Instrukcja obsługi VidaBox LUX

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia VidaBox LUX

Urządzenie: VidaBox LUX
Kategoria: Car Audio
Producent: VidaBox
Rozmiar: 1.15 MB
Data dodania: 10/22/2013
Liczba stron: 28
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User’s Guide

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VIDABOX™ Comprehensive User’s Guide © VidaBox LLC Support:

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Table of Contents Introduction i Chapter 3 ADVANC E D FEAT URES Advanced Features – How Do I… 14 CHAPTE R 1 OVERVIE W See a Slideshow with Music? 14 How to Best Use This Guide 1 Edit/Touch-up My Digital Photos? 14 Media Center Remotes 2 Create a Music Playlist (Queue)? 15 Edit/Save a Music Playlist(Queue)? 15 CHAPTE R 2 Load a Music Playlist (Queue)? 16 BASIC F E ATURE S Play All of My Music? 16 Basic Features – How Do I… 3 Shuffle/Play Randomly My Music? 16 Watch a DVD disc?

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I N TRODUCTI ON Introduction ongratulations on your purchase of the VidaBox™! At this point, the VidaBox™ should have already been installed, connected to your television, and ready to go! C To get the most out of the VidaBox™, please take some time to read this Comprehensive User’s Guide thoroughly. If your unit was professionally installed, the technician should have went over the basic functions of the VidaBox™ with you. Nevertheless, keep this book as a reference guide – there

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I N TRODUCTI ON How to Best Use This Guide y design, the VidaBox™ was engineered to be intuitive and easy-to-use. Every task – from playing a DVD to watching videos or from viewing photos to listening to music – can be accessed from the Media Center Menu. You can B get to it at any time by pressing the green Media/Start Button in the middle of your remote, as shown. Follow this guide to learn all the capabilities of the VidaBox™ or start navigating through the menu and explore its

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I N TRODUCTI ON Media Center Remotes It is very important to familiarize yourself with the VidaBox™ remote. Below are diagrams of the standard and optional remotes. Pay particular attention to the layout of the main key buttons. You can control virtually all of the VidaBox™ system’s functions with these keys. Power Button Power Buttons Get Help Playback Controls: Stop, play, pause, record, rewind, fast-forward, and more for video or music playback. Adaptive Menu: Control advanced

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BASIC FE ATURES Basic Features – How Do I… This section will cover the most common features one would use on the VidaBox™. You can discover these features directly from the Media Center Start Menu, which can be accessed by pressing the Start Button, as shown adjacent. Remember the Start Button! Watch a DVD disc? 1. Press the Load/Eject button, and the DVD tray will open. Take You can navigate to all of the features here from out the DVD if there is one present. the Media

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BASIC FE ATURES Add a DVD to My Movies Catalog? 1. Press the Load/Eject button, and the DVD tray will open. Take out the DVD/CD if there is one present. 2. Place a DVD on the tray, and press the Load/Eject button again to close the tray. 3. Go to My Movies, and select that option, as shown on the left. 4. Select the Settings option under the My Movies menu (see left). My Movies Option 5. Select Manage Collection. Options for adding DVD movies will appear. Do you want to copy

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BASIC FE ATURES Play a HD Movie (Blu-ray/HD DVD)? 1. Insert your HD movie into the disc tray. Then, from the media center start menu, select Play DVD (shown left), and hit OK on the remote. 2. The Media Center Console will close, and launch the appropriate software for Blu- Play DVD Option ray and HD DVD movie playback. Use the video controls buttons to stop, pause, on Start Menu rewind, and fast forward the HD movie, just like any DVD. See Online Spotlights? 3. From the

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BASIC FE ATURES See (or Import) My Pictures? Are the pictures loaded on the VidaBox™? 1. Yes – the photos are already loaded on your VidaBox™: a. From the main menu, select My Pictures, and hit OK on the remote. b. Use the arrow keys to highlight which photo album/set you want to see or select Play Slideshow to see all of your photos as a slideshow, then hit OK. My Pictures Option on Start Menu c. Use the arrow keys again to go to the next or prev

