Instrukcja obsługi Eclipse - Fujitsu Ten 54420

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Eclipse - Fujitsu Ten 54420

Urządzenie: Eclipse - Fujitsu Ten 54420
Kategoria: Car Audio
Producent: Eclipse - Fujitsu Ten
Rozmiar: 1.45 MB
Data dodania: 1/29/2014
Liczba stron: 76
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Eclipse - Fujitsu Ten 54420 Instrukcja obsługi - Online PDF
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

MODEL 54420
ESN E3 High-Power CD Receiver with
CDC/E-COM/DSP Control and Wireless Remote
We appreciate your purchase of this receiver.
Please read through this manual for correct operation.
We suggest that after reading it you keep this manual
in a safe place for future reference.

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

For your safety in using the 54420 Warnings and caution signs, illustrated below, are posted throughout this manual as well as on the 54420. They show safe and correct ways to handle the product so as to prevent personal injury to you and others and avoid damage to property. Before reading through the manual, take time to read through and learn the important information listed in this section. This sign indicates a situation in which incorrect handling through disregard of a sign Warning might

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

Warning Do not place the vinyl storage bag over a person. It may • cause a serious accident or death by suffocation. Do not adjust the controls while driving the car. To adjust the • controls, stop the car in a safe location. To prevent accidents, store batteries for the remote control • out of the reach of small children.In case a child swallows a battery, consult a physician immediately. Do not disassemble or rebuild this product. Doing so may • cause an accident, fire or electrical shock. Whe

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

Caution Do not stick your fingers or hands into the disc slot. Doing so • may cause personal injury. This product must be operated only as on-board equipment, • or it may cause electrical shock or injury. Do not play distorted sounds for long periods of time; • the speakers may overheat and cause a fire. This product uses an invisible laser light. In case a problem • develops, be sure to consult the dealer from whom you purchased the product. Do not disassemble or rebuild the unit; rebuilding i

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

Table of Contents Operating Precautions ................................................ 8 Notes on Operation........................................................................ 8 About compact discs .................................................................... 9 About cleaning a CD ................................................................... 11 Names of controls and parts .................................... 12 ESN (Key CD) Security Operating Procedure .......... 13 How to pro

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

How to operate the tuner .......................................... 31 Tuning to a station ....................................................................... 31 Entering stations into memory automatically (The automatic preset mode: ASM) ............................................. 32 Manually setting stations into memory ......................................... 33 Preset station scan ...................................................................... 34 Switching the display .........

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

If you have a question: .............................................. 60 Displaying information (for troubleshooting) .................................. 61 Specifications ............................................................ 64 Before installation .......................................................66 Components ............................................................................... 66 Setting the system-selector switch .............................................. 66 Mountin

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

Operating precautions Operating Precautions Notes on Operation • For your safety, play only at volume levels that allow outside sounds to be heard. • Use only audio compact discs. This player can only play compact discs bearing the logo shown to the left. • Do not insert anything other than a CD into the disc slot. Do not insert any foreign objects, such as coins or credit cards, into the disc slot. Be

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

Operating precautions About compact discs • The signal recorded on a compact disc is read by a laser beam, so nothing touches the disc surface. A scratch on the recorded surface or a badly warped disc may cause deteriorated sound quality or intermittent playback. Observe the following precautions to ensure high quality sound performance: • Do not leave an ejected disc in the disc slot for very long; the disc may warp. Discs should be stored in their cases and kept away from high temperature and

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10

NO GOOD Operating precautions About brand new CDs About CD accessories • You may notice that some brand • Do not use accessories new discs are rough around the (stabilizers, protective seals, laser center hole or outside edge. lens cleaners, etc.) sold for Remove the rough edges with “improving sound performance” the side of a ballpoint pen, etc. or “protecting CDs.” The Rough edges may prevent changes in CD thickness or proper loading in the deck. outside dimensions made by Flakes from the roug

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

XXXX XXXX Operating precautions About irregularly-shaped CDs • Specially-shaped CDs, like heart- shaped or octagonal CDs, cannot be played. Do not attempt to play them, even with an adapter, since they may damage the player. About cleaning a CD • Use a commercially available compact disc cleaner to clean a CD, wiping lightly from the center to the edge. • Do not use benzine, thinner, LP record spray or other cleaners on CDs. They may damage a CD’s finish. XXXX 11

