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Baja Marine
Owner’s Manual
Speed changes you.
23 Owutla
Owner’s Manual Part Number: MRP 1810950
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R TM. Speed changes you. Baja Marine COrpOtiO ra n , 2600 Sea r ya Bvdl ., KnOxville , tn 37914 FOr inFOrMtiO a n Call 1-865-971-6270 Or Fax 1-865-971-6716 i nternet addreSS : http ://www .BajaMarine .COM
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w elCOMe Congratulat ons on becom ng the new owner of • Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) ® the world’s #1 performance boat. Baja Mar ne Information: Th s sect on of your Owner’s Corporaton welcomes you nto our worldwde and Manual Packet contans nformat on from the ever-expandng fam ly of boat ng enthus asts. manufacturers of equpment nstalled on your boat. Examples nclude the eng ne, eng ne The Owner’s Manual Packet, to be kept on board control and stee
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ThIs P agE InTEnTIOnally lEFT Blank ® 23 Outlaw
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i ntrOduCtiOn • Red cross 1. This Manual • State Boating Offices The materal wth n ths manual and your Owner’s Manual Packet: • yacht Club Contact your dealer or the Boat/U.s. Foundaton at • gves you basc safety nformat on 1-800-336-2628 • Descrbes the features of your boat Outsde of north amerca, contact your boat dealer • Descrbes the equpment on your boat and/or your governmental boat ng agency for • Descrbes the fundamentals of boat use assstance. • Contans serv
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i O ntr C du tiOn uses the well known s tandards and Recommended 6. h ull i DT en ifica Tion n uMber (hin) Practces of the aByC amercan Boat and yacht The “Hull Identification Number” located on the Councl. starboard s de of the transom, s the most mportant dent fy ng factor and must be ncluded n all Baja Mar ne Corporat on part c pates extens vely correspondence and orders. Fa lure to nclude t n the amercan Boat and yacht Councl whch s a creates delays.
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a bouT Your e xpress l M i iTeD WarranTY Baja Marne offers an Express lmted Warranty on other equpment or accessores carryng ther own each new Baja purchased through an authorzed nd v dual warrant es, nor does the l m ted Warranty Baja dealer. a copy of the lmted Warranty was cover eng nes, parts or accessor es not nstalled by ncluded n your owner’s packet. If for any reason, Baja Marne. The lmted Warranty does not cover you dd not receve a copy of the
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23 Owutla Owner ’S Manual • t B a le OF COntentS D. Wake/Wash ................................................1.13 i nTroDucTio n 19. nautcal Terms .................................................1.14 1. Ths Manual ............................................................ 20. key to symbols on Controls & Prnts ..............1.15 2. your Responsbltes .............................................. 21. Warnng label locatons .................................1.17 3. sourc
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23 Owutla Owner ’S Manual • t B a le OF COS ntent a. Mantenance & servce .................................4.2 3. Inspecton, servce and Ma ntenance Protocol ...8.4 B. Vbrat on & Causes .......................................4.2 a. Blge area .....................................................8.4 C. Impact to stern Drve ....................................4.3 B. Topsde and supples ....................................8.5 D. Propeller Removal and Installaton ............