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

BASIC FE ATURES Watch Live TV? There are three ways to watch Live TV. Live TV 1. From the Media Center Start Menu, highlight TV + Movies, and then highlight remote button Live TV by using the right arrow key, then hit OK. Guide option under My TV 2. Using your remote, simply press the Live TV button. 3. Afterwards, use the Channel + or – buttons, or enter the channel number with Programming Guide the numeric pad to change channels. Remote Button Access t

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BASIC FE ATURES Record a TV Show Currently On? There are two methods of recording a TV show that is currently on air. When Watching Live TV 1. While watching Live TV, simply hit the Record button on the remote control. 2. A notification will appear with a red circle, as shown below, that the show is being recorded. Using the Guide & Record button 1. Activate the programming Guide, as described in the previous section. 2. Using the arrow keys, highl

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BASIC FE ATURES Record a TV Show Airing Later? There are two main methods of recording a TV show that will air at a future time. Using the Guide & Record button Use the same steps, as described in the last section. Using the Guide & OK button 1. Activate the Guide, as described in a previous section. 2. Using the arrow keys, highlight the Step 2: Highlight the show you want to record and hit OK. show that you want to record, as shown below.

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BASIC FE ATURES Watch a Recorded TV Show? There are three ways to access the recorded TV screen. 1. From the Media Center Start Menu, select TV+ Movies, with the Recorded TV option highlighted, hit OK. 2. Using your remote, simply press the Recorded TV button, as shown on the left. Recorded TV Option Recorded TV Remote Button Afterwards, use the arrow keys to highlight the recorded TV show you want to watch & hit OK. Listen to My M

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BASIC FE ATURES Listen to a new Music CD? Play Music Prompt 1. Press the Load/Eject button, and place the new CD inside the tray. MAGNUM Owners: You need to tilt the touchscreen to access the disc tray. 2. Close the tray by pressing the Load/Eject button or by pushing the tray in. 3. The CD should play automatically, or if other sounds are playing, a Play Music prompt, as shown on the left, will appear. Highlight Play Music and click OK! 4. If it does not play immediately, h

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BASIC FE ATURES Listen to the Radio? 1. Highlight Music, then using the right arrow key, highlight Radio and hit OK on the remote. Select FM Radio from the list of sources. 2. You can then tune into a radio station using one of the following methods: Radio Option a. Enter in a station’s frequency number using the number keys on the remote. b. Use the Seek and Tune functions to scan for stations. c. If you have preset stations, highlight the arrow keys under

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 17

BASIC FE ATURES Play My Videos? 1. Select Pictures + Videos, then highlight Video Library. Hit OK on the remote. 2. Using the arrow keys, navigate through the folders and select which video you want to play, then hit OK. My Videos Option Sing Karaoke Songs? Note: You must have purchased the optional built-in/preinstalled karaoke when you first ordered the VidaBox. Otherwise, you can sing karaoke with conventional CD+G discs. 1. First, find the song that you want to

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 18

ADVANCE D FEATURES Advanced Features – How Do I… This section will cover the rest of the features available on the VidaBox™. Unlike the basic features, these features may not be readily apparent when you first use the VidaBox™. The Start Button – Please take some time to review this section to get the most out of your VidaBox™! Microsoft Remote Same as before, all of these features can be accessed starting from the Media Center Menu by pressing the Start Button, as shown on t

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 19

ADVANCE D FEATURES Create a Music Playlist (Queue)? 1. From the Media Center Start Menu, go to My Music. 2. Select an album or song that you want to add to the playlist & click OK. 3. Highlight Add to Queue, as shown on the left, and click OK. Highlighting 4. A pop-up notification ( + icon ) will appear, as shown on the left, confirming that Add to Queue the album or song was added. 5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 to add other songs and albums. Edit/Save a Music Playlist(Queue)?

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ADVANCE D FEATURES Load a Music Playlist? 1. Starting from Music, highlight and select Music Library. Press up to highlight the search parameter, and hit the right key on the remote until Playlists is selected, as shown below. Music Library option 2. Next, highlight the Playlist you want to load, and hit OK. 3. The Playlist is now loaded! Hint: You can play all of your music by selecting the auto playlist All Music! Play All of My Music

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