Instrukcja obsługi Liebert 272014

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Liebert 272014

Urządzenie: Liebert 272014
Kategoria: Klimatyzator
Producent: Liebert
Rozmiar: 0.29 MB
Data dodania: 5/15/2013
Liczba stron: 34
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

Hiline Slim
Service Manual
Manuale di Assistenza

cod. 272014 - rev. 12.01.2001
Issued by TDS

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

Caution It is recommended that:  the manual is retained for the entire service life of the machine;  the user reads the manual carefully before carrying out any operations on the machine;  the machine is used exclusively for the purpose for which it is intended; incorrect use of the machine shall release the manufacturer from any liability. This manual has been prepared to enable the end-user to carry out only the operations that can made with the pan els closed. Any operations that require

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

1 - Preliminary operations 1.1 - Foreword 1.5 - Inspection The following manual describes the installation, opera On receiving the equipment immediately inspect its tion and maintenance of Air Conditioners, series Hiline condition; report any damage to the transport company Slim (see Fig. 1). at once. IMPORTANT: 1.6 - Transport Also consult the manual for the Microface microproces  Always keep the unit vertically upright. sor control supplied with the machine (if installed).  If possible tr

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

Tab. 2 - Sound pressure levels Octave band frequency (Hz) Sound ppressure Model Model 31.5 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 lell vel [dB(A)] Indoor, free field at 2 m 49 56 62 58 55 54 53 53 51 61 in front of the unit PKS3 PKS3 Outdoor, free field at 50 51 49 54 51 51 47 44 37 55 2 m in front of the unit Indoor, free field at 2 m 49 56 62 58 55 54 53 53 51 61 in front of the unit PKS4 PKS4 Outdoor, free field at 50 51 49 54 51 51 47 44 37 55 2 m in front of the unit 2 - Installation For a

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

Tab. 3 - Standard electrical features Heater Evaporator fan Condenser fan Compressor (2 x unit) OA FLA LRA Nom. power OA FLA LRA Nom. power OA FLA LRA Nom. power OA FLA LRA Nom. power [W] [W] (*) [W] (*) [W] 1 - - 200 1.5 - - 340 5.9 10 34 1370 - 13 - 3000 PKS3 1 - - 200 1.5 - - 340 7.1 12 36.5 1700 - 13 - 3000 PKS4 (*) In the following conditions (ARI 520-78): Condensing temperature 54.4 C, Ambient temp. 35 C, Evaporation temp. 7.2 C, Sub-cooling temp.: 8.3 C Overheating temp.: 11 C Tab

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

5 - Operation The unit operation is completely automatic.The below The opening degree of the damper is determined as a sequence explains (with the assistance of Fig. 5 - Opera function of the set point value to be kept and of the tion diagram) how the unit operates (see also Fig. 6intake air temperature (see chapter 6). Refrigerating circuit): 1) The temperature sensor, positioned inside the shel ter, informs the control about the condition of the air 5.1 - Adjustment of the condenser fan spee

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

6 - Microprocessor controls 1 The machine is available in four different operating con ing mode remains de-activated for / hour. If the inside 2 figurations: temperature exceeds the proportional band by more than 50%, the Freecooling mode is immediately de- 1) chill unit only; 1 activated and remains in this condition for / hour and 2 2) chill and hot unit; the cooling by refrigerating compressor intervenes. 3) unit with freecooling, chill only; 4) unit with freecooling, chill and hot. 6.1.1 -

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

6.1.4 - Unit in stand-by Fig. b System with 2 units in stand-by - Microface control The control of the unit in stand-by is completely auto matic thanks to the possibility to connect the Microface Freecooling mode control. A unit in stand-by starts in the event of an alarm which P Band stops the main unit; this occurs even if the main unit is switched off or disappears from the system due to a fault on the control connecting bus. 1 3 2 The rotation per hour of the units in stand-by occurs automa

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10

8 - Calibrations  The air conditioner has already been factory-tested temperature and rel. humidity set points/propor and calibrated as described below. tional bands which differ excessively from the stan dard settings).  For the MICROFACE calibrations refer to the rele vant manual (to avoid wrong operations do not use COMPONENT Setting (LP) NOTES STOP : 1.2 bar Low pressure automatic START : 2 bar reset switch (LP) (fixed settings) manual reset pressing the STOP : 26 bar High pressure push

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

9 - Maintenance For safety reasons, clear the unit opening the switches  Every day check the Hiromatic/Microface readings for QS1 and QS2 before performing any maintenance temperature and, if shown, ambient relative humidity. operations.  The Maintenance Programme described below If installed: should be carried out by a skilled technician, prefer AS THE HIROMATIC/MICROFACE FEATURES ably working under a maintenance contract. AUTOMATIC RESTART (AFTER A SUPPLY INTERRUPTION) IT IS ADVISED TO DISA