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

Names of controls and parts Names of controls and parts Front View [ASM] button [ EJECT ] button [DISP] button [E-COM] button [PWR] button [CD] button Buttons [1] to [6] [ ] buttons [FUNC] button DISC [ ] buttons [FM AM] button [AUDIO CONTROL] button NOTE Double function button "E-COM"&"MUTE" functions 12 12 12

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

ESN (Key CD) security operating procedure [PWR] button [FM AM] button Button [1] ESN (Key CD) security operating procedure How to program the Key CD 1 . Turn the vehicle’s ignition on. Press the [PWR] button or [FM AM] button to activate the tuner mode. The tuner is now turned on. 2 . Press and hold button [1], then the [FM AM] button, and hold both for more than one second. A [SEC] message appears, then in two seconds it will change to [DISC]. The 54420 is now ready to accept your Key CD

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 14

ESN (Key CD) security operating procedure [PWR] button [FM AM] button Button [1] • If there is a problem with the inserted CD, an [ERR] message will appear for two seconds and the CD will be ejected. Reinsert the ejected CD. • If a CD causes the [ERR] message to appear twice in a row, a [CHANGE] message will appear for two seconds. Try another CD. • The Security indicator will flash whenever the vehicle’s ignition is switched off. How to cancel the Key CD 1 . Turn the vehicle’s ignition on. Pr

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15

ESN (Key CD) security operating procedure • This process cancels the protection for the ESN deck. • If power to the 54420 is disconnected, then reconnected, a key CD will not need to be inserted in order to return the unit to normal operation. • Inserting a CD other than the Key CD will not cancel the protection. Instead, the display will show [ERR] for two seconds, then the normal CD playback mode will activate. How to change the Key CD 1 . First, cancel the existing Key CD. Refer to “How to

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16

ESN (Key CD) security operating procedure How to resume normal operation (ESN security lock out) If power to the 54420 is disconnected while ESN security is active (a Key CD was programmed), operation is disabled until power is restored and the unit unlocked. Follow this procedure to resume normal operation. 1 . When the power is turned on after disconnecting the battery power, a [SEC] message will appear for two seconds. Thereafter, the message changes to [DISC] and the 54420 is ready to acce

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 17

ESN (Key CD) security operating procedure What happens if an incorrect CD is inserted? 1 . An [ERR_] message will be appear, then change to a flashing [DISC], then the CD will be ejected. You will have five uninterrupted attempts to insert the correct CD. th 2 . After the 5 incorrect attempt, the display reads [CALL800] and the security indicator lights steadily. • Number of errors: Numbers indicated at _ show the number of errors that occurred. Note If after 5 tries the correct Key CD is not

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 18

ESN (key CD) security operating procedure [DISP] button [PWR] button Button [4] [FM AM] button How to turn the Security indicator on/off Once ESN security is activated, the indicator flashes whenever the vehicle’s ignition is turned off, warning potential thieves that the unit is protected. However, if you do not want this visible deterrent, it may be turned off. 1 . With the tuner mode ON, press the [DISP] button, then [FM AM] button and hold both for more than a second. 2 . [INDICATOR flash

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 19

Basic operation [CD] button [PWR] button [FM AM] button Buttons [1] to [6] [ ] buttons Basic operation This section covers basic operating procedures.For additional details, please refer to the sections on specific functions. Turning the power on and off 1 . Press the [PWR] button. Pressing the button turns the power on and off. Less than two seconds Stand by More than two seconds Off • If a car is not eguipped with an ACC position (for example, a European car), keep the [PWR] button depessed

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 20

Basic operation Listening to the tuner 1 . Press the [FM AM] button. This will turn the tuner on. To turn the tuner off, either press the [PWR] button or select another mode. 2 . Tap the [FM AM] button to switch to the desired FM or AM bands. Each additional tap of the button switches the preset station sets from FM1 to FM2, FM3, then AM in sequence. 3 . Press the [ ] button to tune to a station. A tap on either the [ ] or [ ] button for less than one button second will enable manual station

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