Instrukcja obsługi Pelican International PRO-RO

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Pelican International PRO-RO

Urządzenie: Pelican International PRO-RO
Kategoria: Dystrybutor wody
Producent: Pelican International
Rozmiar: 0.44 MB
Data dodania: 7/2/2013
Liczba stron: 13
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Pelican International PRO-RO Instrukcja obsługi - Online PDF
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

6-Stage Reverse Osmosis System
S Sy ys st tem t em te es st te ed and cer d and cer ti ti fifi ed by NSF In ed by NSF Int te erna rna ti ti onal onal
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Pelican Water Systems
Rev: 03/13

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

Please fi ll out the following informa ti on at the ti me of installa ti on. Save for future reference. Pelican PRO-RO Model: Date Code: Install Date: Sold by: Installed By: Service Center Phone Number: .

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

Introduc ti on to the PRO-RO Congratula ti ons on your purchase of the PRO-RO six stage reverse osmosis system. The PRO-RO features a four-stage prefi lter, membrane and pos tf ilter housed in a single cartridge. The fi nal two stages consist of a granular ac ti vated carbon polishing fi lter and a calcite remineralizing fi lter. When properly maintained, this system will provide you with years of trouble-free service. The next sec ti ons contain important informa ti on on the proper care and

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

Limited Warranty This Limited Warranty extends to the original purchaser of the system only. This warranty covers all Manufacturer-supplied items only that prove to be defec ti ve in material, workmanship or factory prepara ti on. This warranty covers parts only; all labor is excluded from this war- ranty, including, but not limited to, services related to the removal, replacement, installa ti on, adjustment, maintenance and/or repair of the unit or its components items. excludes all non-Manuf

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

Performance Data Sheet System Performance This system has been tested according to NSF/ANSI 58 for reduc ti on of the substances listed below. The concentra ti on of the indicated substances in water leaving the system was reduced to a concentra ti on less than or equal to the permissible limit for water leaving the system, as specifi ed in NSF/ANSI 58. Do not use with water that is microbiologically unsafe or of unknown quality without adequate disinfec ti on before or a ft er the system.

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

Arsenic Fact Sheet Arsenic (AS) is a natually occuring contaminant found in many ground waters. Arsenic in water has no color, taste or odor. It must be measured by a lab test. Public water uti li ti es must have their water tested for arsenic. You can get the results from your water u ti lity. If you have your own well, you can have the water tested. The local health department or the state environmental health agency can provide a list of cer ti fi ed labs. The cost is typically $15 t

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

Pelican PRO-RO TF50 (4 stage cartridge) 104863 Calcite/GAC (2 stage cartridge 104851 Pelican Water Systems 877-842-1635, 7

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

System Specifi ca ti ons Dimensions and Weight A. Product water storage tank B. Tank valve C. Tank tubing (3/8” white) D D. Air-gap faucet E. Drain connec ti on assembly G F. Drain tubing (3/8” white) E G. Quick connect fi tti ng I F H. Drain tubing (1/4” black) I. Faucet tubing (3/8” blue) M L J. Four-stage desalinator K. Feed water tubing (1/4” green) L. Inlet fi tti ng with shut-o ff H M. Two-stage remineralizing post-fi lter K B System 9.72” W x 13.75” D x 15.38” H C (not shown) ( 24.7 x 34

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

Push Handle Airgap Faucet 1. Drill a 1 1/4" hole for installa ti on of the air-gap faucet on your countertop. If you already have a hole large enough, please see step 2. 2. Place the RO unit underneath the sink in the area you plan on Installa ti on Videos having it for the fi nal installa ti on. pelicanwatertech 3. Pull the black, blue, and white tubing up through the faucet hole from underneath the sink. 4. Insert polished faucet base and rubber seal onto base of fauce

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10

Feed and Drain Connec ti on Feed Connec ti on 1. Locate and turn o ff the angle stop valve on the cold water line feeding the sink. This valve will usually be located under the sink on the pipe coming out of the wall. 2. When the angle stop valve is closed, relieve pressure in the line by opening the cold water tap on the sink. Installa ti on Videos 3. Disconnect the cold water faucet feed line at the angle stop valve. pelicanwatertech 4. Install the feed adapter into

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

System Ac ti va ti on and Flushing System Ac ti va ti on and Inspec ti on 1. Check all tubing connec ti ons to ensure they are fi rmly seated. CHECK TO SEE THAT THE CARTRIDGE RETAINER CLIP IS PROPERLY ENGAGED AND LOCKED. Failure to keep the retaining clip in place will result in accidental leaks and fl ooding. 2. Open the dispensing faucet at the sink. Close the tank shut-o ff valve. Make sure the feed valve for the incoming water is open. Open the small feed shut-o ff valve on the green

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

Installa ti on Checklist 1. System is located where it will not be subject to physical impacts or rough contact by heavy objects. 2. Feed water pressure to the unit is no less than 40 psi and no greater than 80 PSI. 3. Ensure the plas ti c retainer clip that holds the desalinator cartridge in place is fully engaged and locked in place. The slide locks must snap into place in the slots. If the clip does not snap easily into place through the slots it means the cartridge is not fully inserted

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

Maintenance Cartridge Replacement 1. Close the feed water shut-o ff valve. 2. Close the tank shut-o ff valve. 3. Open the dispensing faucet to relieve system pressure. Close dispensing faucet when fl ow has stopped. 4. Remove the cover from the front of the system. Remove the retaining clip. Pull the cartridge o ff the system evenly at top and bo tt om. Dispose of used cartridge. 6. Install the new cartridge, rocking gently from side to side as necessary un ti l the cartridge tubes are pro

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