Instrukcja obsługi Viper AF3250

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Viper AF3250

Urządzenie: Viper AF3250
Kategoria: Dystrybutor wody
Producent: Viper
Rozmiar: 0.81 MB
Data dodania: 1/14/2014
Liczba stron: 6
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Viper AF3250 Instrukcja obsługi - Online PDF
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

(For Models AF3200, AF3250, AF3400, 7500 and most shop
air powered Cooling System Service Units from VIPER and SOLAR)
POWER: The following instructions are designed for units powered by shop air pumps. Units
utilizing 12V pumps do not have enough power to perform flushing or back-flushing services.
VIPER and SOLAR Cooling system Service Centers require incoming air pressure be regulated
to a minimum of 45 psi and a maximum of 125

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

ACCESSORIES: Each model includes a variety of cooling system service accessories, including differing sizes of Heater Hose Tees, Radiator Hose Adapters and Radiator Cap Adapters. Also available is an Overflow Evacuation Hose that enables evacuation of fluid from the overflow container. Heater Hose Tees are designed for permanent installation in a vehicle, such as fleet applications where technicians regularly service the same vehicles. Care must be taken when installing Tees to position them in

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

Cold Car / Reverse Flow Service Method: Step 1 – Vehicle Connection 1. Remove radiator cap from vehicle and attach the proper Radiator Cap Adapter with male Quick Connect Insert installed. 2. Connect the Black Service Hose to the Radiator Cap Adapter, and position the Control Valves as follows: “Pump To” Processing Tank; “Pump From” Vehicle. (Some models may have different valve configurations – refer to the User’s Guide for matching valve positioning.) 3. Start the pump, remove fluid from vehic

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

Cold Car / Reverse Flow Service Method: Step 3a – Solvent Flush (using Cooling System Cleaner) Followed by Coolant Exchange Note: If not using a cooling system cleaner, skip to the next section. This optional procedure is recommended for long-life cooling systems that show signs of sludge accumulation. A chemical cleaner will provide maximum cleaning action and restore cooling system performance. VIPER Cooling System Cleaner, Part No. 5090, is recommended for a powerful cleaning action and will

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

Cold Car / Reverse Flow Service Method: Step 3b – Standard Coolant Exchange 1. Fill the New Coolant Tank with the correct amount of the proper type of coolant. It is recommended that the New Coolant Tank be filled with at least the rated capacity of the vehicle’s cooling system (plus the prime level) and the best practice is to fill 10-20% more new coolant than the vehicle’s rated capacity. Never run the onboard coolant storage tanks dry. 2. Place the Control Valves in the following positions

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

COOLANT SERVICE TIPS (Designed for VIPER AF3250, AF3400 and SOLAR 7500 – Good suggestions for all units) 1. The fluid required for “Primer Level” is 1 gallon. 2. During normal operation, the rate of fluid flow through a cooling system is approximately 3 – 4 quarts per minute. 3. The internal pump on the shop air powered coolant machines can pull up to 20 inches of vacuum or provide up to 40 psi of pressure. Care must be taken in both cases to avoid damaging cooling system components such as r

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