttiio on n L Le en ng gtth h 6 6 1 12 2 2 24 4 3 36 6 4 48 8 S Se eccttiio on n L Le en ng gtth h 6 6 1 12 2 2 24 4 3 36 6 4 48 8 O O O O O O O O O O O O See Figure 17 on Page
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SUPERIOR DIRECT-VENT GAS FIREPLACES • MODELS SLDVT-30/35/40/45 • INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Vertical (Offset) Installation B. Attach vent components to appliance Push the vent component against the previous - Secure Vent SV4.5 direct-vent system compo- section until it fully engages, then twist the Analyze the vent routing and determine the nents are unitized concentric pipe components component clockwise running the dimples down quantities of vent sections and number of elbows featuring p
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SUPERIOR DIRECT-VENT GAS FIREPLACES • MODELS SLDVT-30/35/40/45 • INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS One method of support is by utilizing field pro- K. Install the vertical termination - The final step involves installation of the SV4.5CGV-1 vided support straps (conventional plumber's Vertical Termination. Extend the vent sections tape). Secure the plumber's tape to the framing to the height as shown in the "Vertical vent members with nails or screws. Loop the tape C around the vent, securi
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SUPERIOR DIRECT-VENT GAS FIREPLACES • MODELS SLDVT-30/35/40/45 • INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS VERTICAL VENT FIGURES/TABLES Table A Notes: H Maximum V Minimum • S e c u r e V e n t ™ ( r i g i d v e n t p i p e ) i s s h o w n H i n t h e F i g u r e s ; S e c u r e F l e x ™ ( fl e x i b l e v e n t feet (meter) feet (meter) pipe) may also be used. 5 (1.524) Elbow Only • I t i s v e r y i m p o r t a n t t h a t t h e h o r i z o n t a l / i
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SUPERIOR DIRECT-VENT GAS FIREPLACES • MODELS SLDVT-30/35/40/45 • INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS VERTICAL VENT FIGURES/TABLES (continued) Example: If 20 feet total (H+H ) Table B 1 horizontal vent run is needed, then V Minimum 4 feet minimum of (V) vertical vent H + H Maximum 1 Ceiling u will be required. Firestop / Spacer feet (meter) feet (meter) (SV4.5VF) V 1 Wall Firestop/ v This table shows a 1(V) to 5(H) 5 (1.524) Elbow Only Spacer (SV4.5HF) ratio. For every 1 foot of (V) vertica
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SUPERIOR DIRECT-VENT GAS FIREPLACES • MODELS SLDVT-30/35/40/45 • INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Building Support TYPICAL HORIZONTAL VENT INSTALLATION Support Brackets Horizontal / Inclined Run Framing Typical Termination SV4.5E90 Shown Elbow SV4.5L6/12/24/36/48 Exterior Vent Sections Wall u Firestop / Spacer Ceiling SV4.5VF Support Bracket Spacing Vertical Every 5 ft (1.52 m) Rise u When Using Secure Flex™, Use Firestop / Spacer SF4.5VF Typical Termination See Figure 17 on Page 13 or Figure 20
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SUPERIOR DIRECT-VENT GAS FIREPLACES • MODELS SLDVT-30/35/40/45 • INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS j. Assemble vent run to exterior wall - If not Typical Firestop/Spacer (SV4.5HF) shown previously measured, locate the center of the Termination on the exterior side of the wall. It Shown vent at the exterior wall. Prepare an opening as may also be installed on the interior side. described in Step B. Assemble the vent system to point where the terminus of the last section is 10-1/2" 7" (267 mm) (17
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SUPERIOR DIRECT-VENT GAS FIREPLACES • MODELS SLDVT-30/35/40/45 • INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Use Table 8 as an aid in venting component selection for a particular range of exterior wall thicknesses. Table C H Maximum V Minimum Venting Components Required for Various Exterior Wall Thick- feet (meter) feet (meter) nesses, when using Typical Termination Kits 3 (0.914) Elbow Only (30/35/40 Models) Vent Components Required Exterior Wall Thickness - inches (mm) 2.5 (0.762) Elbow Only (45 Model) Te