Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1
ApplianceRegistration PowerSaverSwitch 5
BaseGrille 4 ProblemSolver 14,15
CareandCleaning 12,13 QuickServeSystem 7
Ene~Saving Tips QuickStore 8
RepairService 13
FoodSaverSystem 9
Safe~Instructions 3
c ‘Food StorageSuggestions 6,9
StorageTimes 6 Shelves 7,8
Icemaker 11 StorageDrawers 9.11
IcemakerAccessory Kit 12 Drawer&CoverRemoval 10
12 TemperatureControls 5
Vacation&MovingTips 13
installation 3,4
AdapterPlug 4 Warranty BackCover
WaterFilterAccessory 12
Adjustable ~ollers
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2
Helpw helpyou.*@ Ene~y-savi%tips Beforesendingintheregistration @ Locationofyourrefrigerator is card,pleasew~i~thesenumbers important,Avoidlocatingit next It isintendedtohelpyouoperate here: toyourrange,ahmtbgventorwhere andmaintainyournewrefrigerator thesunwillshinedirectlyonit. properly. Model Number @ Don’topenthedoorsmoreotin Keepit handyforanswerstoyour thannecessary, Serial Nqmber questions. @Close thedoorsassoonaspossible, Use these numbersinmy pti.icularlyinhot,humidweather. If youdon’tu
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3
1 AnBefore makingallyrepairs, Note:WEstronglyrecommend thata~~y servicingbe perft~rmed bya qualifiedi~~dividual., B. Beforecleaning. C.Beforereplacinga burned-out lightb~~lb, tie refrigerato~ should beunplugged inordertoavoid contactwithalive wirefilament. (Aburned-outlightbulbmay breakwhenbeingreplacd.) Note:TurningcontroltoOFF positiondoesnotremovepower totie lightcircuit. opemtion9donot touchthecold SAWTHmE Sufiaees,pmtiedmly whenham me dmp orwet. Skinmay adhere INSTRUCTIONS totheseextremelyc
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4
—.— Adjustableroliem,whichenable youtomovetherefrigerator away fromthewdl forcleaning,are locati nearthefrontcomersofthe refrigerator. Theserollersshould be setsoMattherefrigerator is fitiy positioned onthefloorand thefrontis raisedjustenoughMat thedoorsclose easilywhenopened abouthdfWay, .— I ‘“l “1I ‘“l”’ I Retigembrlwation Inshi! therefiigemtorona floor strongenough,to$Upprtit when GROUND it is tiny loaded. ECTION Toadjusttherollen, tumthe M notim~~ nf~igeratorwhere I F I L ! rolleradjustings
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5
— —. Refrkemtir ____ Withtheheaterturnedoff,there use$be ice Crem tgstfor the _— _– fr-rCompsrtmente place a isa chancethatmoisturemayform == Yourrefrigerator hastwocontrols containeroficecreaminthecenter ontheoutsideofyourrefrigerator, — —. ~~at letyouregulatethetemperature — ofthefreezercompartment. Check especiallywhentheweatheris _— inthefreshfd andfreezer ___ h~mid,Thahurni~ity ismostlik~i~ itafiera day,If it’stoohardortoo —. compartments. — sofi,adjustthetemperature controls, tobehighinthe
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6
___ FoodStowe Swestiom Tostorecheese,wrapwellwith waxpaperor aluminum foil,or put wrapwellin fr;ezer-wei.ght foil~6r in aplasticbag, otherheavy-duty wrapping material) formingit carefullytotheshapeof @ Carefullywraptoexpelairand thecantenh,Thisexpelsair,Fold helppreventmold, andcrimpendsofthepachge to . @ Storepre-packaged cheesein its -. providea good,lastingseal. FreshMeals ownwrappingif yauwish, Roasts (Hdef&Lamb).,,,.,. 3to5 6to 12 Don’trefre~zeN]eat thathas Roasls(Pork&Wal),,,,,,.. 3105 4t0
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7
QtickserveTM sy*m your shelves Adjustable Ports-Bins onfreshfood andfreezercompartment doorscan mtiy becarriedfromtie refrigerator — totheworkar~a, — — Shelvesintie freshfoodandfre=er —: - —.-- compartments areadjustable, CooMng-serving-storage dishes enablingyoutomakeefficientshelf withsealable,durablelidsfitintoa arrangements tofityourhtiy’~ W space-saving under-the-shelf rack, storageneeds.Steelshelvesinthe Dishescanberemovedfroma~d -r comment in somemodels returnedtotherackasneeded,and aread
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8
,-.. ..- ShelfPositiom (continued) QuickSbm Bin Toavoiddamaging therefrigerator, wo”PositionShelf in (onmodels soequipped) makesurethebinisclosedand II I latchedbeforeclosingthe (on models soequippd) refriger~tor door, — Theshelfinthe&r compartment canbe relocatedforextrastorage flexibility, ~ remov~the bin, liftit upand outofthebinhousing. Thisremovable tilt-outbinmadeof Torelocatetheshelf,liftoneside Lexan@ polycarbonate resincanbe andmoveit sideways tofreethe locatedonthe,freshfoodor freezer
