Instrukcja obsługi Weber Performer 56201

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Weber Performer 56201

Urządzenie: Weber Performer 56201
Kategoria: Charcoal Grill
Producent: Weber
Rozmiar: 9.85 MB
Data dodania: 10/12/2014
Liczba stron: 48
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Weber Performer 56201 Instrukcja obsługi - Online PDF
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

Charcoal Grill Owner’s Guide
Guía del propietario del asador - Pg 23
Guide de l’utilisateur du grill - Pg 35
Assembly, Ensamblaje, Assemblage - Pg 7
m WARNING: Follow all leak-check
procedures carefully in this manual prior
to barbecue operation. Do this even if the
barbecue was dealer-assembled.
If you smell gas:
NOTICE TO INSTALLER: These instructions
1. Shut off gas to the appliance.
must be lef

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

DANGERS AND WARNINGS FAILURE TO HEED THESE DANGER, WARNING AND CAUTION STATEMENTS MAY CAUSE SERIOUS BODILY INJURY OR DEATH, OR A FIRE OR EXPLOSION RESULTING IN DAMAGE TO PROPERTY. m SAFETY SYMBOLS ( m ) will alert you to important SAFETY information. m Signal Words DANGER, WARNING, or CAUTION will be used with the SAFETY SYMBOL. m DANGER will identify the most serious hazard. m Please read all safety information contained in this Owner’s Guide before operating this barbecue. m DANGERS m Failure

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

DANGERS AND WARNINGS (cONT’D) m WARNINGS (cont’d) m Handle and store hot electric starters carefully. m Keep electrical wires and cords away from the hot surfaces of the barbecue and away from high traffic areas. m After a period of storage and/or nonuse, check for gas leaks and burner obstructions before using. See instructions in this manual for correct procedures. m The conversion or attempted use of natural gas in this barbecue is dangerous and will void your warranty. m A dented or rusty L

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

EXPLODED VIEW • DIAGRAMA DE DESPIEcE • VUE EcLATEE Performer LP US- 22 1/2 (57cm) 050609 21 1 22 2 3 4 23 33 lbs. Max. 5 (15Kg ) 24 25 26 27 28 6 29 30 5 31 7 8 9 10 32 11 12 13 14 15 33 16 34 35 17 18 36 19 37 20 38 4

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

EXPLODED VIEW LIST • LISTA DEL DIAGRAMA DE DESPIEcE • LISTE DE LA VUE EcLATEE 1. Lid 14. Hub Cap 27. Burner Assembly Tapa Tapa del cubo Ensamble del quemador Couvercle Cache du moyeux Assemblage du brûleur 2. Hinged Cooking Grate 15. Wheel Cover 28. Hose & Regulator with Orifice Clip Rejilla de cocción con bisagras Tapa de la rueda Manguera y regulador con clip del orificio Grille de cuisson avec gonds Cache de la roue Tuyau & régulateur avec pince pour l’orifice 3. Charcoal Baskets 16. Front

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

PARTS LIST • LISTA DE PARTES • LISTE DES PIEcES 3/8” 1 - 4 - 2 - 8 - 6

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

ASSEMbLY • ENSAMbLAJE • ASSEMbLAGE 1 2 4 - 3 4 4 - ® WWW.WEbER.cOM 7

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

ASSEMbLY • ENSAMbLAJE • ASSEMbLAGE 5 6 1- 4 - 7 1- 8

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9


Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10

ASSEMbLY • ENSAMbLAJE • ASSEMbLAGE 9 10 4 - 4 - 10

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

ASSEMbLY • ENSAMbLAJE • ASSEMbLAGE 11 1 - A 1 m ADVERTENCIA Antes de utilizarse, hale la manguera de gas y el orificio para B asegurarse de que el clip de retención esté en su lugar y el orificio esté bien sujeto dentro del tubo quemador. Un clip de retención faltante puede ocasionar que la manguera de gas y el orificio se salgan del tubo quemador. Esto podría resultar en un incendio causante de heridas corporales graves y daños materiales. m PELIGRO No utilice la función de ence