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

10 - Fault finding / alarms Use the Fault Finding Guide on the right as follows: Begin with " START" and follow the arrows marked both "YES" and 'NO' according to the type of fault. The guide uses the following abbreviations: No Control of the HIR32 series check fan Yes air flow operation plus lack electrical circuit When analarm occurs, the buzzer and the display indication can be reset manually pressing the key PRG/mute. For the alarm code the reset is active only if the alarm cause has been

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

high outside pressure switch/ dirty burnt out fan pressure switch/ excessive Yes No No No No No compressor HP temperature: t-stat/variex faulty condenser: motor: replace t-stat/variex refrigerant charge: alarms consult or capillary clean miscalibrated: reduce charge supplier locked: rectify it recalibrate No No low outside faulty leak of refrigerant: low condensing Yes No Yes No temperature: fan PV repair leak and compressor LP (temperature) check pressure switch: recharge alarms pressure refri

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 14

11 - Spare parts It is recommended the use of original spare parts. When placing an order refer to Component List" enclo sed with the machine and quote the unit model no. and serial no. English page 12 272014 - 04.02.2000

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15

Avvertenze Si raccomanda:  di conservare il manuale per tutto il periodo di vita della macchina;  di leggere con attenzione il manuale prima di qualsiasi operazione sulla macchina;  di impiegare la macchina esclusivamente per lo scopo per cui e' stata progettata; l'uso improprio dell'unita' eso nera il costruttore da qualsiasi responsabilita'. Il manuale e' rivolto all'utente finale per le sole operazioni eseguibili con pannelli chiusi. Le operazioni che necessitano dell'apertura di porte

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16

1 - Operazioni preliminari 1.1 - Premessa 1.5 - Ispezione Il seguente manuale descrive l'installazione, il funziona Al ricevimento della macchina controllare immediata mento e la manutenzione dei Condizionatori d'aria seriemente il suo stato; contestare subito alla compagnia di Hiline Slim (ved. Fig. 1). trasporto qualsiasi eventuale danno. IMPORTANTE: 1.6 - Trasporto Consultare anche il manuale del controllo a micropro cessore Microface e Hiromatic (se installato).  Tenere sempre l'unita'

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 17

Tab. 2 - Livelli pressione sonora Frequenza di banda d'ottava (Hz) Livello di pressi p one Modello Modello 31.5 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 sonora [dB(A)] Ambiente interno, a 2 m in fronte all'unità, campo 49 56 62 58 55 54 53 53 51 61 libero PKS3 PKS3 Ambiente esterno, a 2 m in fronte all'unità, campo 50 51 49 54 51 51 47 44 37 55 libero Ambiente interno, a 2 m in fronte all'unità, campo 49 56 62 58 55 54 53 53 51 61 libero PKS4 PKS4 Ambiente esterno, a 2 m in fronte all'unità, campo 50

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 18

Tab. 3 - Caratteristiche elettriche standard Ventilatori evaporatore Ventilatori condensatore Compressore Resistenze riscaldamento OA FLA LRA Potenza nom. OA FLA LRA Potenza nom. OA FLA LRA Potenza nom. OA FLA LRA Potenza nom. [W] [W] (*) [W] (*) [W] 1 - - 200 1.5 - - 340 5.9 10 34 1370 - 13 - 3000 PKS3 1 - - 200 1.5 - - 340 7.1 12 36.5 1700 - 13 - 3000 PKS4 (*) Nelle seguenti condizioni (ARI 520-78): Temp. condensazione: 54.4 C Temp. ambiente: 35 C Temp. evaporazione: 7.2 C Temp. sottoraf

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 19

5 - Funzionamento Il funzionamento dell'unità è completamente automati 5.1 - Regolazione della velocità del ventila co. La sequenza che segue spiega (con l'aiuto della Fig. 5 tore del condensatore (obbligatorio per - Schema di funzionamento ) come funziona l'unità (ve temp. esterne -10  / -30 C) dere anche la Fig. 6 - Circuito frigorifero): Un sensore è posizionato in maniera tale da rilevare co 6) Il sensore di temperatura, posizionato all'interno del stantemente la pressione di condensa

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 20

6 - Controlli a microprocessore La macchina è disponibile in quatttro diverse configura ora e si passa al raffreddamento mediante il compressore zioni di funzionamento: frigorifero. 1) unità solo freddo; 6.1.1 - Start-Stop 2) unità freddo e caldo; 3) unità con freecooling, solo freddo; In totale ci sono 3 modi per avviare o arrestare l'unità: 4) unità con freecooling, freddo e caldo. a) l'interruttore sezionatore all'interno del quadro elet trico; Tutte le versioni sono dotate del nuovo contro

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