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® Information in this publication is based upon the latest product specifications available at printing. Baja Marne Corporaton reserves the rght to make changes at any tme, w thout notce, n the colors, equpment, specifications, materials and prices of all models, or to discontinue models. Should changes in production models ® be made, Baja Marine is not obligated to make similar changes or modifications to models sold prior to the date of such changes. Owner’s Manual 23 Outlaw Prn
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SC e tiOn 1 • SaFety SAFE boating means: 1. s afeTY l abels s afety precaut ons are g ven throughout th s • knowng the l m tat ons of your boat manual and labels are mounted at key locatons • Followng the "Rules of the Road" throughout the boat. Th s safety nformat on adv ses the owner/operator and passengers of mperatve • keepng a sharp lookout for people and objects safety precautons to follow when operatng and/or n the water servcng equpment. • n ot boat
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SeCtiOn 1 • SaFety The dashboard conta ns an nd cator l ght for the 2. l G e all Y ManDa TeD MiniMuM automatic fire extinguishing system. The light will be ON when the gnton s on and nd cates that the system s r equireD e quipMT en ready. If the lght goes out whle the gnton s on, the Consult your national or state boating law system has dscharged. enforcement agency. When discharge occurs, immediately shut down all The followng equpment s the mnmum requred
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SeCtiOn 1 • SF a ety Dangerous concentratons of carbon monoxde wll be areas where fresh a r can c rculate. Do not use such present f: devces where there s no notceable ar movement, especally n the cabn, when anchored, moored or docked. • the engne exhaust systems leak; • Do not dle eng ne w thout mov ng boat for more than • a nearby vessel's engne s runn ng 15 mnutes at a t me. • insufficient fresh air is circulating where people are • Inspect the exhaust
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SeCtiOn 1 • SF a ety (FIG. 1.4.3) Flotat on a d (Type III) – vest s 5. l G vin ifesa e M quip T en desgned so conscous wearers can turn face up; often des gned for ! WARNING comfort wh le engaged n sports such as skng. Have all passengers and the operator wear a Personal Flotation Device (PFD) at all times when boating. When someone is overboard, it can be too late to Throwable Dev ces (Type IV) – (FIG. 1.4.4) have them put on a PFD. horseshoe buoys, r ng buoys and buoy
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SeCtiOn 1 • SF a ety Plers (regular, vse-grp, and tongue & groove) 6. a DDT i ional r MM eco D en eD Wrenches (box, open-end, allen, adjustable) e quipMT en for s afe o pera Tion socket set (metrc or U.s. standard as approprate) In add t on to legally mandated equ pment, the follow ng tems are necessary for safe boat ng Electrcal tape and duct tape especally f your boat s out of sght of land. hammer • Frst ad k t Utlty knfe • V sual d stress s gnals for
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SeCtiOn 1 • SaFety • The number of seats does not nd cate how 23 OUTLAW CE OPTION CERTIFICATION PLATE many people a boat can safely carry n poor (INTERNATIONAL) (EXAMPLE) (FIG. 1.6.2) weather and rough water. BAJA MARINE CORP. • a bove dle speed, all passengers must be 23 OUTLAW seated on the seats provded. 0609 MAXIMUM 6 1145 + = 23 Outlaw DOMESTIC CERTIFICATION PLATE (EXAMPLE) (FIG. 1.6.1) C = 317 MAXIMUM CAPACITIES 9. p oWer c aciTY ap 6 PERSONS OR 1600 LBS. 2000 POUNDS, PER
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SeCtiOn 1 • SaFety The operator must always be alert to approachng boats In addt on: (from the rear, r ght and left s des, as well as those ahead). In addton, the operator must be on the lookout • s tab l ty may be substant ally reduced f for people n the water, partally submerged debrs, and equpment s added above the deck. other navgatonal hazards such as rocks, sand bars, and dangerous currents, to name a few. • Stability is substantially reduced by loose fluids
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SeCtiOn 1 • SaFety D. sheltered waters • If a l ghtn ng storm approaches, the safest act on s to Maxmum speed: 15 knots (18 mph) dock and dsembark. If you cannot return to shore, Maxmum wave heght: 0.5 meters (1.5 feet) have passengers go nsde the cabn and reman Boat use s l m ted to small lakes, r vers and there untl the storm passes. canals. • lghtnng seeks a ground when t str kes. The best your 23 Outlaw boat s Des gn Category C. protect on s a prope
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SeCtiOn 1 • SF a ety . b s kiinG ! WARNING Shut engine off if an object is struck or if you run ! WARNING aground. Skiers must wear an approved PFD. Check for hull leaks and drive line damage, before restarting engine. Use hand pump if bilge pumps don't remove water. • anyone who water sks must know how to swm. Boat very slowly, if you must proceed with a damaged • never drve the boat drectly behnd a water sker. drive line. at 22 knots (25 m.p.h.), t takes only 5 seconds to over
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SeCtiOn 1 • SaFety Faster - Thumb ponted up or palm up, move hand up • Do not water sk n congested areas. and down. • k eep the boat and sk er away from nav gat on markers. Speed OK - Rase arm and form a crcle wth thumb and index finger. • stay well clear of other boats and skers. Stop - Ra se arm w th palm vert cal and fac ng 15. e MG er Y enc s iTua Tions forward. Prevent on s the safest approach. We hope that you are Turn Right - Extend r ght arm out from body to th