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

ASSEMbLY • ENSAMbLAJE • ASSEMbLAGE 12 1 - 2 - 1 - 3/8” 13 A B 14 4 - 33 lbs. Max. (15Kg ) A B 12

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

ASSEMbLY • ENSAMbLAJE • ASSEMbLAGE 15 m Maximum 30 lbs. / 13.7 kg. bag of charcoal. The bag of charcoal should be placed directly in the ™ CharBin Storage Container. 30lb bag m Máximo una bolsa de 30 lbs. / 13.7 kg. de carbón vegetal. La bolsa de carbón vegetal debe colocarse directamente en el recipiente de Charcoal ™ almacenaje CharBin . m Sac de charbon de bois 30 lbs. / 13,7 kg. maximum. 30lb / 13.7kg Le sac de charbon de bois devrait être placé directement dans le Conteneur d

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 14

GENERAL INSTRUcTIONS • These instr uctions will giv e y ou the minim um r equir ements f or assemb ling y our IMPORTANT CYLINDER INFORMATION ® Weber gas barbecue. Please read the instructions carefully before using your ® Weber gas barbecue. Improper assembly can be dangerous. m NEVER store a spare LP Cylinder under or near this • Not f or use b y childr en. barbecue. • The inst allation m ust conf or m with local codes or , in the absence of local codes , ® Note: Your Weber gas grill i

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15

GAS INSTRUcTIONS ATTACH PROPANE CYLINDER Use disposable propane cylinders with a capacity of either 14.1 oz. or 16.4 oz. equipped with a CGA #600 connection. m CAUTION: Use cylinders that are marked “Propane fuel” only. Push propane cylinder into regulator and turn clockwise until tight. m WARNING: Hand tighten only. Using excessive force could damage the regulator coupling and could cause a leak. CHECK FOR GAS LEAKS: m DANGER Do not use an open flame to check for gas leaks. Be sure there

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16

OPERATING LIGHTING 1 m DANGER Open lid before lighting. Do not use any flammable liquids such as starting fluid, gasoline, alcohol or any form of self-lighting charcoal at any time, including when manually lighting. Failure to do so will cause serious bodily injury or death. A) Remove grill lid before operating gas feature. m DANGER: Failure to do so can cause a gas build-up that can cause a fire or explosion which can cause serious bodily injury or death, or damage to property. B) Open bo

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 17

OPERATING MANUAL LIGHTING m WARNING: Do not attempt to light manually without using 1 the match holder. m DANGER Open lid before lighting. Do not use any flammable liquids such as starting fluid, petrol, alcohol or any form of self- lighting charcoal at any time, including when manually lighting. Failure to do so will cause serious bodily injury or death. A) Remove grill lid before operating gas feature. m DANGER: Failure to do so can cause a gas build-up that can cause a fire or explosion w

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 18

TROUbLESHOOTING CHECK PROBLEM CURE Burner burns with a yellow or orange flame, in Inspect Burner for possible obstructions. Clean Burner. conjunction with the smell of gas. (See Section “Maintenance”) Burner does not light, or flame is low. Is LP fuel low or empty? Replace LP cylinder. Is fuel hose bent or kinked? Straighten fuel hose. Does the burner light with a match? If you can light the burner with a match, then check the ignition system. Is the hose to burner tube connection properly C

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 19

MAINTENANcE MAINTENANCE After a period of nonuse we recommend that you perform the following maintenance procedures for your safety. • Chec k hose bef or e each use of barbecue f or nic ks , cr ac king , abr asions or cuts . If the hose is found to be unserviceable, do not use the barbecue. Replace using ® only Weber authorized replacement parts. Contact the Customer Service Representative in your area using the contact information on our web site. ® Log onto . m CAUTION: If

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 20

MAINTENANcE INSECT ALERT Your Performer Grill, as well as any outdoor gas appliance, is a target for spiders and insects. They can nest in the venturi section (1) of the burner tube causing gas to flow back out of the air shutter. This could result in a fire in and around the burner tube under the bowl panel. It can cause serious damage to your barbecue, rendering it unsafe to operate. We strongly recommend that you inspect and clean the burner tube at least once a year, or if any of the fo

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