Instrukcja obsługi VDO Dayton CD1537x

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia VDO Dayton CD1537x

Urządzenie: VDO Dayton CD1537x
Kategoria: Car Audio
Producent: VDO Dayton
Rozmiar: 2.23 MB
Data dodania: 10/22/2013
Liczba stron: 166
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VDO Dayton CD1537x Instrukcja obsługi - Online PDF
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 DISP

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2


Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

A B C AUX Ant. Rout Lin Rin Lout D E 1 16 2 1 3 2 15 14 4 13 3 5 6 12 7 4 11 8 10 5 9 3 F 15A

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

F G 3 1 2 188mm 58mm 4 H 1 I 4 2 1 3 4

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

J K A 3 2 1 B L M 5

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6


Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

MOUNTING ............................................. 13 INTRODUCTION Metal Sleeve (fig. F and G ) .................... 13 Before Starting Connecting the Radio (fig. C)................ 13 Mounting the Radio (fig. G and H) ......... 13 Thank you for purchasing this VDO Dayton Removing the Radio (using the two product which has been designed and manu- factured according to applicable Safety Regula- removal keys supplied) (fig. J) .............. 13 tions, following the highest standards and sub- R

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

Do not damage cables of the safety systems BLUETOOTH® CAR UNIT ....................... 19 (airbag etc.). (Lines are normally specially General .................................................. 19 marked, e.g. by labels.) Controls (fig. D) ..................................... 19 Do not use inspection lamps to test the volt- Pairing your cell phone and Bluetooth® age, since excessively high currents can dam- remote box ............................................. 20 age / destroy electronic c

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

CD-ROM (in accordance with Yellow Book) Files are compatible with the ID3 Tag Ver. 1.0, CD-ROM XA (mode 2, form 1, in accordance 1.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 formats for display of with Green Book) album (disc title), track (track title), artist (track CD-R/RW (in accordance with Orange Book, artist) and comments. Ver. 2.x of ID3 Tag is part 2/3) given priority when both Ver. 1.x and Ver. 2.x CD Text with CD Audio (in accordance with exist. Red Book) Notes on WMA files CD Mixed Mode (in accordanc

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10

When playing discs with MP3/WMA/OGG files Notes on OGG files and audio data (CD-DA) such as CD-EXTRA The following OGG files are supported by the and MIXED-MODE CDs, both CD player: types can be played only by switching mode Files conform with Vorbis I specifications. between MP3/WMA/OGG and CD-DA. Up to 99 titles in up to 99 directories (each The folder selection sequence for playback data name with 32 characters maximum). and other operations becomes the writing Bit rate: Maximum of 192 k

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

Important Notes Never use force or grip the display and the This unit assigns folder numbers. The user buttons too tightly when removing or attach- cannot assign folder numbers. ing. It is not possible to check folders that do not Avoid subjecting the front panel to excessive include MP3/WMA/OGG files. (These folders shocks. will be skipped without displaying the folder Keep the front panel out of direct sunlight and number.) high temperatures. MP3/WMA/OGG files in up to 8 tiers of folders

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

Cleaning the unit Connection in vehicles equipped Do not clean using cleaning fluid, alcohol or with standard ISO connectors other solvents. Use only a damp cloth. The radio may be installed without major prepa- CD-R/CD-RW discs ration in vehicles equipped with ISO connec- tors. Some signals may have to be adapted or When CD-R/CD-RW discs are used, playback connected to the ISO connectors. is possible only for discs which have been finalized. Connection in vehicles without It may not be possib

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

1 Connector B ) Mounting the Radio (fig. G and H) Loudspeakers (use 4 ohm loudspeakers only) This radio can be properly installed either from Do not connect any of the loudspeaker leads to conventional Front Mounting and/or from Rear earth or directly to a booster/amplifier without Mounting. high level input or via an external fader! You Front Mounting can connect the loudspeaker leads directly to Slide the radio into the metal sleeve until the an amplifier with high level input: springs at eit

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 14

8. DISP 5. Toggle the display modes FRONT PANEL AND REMOTE CONTROL 9. VOL/SEL 15. Turn: increase/decrease See fig. A and E. volume Short press: select sound Front Panel Remote Control controls (VOLume, Function(s) BALance, FADer) Long press: select special 1. 1. Switch On / Off the set functions (Start IN, VOLume, Time ADJust, 2. PTY 10. Select stations by program TA VOLume, EON, DSP None/Classic/Rock/ type Pop/Flat) 3. BAND/ENT 3. Change FM/AM band/ 10. USB Port Port for inserting USB Enter

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15

7. Short press: select Mono/ Selecting a Source Stereo Your car radio is designed for different types Long press: select Local/ of sources. Distant Reception RADIO CD 11. Toggle sound equalization USB SD/MMC 14. Increase/decrease AUX volume Press the MODE button to select the source. Sound Controls SECURITY Volume Removing the Front (fig. A and I) Please make sure you can still hear the traffic 1. Press the REL key, to flip-down the front. (horns, sirens..….) 2. Pull the front towards you.

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16

Equalizer Auto Store Press the EQ button on the remote control to Long press the SCH/ A /PS button, the radio will select one of the programmed equalizer set- search for the six strongest stations and store tings. them automatically under the preset memory None (NONE) buttons 1 through 6. Classic (CLAS) Scan (Remote Control only) Rock (ROCK) This function allows you to scan the stations or Pop (POP) the presets of the current band. Flat (FLAT) Short Press the SCAN button and the radio will

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 17

1. Short press this button to display the PTY Display of Station Name (PS) information, the display is flashing. The radio displays the name of the station in- 2. Press either the or button to search stead of its frequency. for PTY stations. Automatic frequency (AF) 3. Long press the PTY button to display the pro- gramme type. Turn the VOL knob to select The set remains tuned to the current station by the programme required. continually searching for the best possible al- 4. Press the PTY butt

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 18

Skipping Track or Files Playing a CD-R or CD-RW 1. Long press the –10 button to skip backward Depending on the type of CD-R/CD-RW CD, 10 tracks or files. surface condition of the disc, as well as the 2. Long press the +10 button to skip forward 10 performance and condition of the CD writer, tracks or files. certain CD-R/CD-RW CD may not operate nor- mally on this unit. Select a Track or File Playing a “copy protected” non- 1. Long press the SCH A/PS button. 2. Use the VOL knob (radio) or buttons

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 19

Important Notes on SD/MMC/USB Intro Feature The unit can read up to 2 Gb. 1. Long press the INT button to scan the files. Each file will be played for 10 seconds. Smart Card or Multimedia Card 2. To stop scanning, press the button again and Insert the flash memory card into the SD/MMC the current file will be played. slot on the front of the set. Skipping Files Notes: This unit may not play all SD cards with lock 1. Long press the –10 button to skip backward function. 10 files. Some SD/MMC de

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 20

Note: Pairing your cell phone and ® ® The Bluetooth compatibility depends on the Bluetooth remote box ® solution integrated into the Bluetooth car unit ® 1. Press the VOL+ on the Bluetooth remote box. and the cell phone to be paired with. The The LED on the remote box will start flashing firmware of the cell phone may vary from re- fast, the pairing mode is activated. gion to region and manufacturer to manufac- Refer to cell phone’s user manual to learn turer. who to put your cell phone into pa

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