Instrukcja obsługi Escali E6CB

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Escali E6CB

Urządzenie: Escali E6CB
Kategoria: Skala
Producent: Escali
Rozmiar: 0.58 MB
Data dodania: 11/18/2013
Liczba stron: 12
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Escali E6CB Instrukcja obsługi - Online PDF
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

CB Series
Battery Powered Counting Scales

Escali Digital Scales


Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

SPECIFICATION CB Series MODEL E3CB E6CB E15CB E30CB g 3,000 6,000 15,000 30,000 Capacity lb 6 12 30 60 g 0.5 1 2/5 5 Resolution(e) lb 0.001 0.002 0.005/0.01 0.01 Tare range 50% of Full Capacity g 10~3,000 20~6,000 40~15,000 100~30,000 Weighing range lb 0.02~6 0.04~12 0.08~30 0.2~60 Operating Temp., Humidity -10 ~ +40, 85% Power Requirement DC 1.5V(D size) X 6EA / DC 12V, 300mA(Adapter) Power Consumption MAX.: 0.31W Platform Size(mm) 337(W) × 256(L) Product Size(mm) N

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

CONTENTS 1. Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Installation and Details for Caution Use ------------------------------------------------- 3. Name of Each Part ---------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Instructions classified by Power Source ------------------------------------------------- 5. Keypad and Display Information -------------------------------------------------------

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

2. Installation and Details for Caution Use * Unless you follow the cautions properly, there may be life damage or material damage. Correct Installation Procedures This instrument is intended for indoor use only. Install in areas with no influence of heat, such as direct ray of light and heater. Install away from areas with either strong magnetic force or electrical noise. Install on a flat and vibration-free platform. Install in areas with no dusts and

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

3. Name of Each Part N-type P-type 4. Instructions classified by Power Source 1. Adapter - Connect the adapter (DC 12V, 300mA) with the power cord. Connect the jack to the adapter jack in the back side of scale body. - Use only authorized adapter. Using a different adapter may cause a problem to the scale. - When connecting adapter while the battery is in the scale, the battery power will be automatically turned off and adapter power will be charged

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

5. Keypad & Display Information KEY KEY NAME FUNCTION [ ] Preset Keys (PLU Inputs unit price or calls up the unit price. keys) Number Keys Inputs data. [ 0 ]~[ 9 ], [ • ] M ] Save Key Saves unit price into a preset key. (Register 20 numbers of products.) [ Unit Wt. ] Unit weight Key Sets up the unit weight of the scaled product [ Q’ty ] Quantity Key Sets up the quantity of the scaled product [ + ] Add Key Adds up the prices. = ] Total Key Shows the total add-up price. [ Tare

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

6. Function ■ Procedures to set to Zero Used in order to set the weight display to “0 g” when it is not set to “0 g” even though there is noting on the platform. ■ Procedures to Set up and Release the Tare: Used when scaling liquid or grain type substances that require a container. Cases when the container weight is not known. 1. Place the container on the platform. 2. Push the “Tare” key when the weighing is stable. 3. Check the lighting of Tare. Cases when the container

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

■ Procedures to save a Preset Key (PLU key) with a Unit weight value - Use by saving the unit weight of the frequently scaled product into the preset key. (Save up to 20 PLUs.) - Make sure the display is set to “0g” before inputting unit price. WEIGHT ZE R O TAR E kg Q UANTITY Short Q'ty Short Unit Wt. pcs UNIT WEIGHT TO TAL lb g/pc BAT Weighing range : 40 g ~ 6/15 kg, e = d : 2

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

■ Procedures to add up the Unit weight - Although there are many products to be measured, the quantity of the scaled each objects can be added up disregarding their unit weight. - The number of add-ups can be possible up to 99 times and the total add-up value can be possible up to 99,999.999. [ex] Cases when adding up the unit weight of the three different products (ex: unit weight 2g, 1. product A weight with 200g, 2. product B with weight 500g, 3. product C with weight 700g) WEIGHT

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10

WEIGHT ZER O TAR E kg Q UANTITY Short Q'ty Short Unit Wt. pcs UNIT WEIGHT TO TAL lb g/pc BAT Weighing range : 40 g ~ 6/15 kg, e = d : 2 g / 5 g Model : CB-15N (0.1 lb ~ 15/30 lb, e = d : 0.005 lb/0.01 lb) 6. Remove the product B, place the product C WEIGHT ZE R O TAR E kg Q UANTITY

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

■ Procedures to set up time to automatically turn off the power WEIGHT ZE R O TAR E kg Q UANTITY Short Q'ty Short Unit Wt. pcs UNIT WEIGHT TO TAL lb g/pc BAT Weighing range : 40 g ~ 6/15 kg, e = d : 2 g / 5 g Model : CB-15N (0.1 lb ~ 15/30 lb, e = d : 0.005 lb/0.01 lb) - Push the “C” key for 5 seconds while the weight, quantity, unit weight of the sc

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

Warranty Regulations 1. Warranty information and term of its validity. The scale's breakdown under normal operating condition is guaranteed for a repair with no charge for 1 year from the date of its purchase. 2. Exception for guaranteed repair. Data of visit Reason for visit Inspection result Inspector Breakdown caused by following reasons are exceptions for guaranteed repair. When breakdown occurs by remodeling the scale with one's decision, without any appro

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