Instrukcja obsługi Katadyn SURVIVOR 06 8013418

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Katadyn SURVIVOR 06 8013418

Urządzenie: Katadyn SURVIVOR 06 8013418
Kategoria: Dystrybutor wody
Producent: Katadyn
Rozmiar: 0.08 MB
Data dodania: 2/22/2013
Liczba stron: 6
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

Survivor 06
(Model #8013418/#8013419)

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

English Thank you for purchasing the Katadyn Survivor06 desalinator. It was designed and built to rigorous specifications by Katadyn Products Inc., to provide fresh water in emergency situ ations. Please before operating the Survivor, take the short time needed to read this Manual. This small investment of time will help assure many years of troublefree operation. Be sure to fill in the enclosed warranty card and return it to us as soon as possible. This is required to fulfill the terms of yo

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

GB Product Specifications The Survivor06 is the smallest handoperated watermaker worldwide, able to produce over 6 gal lons (~21 liters) of potable water per day from seawater. A semipermeable membrane inside the unit acts as a molecular filter. When seawater is pressur ized to 800 psi (~55 bar) by pumping the handle and forced against the membrane, only the water molecules can pass through: salt molecules are unable to pass, and flow out of the system. Technology: Reverse Osmosis Salt rejec

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

Operating Instructions 1. Pull the black intake strainer (and attached double hose) from its storage space inside the handle. Lower the strainer into the seawater, making sure it will be fully submerged to keep air from getting into the hose. 2. For now, position the (smaller) freshwater hose so water coming from it will also drain over board. 3. Place one hand under the end cap and the other over the end of the handle as shown in Figure 11. 4. Look for the cleanest water source possible. The

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

GB Key Components (Figure 12) 1. Product Hose (8013208) 12. Clamps (8013246/8013203) 13. Two different Orings 2. Cap membrane housing (8013198) (8013243/8013244) 3. End plug membrane housing and one seal (8013011) (8013161) 14. Pump Body Cover (8013160) 4. Oring (8013190) 15. Screw, handle (qty. 4, 8013019) 5. Oring (qty: 4, 8013239) 16. Left handle (8013164) 6. Membrane module (8013165) 17. Right handle (8013163) 7. Oring, brine seal already installed 18. Screw, cover (qty: 4, 8013200) 8

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

Storage (7 days or longer) The Survivor06 is shipped from the factory with a biocide solution inside, to prevent the growth of bacteria. After the unit has been operated and before it is stored again, it should be flushed with biocide as outlined below. IMPORTANT: Never let the membrane dry out. Be sure to follow these storage instructions. 1. Turn the unit upside down, with the intake strainer out of the water. 2. Fill a suitable container with about a quart (approximate 1 liter) of clean wate

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