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9
GE Food-Saver Svstem _- E — ~~ —- - — —- — — - _— -w fruit &V~ehble Dmwem —.. —- Thestorage drawersatthebottom ~s refrigerated drawer isdesignd oftie freshfoodcompartmentare to keepunwrappedfoodsfreshby Thesedrawem haveindividud, designedtoprovidehighhumidity retaining thenatud mois~recontent levelsrequiredbymostvegetables adjustable humidity controls thatlet offoodssuchas: andlowerhumiditylevelsrequired you regulahtheamountofcoldair *A~~ChO~es ~Cherries @Plums enfiringtie drawers. formostfruits
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10
Drawersatthebottomofthefresh foodcompartment wiIlstopb~fore comingdi thewayoutofthe refrigerator, tohelpprevent cOntents fromspillingontofloor. Thesedrawerscanberemoved easilybygmspingthesidesand 2. Putthedrawerslidesbackon liftingupslightiywhilepulling thefral~le, Theslopedendsmust drawerspastthe “stop”location. be at.thefront. ~ removedmwersandtheircover whenthefreshfoodcompment 3. Reachin, pushthefrontofthe doorcannotbeoWnedfilly, follow glasscoverupand,at thesame theprocedurethatapplies10you
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11
) Iceservice ..-: —. .-4 Icernaking willcontinueuntilthe Automatic Icemaker feeleram sensesa sufficient (onn~odels soequipped) accumulation oficecubesinthe Youricemakerwill produc~eight storagebinandhaltstheoperation cubes per cycie—approximately temporarily. Formaximumice 100cubesina 24-hourperiod, storage,levelthestoredcubeswith depending onfreezercompartment yot4r handoccasionally. Besure temperature, roomtemperature, nothinginterfereswiththeswingof numberofdooropenings andother thefeelerarm.
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12
Accessories care andCieatiw Autimatic Icemaker -. &cessoryHt The doorhandlesand trim canbe (optionnl atextracost) cleanedwitha clothdampened with If ice is used infrequently,old a soludonofrnildliquiddishwashing cubeswi~l becomecloudyandtaste AGE automatic icemakerwill detergentandwater,Drywitha soft stale.Emptyice storagebin replacetheiceyouUS6, ,. cloth.Don’twaxhandlesortrim. periodically andwashit in automatically. It cankeep you Iukewamwater, suppliedwithabinfulofcubes— =epthe finishclean. W
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13
If YouNeedSewice Tohelp preventodors,leavean Toobtainservice,seeyourwarranty onthebackpageofthisbook. openboxofb~g sodain tie rear oftherefrigerator, onthotopshelf. We’reproudofoursewiceand Changetheboxeverythreemonths. wantyoutobepleased.If forsome Anopenboxofbakingsodainthe reasonyouarenothappywiththe f~zer willabsorbstalefreezer s%rvice youreeeive,herearethree odors. stepstofollowforfurtherhelp, FIRST,contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance. Explain AtiglItbulbandswketarelwati at whyyouaren
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 14
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15
POSSIBLECAUSEAND mMEDY @ Norrndairflowcoolingmotor.k therefrigeration process,itis norm~thatheatbe expelledin theareaundertherefrigerator, Somefloorcoverings willdiscoloratthese normalandsafeoperatingtompera~res,Yourflooroovering suppliershouldbe consultedif youobjectto-thisdiscoloration, FRESHFOOD ORFREEZER COMPARTMENT TEMPERATURE ~0 WARM FROSTORICE CRYSTALS ON FROZEN FOOD AU~MATIC ICEMA~R DOESN~ WOW (onmodelssoequippec SLOWICECUBE FREEZING ICECUBESHAVE ODOR/TASTE I MOISTUREFORMS ONCABWET SU~AC
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16
YOURGEREFRIGERATOR WARRANTY Save proof of original purchase datesuch as your salesslip or canceiledcheck to establishwarrantyperiod. WHATIs COVERED FULL ONEYEAR WARRANTY Foroneyear from daf~ of original Forfiveyearsfrom date of original purchase, we will provid~,free of purchase, we will provide, free of charge, parts and service labor charge, parts and s~rvice labor in in your hometo repairorreplace your hometo repairor r~placeany anypati af the refrigerator that pan of the S@al@d refrigerating